Thursday 18 January 2018


Under the instruction of her Spiritual Father Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso, Evangelist Gracious Angella took position at the pulpit and led the believers into the message of the day titled, “Be in position for your miracle.” With reference from the book of Luke 18:1-8, “…For sometime he refused. But finally he said to himself, ‘Even though I don’t fear God or care about men, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice…’”

Evangelist Gracious Angella remarked that our receiving from God, depends on how deep we call and depend on Him. Citing the example of the persistent widow, she noted that this should be a lesson to us to always pray and never give up until it is all done.  The Evangelist added that it is not only about praying; one must always be in position to receive an answer and to abide by God’s will. Only a man who is in position and waiting for God tirelessly, is the one who can receive a miracle, breakthrough and healing when Christ Jesus comes down to deliver. However, that is not the case with Christians today, when many of us make prayer requests before our God  we reluctantly leave His presence only to return to our beds and chores hoping that God will look for us as though he is  the one in need. The Evangelist advised that we of this generation should also borrow a leaf from the persistent widow’s dairy who kept on seeking for justice which caused even the proud and arrogant judge to grant her plea.

 Breaking down this spiritual bread to children of God for easy digestion, Evangelist Gracious Angella referred to the book of Numbers 22:7-20 “… ‘Spend the night here,’ Balaam said to them, ‘and I will bring back the answer the Lord gives me.’ So the Moabite princes stayed with him…” The Evangelist acknowledged that, though the Moabite princes held important positions and were highly regarded in their community they did not grumble or undermine the word of the Lord’s servant but rather, they humbly followed his instructions and did as told. 
The Evangelist questioned the congregation that if the Moabite princes waited for an answer from the Lord through his servant Balaam, why can’t you? She emphasised that if you made your prayer request at a prayer house led by a prophet, keep there until you get your answer, and if it is led by an apostle keep there still because we all serve one God through different anointing. She cautioned Christians never to make their prayer request before the Lord and just walk away because when Jesus answers, He might find you out of position! When this happens, it is not the servants of God who are used as mediums to blame but rather your own self.

Summing up the teaching the Evangelist said that this generation of Christians we love to look for answers where we never placed a question and as if that is not enough we also love to hear what the Lord is saying but we are not willing to maintain the spoken word so as to reach our victory. 
Let us change our ways and become Spiritual because the God we are looking for is a Spirit God, those that want to receive from Him must worship and serve him in truth and Spirit, for nothing can be perfected without God because everything begins and ends in Him. 

Child of God, remember to always keep yourself where you spoke with the Lord, bearing in mind that maintenance is salvation. Hold on to Christ because blessed are those who wait till the end.



Mr. Obonyo Silver could not miss walking down memory lane as he stood to testify for the wonder working God of Abraham Richard Bisaso. He recounts that before he joined True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations his biography was full of sad chapters; the railway company he was working for was facing financial constricts. That aside, the company he works for used to deduct a portion of every worker’s salary and put into the company’s self owned Saving & credit co-operative for the future.

Given his financial depression he asked for a refund of his savings hoping that this money would help him to cover up some of his needs but alas! He was instead shocked when his employees said that they had no money. His children had to drop out of school as he was no longer able to take care his household yet he was the bread winner. This unbearable condition pushed him to start living a life of debts accompanied by shameful and peculiar scenarios of him begging from his older children who were also hustling out in Kampala so as to make ends meet.

Life turned into a bitter pill and hope became a myth, in such depression Mr. Obonyo’s daughter spoke to him about the delivering hand of God at True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations and encouraged him to go and hear what the Lord was saying about his situation. 2Kings 5:3, “She said to her mistress, ‘If only my master would see the prophet who is in Samaria! He would cure him of his leprosy.’” Like Naaman, he came to the pool of healing and deliverance where Christ heals for free. Mr. Obonyo recalled his first encounter with the Servant of God like it was yesterday. “The first time I stepped there, the teaching of the prophet that day was exactly about the situation I was going through yet I had not told him anything,” elucidated Mr. Obonyo. During prayer time, the Servant of God prayed for him and categorically stated that, “Why should you worry? God knows your situation, this is not your battle to fight; He has intervened in this situation.”

Surely when the Spirit of God speaks, every stone must be turned upside down; Mr. Obonyo affirms that this was the beginning of his breakthrough and that of his family. Shortly after the prayers from the anointed one of God, his employees paid his savings in full as he had earlier requested. This was a big blow to the enemy satan who thought he had Mr. Obonyo under his spell and adamantly he plotted a sabotage mission. What followed was Mr. Obonyo getting a crack in his spinal cord which caused him paralysis. 
After being examined using the X-ray machine at Lubaga hospital, the doctors told him that one of his spinal bones had shifted to his tissue, hence interfering with the blood flow thus causing the paralysis. The doctors informed him that he needed psychotherapy however they advised him to pray because they were not certain if he will be thoroughly healed.  On receiving this medical report Mr. Obonyo knew that satan was at his old games again to waste the money he had just received with God’s grace. With this understanding he came back to the source of healing and deliverance- True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations.

 1 John 3:8, “… the reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s works.” Powerful and redeeming is the word of God. When Mr. Obonyo accounted this issue to the servant of God Abraham Richard Bisaso, he prayed for him and he was healed instantly. Today Mr. Obonyo is as fine as morning dew, the paralysis was no more, he can walk, dance and bend freely just like an ocean wave. We give the glory and honour back to the miracle worker and life changer Christ Jesus.

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