Monday 22 January 2018


Amidst soulful worship to the director of life, Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso took position at the pulpit with angelic strides. Beginning with a word of encouragement the Prophet anchored the believers that, “ Even the strongest walls are shaken, but what proves them strong is their ability to remain standing when shaken. In following Christ Jesus, there is nothing like, “I am not going to face challenges,” no, they must be there; expect rejection and persecution because this is the only way we are proven loyal and faithful to our faith.” 
From there, the Seer led then the believers into the message of the day titled “Offence hinders progress” with reference from the book of James 3:13-18, “…Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good deeds done in humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbour bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth…”   

Moved by the Holy Spirit, the servant of God once again reminded the listening congregation that, “God speaks to us through our hearts and if our hearts are filled with offence He can never speak to us.” God cannot speak to a man who is offended; such a heart will never listen to what the Lord is saying because it is occupied with bitterness, envy, pretence, murder, hatred and the most dangerous of all is such  people think that they alone are right.
 Upon this, the prophet of God lamented that this is what has eaten up the church today, Christians go to church filled with offence and we think that God will speak to us. Severally, many of us go before the Lord to report those who have wronged us and to ask Him to curse and make them suffer the same way they did to us; the moment you harbour such coal in your heart, you will only be speaking to Satan. The Seer put it clear that, “ there is no curse upon a man with a free heart” hence no man can determine the destiny of a fellow man. It is only God who determines man’s destiny because He is the author of Life.

Axing down this message for every heart to absorb, the servant of God also referred to the gospel of Matthew 5:24 ,“leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift.” He said it does not matter how you have been wronged or offended, you must forgive and let go before you come to the Lord’s sanctuary. The moment you carry offence, you are only chaining yourself. He added that offence hinders progress and for the record this is what has hindered progress in ministries, marriages and businesses. The prophet remarked that it is every hard to work with someone who is bitter in the heart because they hardly heal spiritually, citing the example of our fore father Abraham; when his son Lot was offended by the herdsmen, he let him go for the sake of peace and progress.

 Summing this heart cleansing message, Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso cautioned every believer around the world to pay ear to his words because most Christians have fallen from the grace due to offence. Many of us are living a stagnant life because of offence, if you want to see progress in the four faculties of your life, then you need to let go of every bitterness and let Christ occupy your heart. Your blessing is not far away from you, all you need to do is to forgive, remember, “Saying sorry is not a sign of weakness but greatness!” asserted the prophet.

Child of God all you need is a word not a touch, the word is forgive, forget and let go in the name of Christ Jesus.



Proudly standing in her miracle, Sister Namuli Safinah affirmed that the God of Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso is without doubt a life changer. She narrates that for two months she was undergoing a continuous menstrual cycle. As a woman this caused her to question what exactly was going on in her life. Like any other normal woman, she also expected to have her periods once a month but this that was happening to her was abnormal. Sister Namuli Safinah narrates that this situation was so unbearable to the extent that she had to use paddings on a daily basis.  She even reached a point when she was tired of this situation and she would go to bed without padding herself but only to wake up in a blood stained bed.

Mark 5:24-27 “…When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his Cloak. “ Like the woman who had been bleeding for twelve years sister Safinah too was inspired to seek the hand of Christ Jesus to take this issue away for good. With faith accompanied by yearning she made a prayer to the God of True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations to change her situation and behold her yearning was not in vein.

During the mass prayer in the month of December 2017, the servant of God Abraham Richard Bisaso made a proclamation that, “Whatever that is living in your blood let it come out!” When she had this prophetic confession, Sister Namuli Safinah took it in faith.  On going back home this time round she did not pad herself before going to bed like she was lately doing. As the psalmist puts it clear that sorrow may last a night but joy comes in the morning, indeed Sister Safinah met her joy the next morning. When she woke up, her bed was not blood stained; days and weeks passed and there was no blood flow from that time. Today, she sleeps like a baby and she has a normal menstrual cycle like any other woman. We give glory and honor back to the greatest physician Christ Jesus.


Where the Spirit of God rests; miracles, wonders and transformation of lives are evident and the story of Ms. Nabakooza Justine testifies to this. She says that before she met the wonder working hand of the God of Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso, her business was on a high way to collapsing. Ms. Nabakooza Justine owns a small scale business of food vending in Nakasero market in the heart of Kampala city –Uganda. Despite the fact that Nakasero market is one of the busiest and highly populated markets in Uganda, Ms. Nabakooza’s fate to prosperity was as dark as midnight. For so long she would prepare food but she would end up giving it out for free because she had no customers yet her business was strategically located.

As Ms. Nabakooza watched her business fade away before her like morning fog, a friend came and told her to come to True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations so that Christ Jesus would speak to her about her situation.  John 1:45 “Philip found Nathanael and told him, we have found the one Moses wrote about in the law; and whom the prophets also wrote-Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.” In faith she rose up to seek for solution from the one who came to give life in its fullness. 
Her encounter with the servant of God Abraham Richard Bisaso was dated 26th November 2017; that day the prophet prayed for her and what followed was an evolution of transformation. Miraculously, day by day- by the grace of God she started getting customers and her business began gaining momentum.

With excitement Ms. Nabakooza Justine said that the God of Abraham Richard has favoured her exceedingly above her expectations, because back in the old days her children had to miss school due to lack of school fees but today even before the school term has began, she has already fully paid their school fees. Who does that other than the owner of the heavenly banks Christ Jesus? Glory and honour go back to Him.

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