
1. “Am seeing at the coast of Africa a capsizing ship. Let us pray and reduce accidents, accidents, water accidents at the coast of Africa."
2. Revelation about German and Russia
"God reveals to save" are the words that the prophet of God uses while giving any prophecy. Remember that God does nothing without revealing it to his servants. God has mightly given this gift of prophecy to his servant Abraham Richard. He does not only speak about you and me but about the world, nations, events, personalities and many he usually says that God reveals to save is right cause this always calls for prayer to save ourselves or to perfect what God has predicted. Remember that prophecy as a gift is ordained by God and few people have it in the whole world.When you look at the ancient times there was one prophet at each generation that God used to proclaim messages. so please do not take these messages for granted because it may be you, me or your neighbour, country etc. Now lets see the predictions that ever came to pass through the servant of God Abraham Richard:

  • …there is a God who watches football. (Deuteronomy 18:18)
On Tuesday 28th may 2013 during the evening sacrifice, the man of God Abraham Richard revealed,

“I saw in a vision many people were asking me to help Uganda Cranes.” He went on to say, “The victory of Uganda cranes is in my hands.” He went on and asked the congregation, “What do you want from me?”They pleaded with him to intervene into this issue and he said, “I hear a draw but why… let me go and pray. Truly, the prophet of God prayed for Uganda cranes and on Thursday 6th June 2013 he sent a message that said, “Tell my people that there is a God who watches football…am playing on the side of Uganda Cranes”         . This made the believers to jubilate for they knew that Uganda cranes were to win that match. For those of you that watched this match you can easily analyze that it was meant to be a draw but God watched this match and Uganda won against Liberia 1-0. What do think my friend?...

Concerning the match against Angola that was due to take place on 15th June 2013, the congregators who after seeing the man of God Abraham Richard began to say, “you are a man of God,…you are  a prophet.” And after a long silence while facing up wards and his eyes closed he said, “Thank You Father for you have answered my prayer. .. God can never deny my prayer. Go tell everyone that there is a God who watches foot ball. All believers rejoiced and praised God because they knew it was done.  So, on 15th June 2013 after a long while of not scoring, Uganda scored 2 goals in the last 10 minutes against 1 goal of Angola. Does this teach you anything? That the God of yesterday is the same God today?, that prophet still exist even to this day. My friends seek God and he will grant the desires of your heart.  

 The Prophecy Leaflet, Issue 1


  •  A man of God praying… Nigeria’s victory
It was On Tuesday 10th February 2013 when   Abraham Richard the servant of God gave a revelation about the ones who would win the 2013 African Cup of nation’s tournament in South Africa.
He asked,
“Who loves football…?” Some of the congregators rose up their hands and he went on to say.         
“God can save a country because of one man. This country will win the trophy because of this servant of God. In that country, he is famous….
On Saturday 5th February 2013 I saw a man of God in that country looking upwards as if praying for... Let’s see if I am a man of God when it comes to pass. This man of God is so famous in that country. It’s his prayers that are going to grant this country victory.”
He added and said,” It’s an eagle that flies above….. If you want to see clearly you must be an eagle…
Man of God Prophet TB Joshua
Truly God answers his anointed! According to the revelation, the famous servant of God that was seen praying   is Prophet T.B. Joshua the over seer of   SYNAGOGUE CHURCH OF ALL NATIONS, Nigeria and the eagle that is referred to (figuratively) meant the national football team of Nigeria which is nicknamed the ‘Super Eagles’ as it had been prophesied, “If you want to see clearly, you must be an eagle.”  All this came to pass according to the prophecy and on Sunday 10th.02.2013 at 11:30am the Supper Eagles (National team of Nigeria) was crowned the winner of the 2013Africa Cup of Nations, for the third time! God answered Prophet T.B. Joshua’s prayer because Nigeria miraculously won the trophy. It is a team that has not been doing well in most tournaments for the last decade. Truly God is real and he exists… What can you say? Is the Holy Spirit true? So it is high time you believed because Christ is near you.
  • I saw him before the council….

Have you ever thought that there are people that God has designed to pray, guide, lead and help you. There is always someone who takes an extra mile for all to be well in our lives and through this revelation you can know that it’s true
During the Thursday evening sacrifice on 10thJan 2013 the servant of God Abraham Richard said,
Hon. Amama Mbabazi-Prime Minister of Uganda before the counil
“I saw…who puts on glasses? Is it the Prime Minister of Uganda or the Vice President? I heard that…   you can call it a court and whatever the case was, it is what is going to take his life. I don’t know what is happening but there is another complication coming and it is going to drive him before the council and it is what will take his life…” He continued, “I am not a politician, I don’t know what is happening but something is coming and when it comes and he gets before the council, know that his life is going.” But he added, Let’s pray because God brings prophecies and visions to save….Let us pray for the will of God to be done. If it is his will, let it be but if it is not, let us rebuke it.”
After he had said this, the believers prayed for the will of God to be done in this issue, rebuked any will of Satan.
Now to confirm all this to you, Hon. Amama Mbabazi the prime minister of Uganda is the one that puts on glasses according to the prophecy and not the Vice President Dr. Edward Kiwanuka Sekandi.   On Monday 11.03.13, Hon. Amama Mbabazi the current Prime Minister was summoned before the Parliamentary Accounts Committee (PAC) to elucidate on O.P.M. (Office of the Prime Minister) saga where, investigations about the misappropriation of billions of shillings were undergoing. He was being questioned about such big sums of money that went missing or was being misappropriated in his office without his consent.
As the believers had prayed, indeed God controlled the situation because the Prime Minister is unharmed alive and well after the investigations. We thank the Holy Spirit for saving his people.
Have you ever believed that God can save some one or a nation because of a prayer made by a genuine servant of God? Then it is right here through this experience. So open your heart and begin to believe that Christ loves you because God has saved you through his servant who prayed for you one day without your consent. .

  •   a big stone is falling soon.
Truly, the eye of God is always watching all around the world and this is amazing. During the evening sacrifice of Thursday 14thFeb 2013, the Servant of God Abraham Richard said, 
The Late Amos Kaguta-father tothe president of Uganda
‘Do I have security here? as he smiled. “I will not say it because of security reasons.” But he opted to speak figuratively and said,
“I will say it because my God is with me. Jesus told me that a big stone is going to fall... This big stone is old and rain will come. It won’t be much rain but the stone will fall.....”
 In This   prophecy, the man of God asked if he had security and figuratively spoke because he was talking about a highly sensitive person whom he referred to as, ‘This big stone is old’ and this was Mzee Amos Kaguta the Father of president of Uganda H.E. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni.
All this came to light when on Friday 22ndFeb 2013 the Father of president of Uganda H.E. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni passed away. Indeed the Holy Spirit is always true because Mzee Amos Kaguta an old man of 96 years a big old stone had fallen …”
As the over seer of TVC ministries had stated in a parable, The rain that made the old stone fall was not much  because Mzee Amos Kaguta was admitted to Kampala International Hospital   for observation after complaining of abdominal pains as reported by the Daily Nation Newspaper of Friday 22nd 2013.  He suffered a short illness and died.
Since God does everything according to his will, doesn’t this call for everyone to seek God’s view for every move that is taken? Seek God’s opinion because he speaks a differently each day. True and true is the spirit of God.

On Thursday 7thmarch 2013, while teaching during the evening sacrifice Bro. Abraham Richard said,
‘An order by the Government to homes and families, it will displease many, the devil is involved in it. Let’s rebuke the will of Satan in this order because it is not from Jesus.  What is the connection? I saw Uganda and India. I see a connection. It was copied from a white man’s country. Let us pray….”
Shortly after the revelation, it was announced on most radio and television stations of how the Ugandan parliament had the intention of passing the marriage and divorce Bill. This Bill was supported mostly women members of parliament. After days of discussion with no agreement of whether the bill should be passed, it was introduced to all Ugandans. When you take a look at the Marriage and Divorce Bill of Uganda and the Law and Bills on marriage in India, there are several similarities. Among these; cohabitation is not recognized as marriage, in India dowry is outlawed except it is still being widely practiced. Similarly, the Ugandan Bill on marriage is making bride price optional. The Bill in Uganda and the amended law on marriage in India advocate for property sharing between the wife and husband among others. So this is the connection Uganda was to have with India if the bill had been passed. This whole idea had been copied from a white man’s country as it had been revealed and there are other countries that have legalized this bill for instance, Malta, Virginia and many others
Abraham Richard went ahead to prophesy on Easter 31st March 2013, “...and I am like joking but this bill will not go through.”
After all discussions in parliament and the public , the bill was rendered futile because all religious leaders; Muslims and Christians discouraged this bill saying it would put away the norms of tradition and makes holy marriage lose value. This confirms that all this was not from Christ but it was Satan’s plan  as proclaimed in the prophecy
On 8th April 2013 at around 8.00pm breaking news were anchored on Nations Television in Uganda that the NRM caucus which is the ruling party of H.E. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni had discredited the bill.
True and true is the Spirit of the Sovereign Lord at TVC because he revealed from the inception of this Bill to where it   would end and All has come to pass as prophesied. Where can we hide from the presence of God, HE knows our plans and everything. Remember HE does his will.
Indian women  ready for marriage
The Ugandan Parliament.

 “For the Lord God does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets...”Amos 3:7
Towards the end the Sunday service of 24th February 2013 the overseer of TVC ministries Bro. Abraham Richard asked those that work in the city to pray because something was coming. Again on Tuesday 26th February 2013, the servant of God during the evening service asked the believers,
“How many of you work in the city center? “  To this, many congregators put up their hands and then he continued to say,
“There is going to be chaos and it is going to affect those working in town. Let’s pray for the innocent to be protected that you and your property are protected and for the will of God to be done……”
After he had said this, the believers put up their hands and prayed for protection and also for the will of God to be done.

Readers this did not even last a week when  On Friday 1st march 2013,the members of 4GC spear headed Dr. warren Kizza Besigye and His Lordship Erias  Lukwago the mayor of Kampala who had organized a rally in Kawempe were attacked by mob and police as the Daily Monitor Newspaper reported on 2nd March 2013.   These opposition figures survived death by a hair’s breadth to the extent that Besigye’s car windows were smashed. They were attacked by stick wielding youth who claimed that they were tired of violence masterminded by the opposition leaders. It is said that their attackers had the intention of killing them. However, because of the prayers of the children of God at T.V.C. ministries 
The Holy Spirit is always true and indeed he always reveals to save as proven in this prophecy. When the chaos was revealed, children of God prayed and lives were saved. If these attackers had succeeded in their mission truly there would have been a lot of chaos in Kampala with loss of lives and property inclusive. Praise to the Lord Jesus for saving his people.
On 8/04/2012 during the Easter Sunday service, Abraham Richard the prophet of God said,
“I see something big moving on the water….people that use water for transport….a big ship is going to be hit by something and it will divide. Many people will die and I hear many voices of people crying for help. Many will die…..let us pray for the innocent to be protected.”
After he had said this, the believers put up their hands and prayed for the innocent to be saved and for the will of God to be done.
ship capsized

loss of lives due to the accident
This came to pass on 18th July 2012 when the MV Skagit ferry a former Washington state ferry capsized or sunk off at the coast of Tanzania On the Indian Ocean and there were approximately 281 passengers and six crew aboard at the time of the accident. Out of the people on board, 250 adults, 14 foreigners and 31 were children. 145 people had been rescued as the Zanzibar police commissioner had said. It is reported that the small ship ran into high winds heavy seas which caused it to list heavily and ultimately capsize. Survivors reported that engines had failed as vessels rolled.  Over 100 lives were reported dead. May the lost lives rest in peace and we thank God for lives that were saved. True and true is the Holyspirit.

  • Blood will flow…it has already begun.
Most people think that God only spoke in the Old Testament time but I tell you friend, God speaks. Not just in the written scriptures but he communicates to his servants like you can talk to your friends.
On Sunday 9/Dec/2012 during the service, Abraham Richard told the congregation of believers in T.V.C,
“Something bad is going to happen in Northern Africa and blood will flow…. It has already begun…”
What the Holy Spirit revealed is true. The man of God talked about blood flow in Northern Africa he said it had already begun. This is true because on November 27th 2012 people in Egypt were demonstrating In the Tahir square against President Mohammed Morsy’s decrees. People claimed that they were deprived of their rights a number of people were killed in this riot.
blood flow in Algeria
 In Tunisia, the February 6, 2013 assassination of opposition leader, outspoken government critic Chokri Belaid, set-off a new round of protests and clashes. In Tunis   More than 1,000 Tunisians protested on Wednesday outside the Interior Ministry against the killing of opposition figure Shokri Belaid, who was shot dead outside his home.
riots in Egypt- civilian attacks the police
Also on 10th April 2013 there were clashes in Algeria against lack of Housing and at least 40 people including 22 riot police members were seriously injured. This depicts ‘blood…flow’ as the man of God had revealed. All this is to demonstrate that God still speaks. Are you a believer… then you should believe more and your faith will build a greater relationship with your God.

  •  Who can Know this mystery if you are not sent by God?
    Ninsiima Maria Dorcus(L) and Tushemeirwe Merab (R)
Truly this a mystery! Have you ever imagined having a sister that is not born of your biological parents, not of the same tribe or origin with you and yet God looks at you as siblings. Please read through the story about these two girls and you will know that there people who have a resemblance that is God given.
As the servant of God Abraham Richard was praying for believers on overnight (1st January 2013) to receive their deliverance, he arrived where Sister Tushemeirwe Merab was standing. As he was praying he saw that Merab had a connection with Sister Ninsiima Maria and he exclaimed, “You people, you are sisters”  you can’t contemplate of how one can call you sisters and yet you not of the same origin. On that night he prayed for both of them at ago.
When you closely analyze these two young ladies, they are alike, truly they have a resemblance that was ordained by God. They all love having a simple lifestyle that is not cuddled with hardship, stress and pain. All they desire is life being a bed of roses. They are both in college and you can be amazed because they face the same problems. It was one Sunday when sister Merab asked the servant of God to pray for her over her missing results, little did we know that Maria had the same issue hassling her. It was until the man of God called her that she confessed and everyone in the congregation laughed because this had gone beyond human thought. On 16th April 2013, Sister Merab and Sister Maria testified that their missing marks had been recovered and they had passed the papers. These two girls have the same initials on their names, (N.M), they love smiling, they are all light in complexion; just name it!
These girls were never friends nor had they ever met anywhere but as the spirit of Jesus located the ‘sister ship’ of Merab Tushemeirwe and Maria Ninsiima, I come to realize that there is someone Christ has designed that is like you and fits in your life style. Then, who is your brother or sister, ask yourself. I tell you, God has his own ways and HE is our maker you can never define HIM. True & True is the Holy Spirit
Shall we all say; Praise Glory and adoration, exaltation belong to you lord Jesus Christ.
Remember and say; Jesus Christ is the son of God and the lord of my life…I can make it to my miracle.

A sword is passing to judge!

Special statements

“My eyes are on all their ways;……” Jeremiah 16:17
Zephaniah 2:3.”Seek the LORD,all you humble of the land,…”
Proverbs15:3 “The eyes of the LORD are everywhere,…”
“For lack of guidance a nation falls,but many advisers make victory sure.” Proverbs 11:14

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