Monday 29 January 2018


Like his master Christ Jesus, Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso yet again modestly took his position at the altar and said, “My only job is to serve God’s will and His people because a servant is meant to do what others cannot do. Behold here I am; a mere servant at your service.” Humbly and guided by Holy Spirit, he ushered the believers into the message of the day titled, “God can use anything to speak a man of faith” with reference from the book of 2Kings 4:24-38, “…Elisha said to Gehazi,” Tuck your cloak into your belt, take my staff in your hand and run. If you meet anyone, do not greet him, and if and if anyone greets you, do not answer. Lay my staff on the boy’s face...” (NIV)
Molding flesh onto the insightful message, the Seer analyzed the scenario of Prophet Elisha, his staff, Gehazi his servant and the dead boy as a class room that God used to teach His children that He can use anything to speak to a man of faith. He explained that the prophet, his staff and the servant Gehazi were all faith materials God used to bring back Shunammite’s dead son to life meaning that to a man of faith God can use anything to deliver him; it can be a body, an object, a word or even a Bible. The situations we are crying about are only big before us but not to God, someone has been in that situation before and God delivered them from it through faith materials. Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso emphasised that the same God of the ancient times is still the same today; He still speak, He still heals.

Today though, the story seems different, Christians have failed to pay ear to the Lord, we are so busy in pursuit of possessions and also much accustomed to religious ways to notice Him speaking to us through nature. If God used a donkey to speak to Balaam, (Numbers 22:30) who said that He cannot use it again today to speak to a man of faith? It is not cult to meditate about God through nature because from the beginning God has always used nature to speak to man, what causes the difference is our faith level. Citing the example of our everyday life, the prophet paused a question, who among you eats food that does not come from the soil? “Understanding brings deliverance,” the prophet asserted. Naaman is a clear example for he received his healing through bathing in the waters of the Jordan River, in the same way, if we believe in the God who healed Naaman we ought to value and honour the Heavenly water because through this medium many like Naaman have received their deliverances.

The prophet re-echoed that a man with a pure heart will always hear God speak to him through anything around him and such a man’s every prayer will be answered because he will see Christ in whatever that is around him. However, the fact that our hearts are wounded with pain and fear has failed us to receive from God; we pray out of fear but not in faith. 
Summing up the eye opening message, the prophet advised the believers that,  “Believe in Christ and believe that He can speak to you anytime through any medium; He Himself became the faith material that died on the cross to take our sins away and to bring us back to our heavenly Father.”

Prayer -Son of David, Christ Jesus purify my heart and make me a proper faith material.



“I saw the hand if the Lord moving and touching the education sector. There is going to be improvement because the Lord is fighting for the poor, those without a voice to shout. He has come to talk for them- School fees issue the Lord is in it. Many people cannot afford the rising school fees of schools today as well as the curriculum are not supporting to the development of society, individuals and the country at large. There’s going to be amendments in the education sector of Uganda. You and I need to keep interceding for this revelation because the Lord is willing.”

The prophet led the house into prayer: Come Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus’ name. Amen



Standing boldly, Mr. Mulinda Davis testified for the transforming power of God upon the Heavenly water. He narrated that the God of Abraham Richard Bisaso is so awesome and faithful because He does not forsake those who love Him. Mr. Mulinda explained that he owns self contained rentals at their family residence along Salaama- Munyonyo road in Kampala. Though these houses are visibly in a good state and quite accessible from the main road he had failed to get tenants for over two months. It was not only his houses that were lacking tenants but his mother’s rentals were also under the same spell and because of disappointment; his mother had turned them into a goats pen. This situation pushed Mr. Mulinda to seek God the more because in his spirit he felt that something was wrong.
It is without doubt that to a man of faith distance can never be a barrier, Mr. Mulinda recounts that one fine morning as he was praying with Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso on the ministry Facebook Page, the Prophet sent a prophetic word saying, “Child of God your Lord has declared prosperity rain, as it is raining now let it rain in the four faculties of your life.” 
This prayer prompted Mr. Mulinda to rise up and pray for his houses because Christ was speaking to none other than him. He noted that surprisingly at the exact time the prayer was published, it was raining outside. Determined not to miss out on this moment of deliverance, he quickly went into prayer. During prayer, his spirit was convicted to use the medium of Heavenly water and in faith, Mr. Mulinda reached out for his Heavenly water bottle and sprinkled it in the deserted rooms and he declared, “Let there be tenants in the name of Christ Jesus.”

As it was in 2Kings 5:14 “So he went down and dipped himself in the Jordan seven times, as the man of God had told him and his flesh was restored and became clean like that of a young boy.”  So it came to pass once again; the God of Elisha and Abraham Richard Bisaso cleansed all the rentals from the leprosy that had brought them abandonment. 
The happy landlord testified that by the time he went to visit his mum during the Christmas season of 2017 all the rentals had tenants. We give glory and honour to the God of Abraham Richard Bisaso for the delivering power bestowed upon the Heavenly water.


Flamboyantly dressed in her graduation gown and fresh from the “ivory tower,” Ms. Abwooli Priscilla stood to testify for the amazing grace of the God of Abraham Richard. With a deep sigh Ms Abwooli exclaimed, “I thank the God of Abraham Richard Bisaso because I have made it to my miracle, See! I have been awarded a Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism at Makerere University!” Ms. Abwooli Priscilla narrated that is has indeed been an uphill battle to reach her miracle; she met the servant of God Abraham Richard Bisaso way back in 2012 when she was in senior five. At that time, she was a confused girl with very poor grades in class but after being prayed for by the prophet of God, her grades began improving with every given exam. With God by her side, Ms. Abwooli Priscilla passed her Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education handsomely something she never dreamt of.

Ms. Abwooli Priscilla like any other aspirant youth dreamt of going to university and also excelling professionally in her dream career. However, little did she know that higher level meant higher devil (challenges). Ms. Abwooli Priscilla recalls that in one of her encounters with Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso during her senior six vacation; the prophet revealed that, “Priscilla I see you admitted at Makerere University.” Alas she never took it seriously because Kyambogo was her dream University and even when her Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education results came back she applied to different universities- Kyambogo University, Uganda Christian University and Makerere University. As it is written in Deuteronomy 18:18, “I will raise up from them a prophet like you from among their brothers: I will put my words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him.” Surely as Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso had spoken so it came to pass. Out of the three universities she applied too, including her dream University-Kyambogo it is only Makerere University that gave her a course that she dreamt of pursing-a Bachelors degree in Tourism.

No sooner had she known the name of her faculty hall at Makerere University than challenges knocked on her door; her aunt who used to pay her school fees from childhood told her that she was unable to carry on this financial task. This news only pushed Ms. Abwooli to seek God the more, God was faithful, for through His prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso ,once again He proclaimed, “Do not worry, you are going to university.” As Isaiah 55:11 says indeed this prophetic word never bounced, after it was proclaimed her uncle rang her and said that he was ready to take care of her financially while at University.February 2013 saw Ms. Abwooli Priscilla ascending the legendary Makerere hill to brand her future. While at University she always sought of the Lord’s guidance because she had witnessed God fulfill everything He had ever said to her. Even when gasoline fumed to fire; that is when she got a retake, the God of Abraham Richard Bisaso stood by her. 

5th February 2017 was indeed “a red-letter day” and a turning point in her education life; that day servant of God called upon students and pupils with poor grades to bring their report cards for prayer and Ms. Abwooli Priscilla was one of them. During the prayer session the prophet revealed to her, “I see you graduating.”
In renewed faith she went back to school and was able to pass the retake that had tormented her grades. By the grace of God on 16th January 2018, Ms. Abwooli Priscilla was profoundly awarded her Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism. Today, Ms. Abwooli Priscilla stands to testify affirming that, “Out of hope, the God of Prophet Abraham Richard changed my education destiny from a failure to a success! 

Glory and honour go back to the miracle working hand of God!

1 comment:

  1. My God take all the glory & honour to you're always watching & strict to your word.
