Tuesday 8 August 2017


The role of the Church is to pray and strengthen the body of Christ but above all to remain in unity. As Apostle Paul reminds us in 1Corinthians 12: 12, “The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts…” when Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso received a message for the Nation of Kenya on 8th January 2017, he put faith in action and travelled to Kenya Nairobi and delivered the message from the Lord.
The Church in Kenya received the message in faith and hence the fruits from the prophetic mission to Kenya were witnessed today at True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations.

The ministry was graced to host Servants of God from the Nation of Kenya who came equipped with the word of God.  Apostle Lombu Kyalo Peter from Worship Centre Ministries- Mlolongo and Reverend Mutunga Jeremiah who affirmed to the believers that there is only one Gospel and it is the Gospel of Grace that is rooted in the word of God. Believers were reminded that grace is ready food for all who believe in Christ Jesus and our futures are secure as they already written in the Bible.
In the same spirit of brotherhood as children of God’s big family Seer Abraham Richard Bisaso then took his place at the pulpit and led the congregation to the point of meditation “Love beyond boarders.” With reference from the book of 1Corinthians 13.1-3, “If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have no love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal…

Prophet Abraham Richard assured the believers that faith and love walk hand in hand; if you love God, you must be able to give without putting demands just like Christ gave His life for our redemption.  Citing the example of Father Abraham who paid for the freedom of his slave expecting nothing from the slave it was a clear sign that he possessed the love of God. Believers today we should borrow a leaf from Father Abraham because he did exactly what God would have done; as a believer it is your duty to share what you have with the world and Christ will reward you according to His will.

The Servant of God noted that the best prayer a believer can make is to be filled with a spirit of love as Apostle Paul says in 1Corinthians 13:13, “The three shall remain faith hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” Prophet Abraham Richard reminded the believers that what builds love is the fear for God giving an analogy of a family; when you fear your father you cannot seat in his chair and you will atomically respect your uncles and aunties. 
Bringing this to our daily lives when you have fear within your heart, you will respect everyone you meet regardless of their condition. The Servant of God cautioned the believers to drop the mentality of self-praise when giving either to people or to God because that will be the only reward you get; Love is God and if you do not give with Him then you are giving with yourself. Where God is not involved in man’s worship, then Satan is involved.

Summing up the eye opening message Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso strongly emphasized that Love beyond boarders is God- giving, comforting, and standing with the weak through you as an individual.

James 2:14-17 says, “….suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one says to him , ‘Go I wish you well; keep warm and well fed but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it?...”  Inspired by the Holy Spirit the Servant of God and the partners of the charity program implemented the wonderful teaching of love with the congregation.

They shared food with those who were in need and by the grace of God; they brought joy in the lives of many of the believers through love.  As prophet noted in the teaching that love is Jesus Christ if you are not giving with Him then you are not giving; from the smiles on the people who received food it was evident that they had been given by Christ Jesus using Abraham Richard as a vessel to spread love. 


Kenya whatever happened last time is not going to happen again. Let me talk about the elections but in a parable; if your country is Uganda and you are the leader, your name would be something related to your country-Kaganda something like that….

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