Monday 20 April 2015


The Sunday service of April 19th 2015 at True Vine Communion of all Nations was filled with full presence of God as excellent praise and worship songs created a great platform for the congregation to witness the outpouring of God’s power and glory. Great joy and peace expressions were observed on the congregant’s faces as the servant of God proclaimed to their hearing that the silence is over and announcing that it was their time since God’s timing is the best.

2 Peter 1:5-8, "But also for this very reason giving all diligence, add to your faith virtual, to virtual knowledge to knowledge self-control..."  The Servant of God made it clear that Faith has different components that include love, self-control, persistence, righteousness, knowledge and kindness stressing out Love as the greatest component of faith. He said that from love one will possess kindness, perseverance and sharing among others. He reminded the congregants that faith pleases God though when it lacks other contents, then He can’t be pleased.

The servant of God went further to elaborate that if one has all these qualities, then it’s beyond doubt that they are strong in Christ.  Therefore urged believers not to be lazy when they receive a word from Christ Jesus but rather act on it as a sign of faith and this will attract the hand of God to act for you. Citing an example of Abraham the father of believers, the servant of God quoted Genesis 18 that this man saw the three men standing nearby he run to them and greeted them which was a sign of goodness and love that portrayed faith in action. Abraham did not only welcome the three men but went on to prepare a meal for them. Emphatically the servant of God elaborated that this old man’s act of love pushed God into negotiation whether He should go on to destroy Sodom without informing a man of love-Abraham.

 Concluding the message, the servant of God stressed that Christians of this era forget to show love but focus on themselves first. If one is to give, they want to check the bank accounts before giving and major on God giving first before they can do anything. He urged the congregants that “before you boast about being a true Christian, first check if you have any of the components of faith. Remember you can heal the sick, cast out demons but you may not be known in the heavens because you have no love. Those who belong to The Kingdom have love as the first component of faith.”

“Am seeing at the coast of Africa a capsizing ship. Let us pray and reduce accidents, accidents, water accidents at the coast of Africa."
#‎Abraham Richard reminded the congregation again that  "i was here and i told you that thestorm is coming to Africa; it is coming from the i hear there are alot of killings in South Africa, it's an evil spirit and you can stop it."
Revelation 12:11 “And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony…” Brethren we have a very important weapon in our arsenal against our enemy-the evil one and the weapon is called testimony. Therefore when God does something do not allow to be silent, run and proclaim what the Lord has done in your life. If you have not yet made it to your miracle, take heart; the Lord is leading you steadily to your miracle soon.

Sister Bataringaya Rita has made it to her miracle. Through the power of the Heavenly water that was distributed a few weeks ago by the servant of God Abraham Richard our sister was able to get her university dues. Sister Rita beaming with Joy, she narrates that it was getting darker on her side as she did not have tuition and she was not allowed to enter the university premises because of nonpayment. She thought that she was going to have a dead semester. By the grace of God, she sprinkled the water on herself bank slip and confessed availability of tuition at home. Amazingly, as she entered her mother's house-the first greeting was "Rita, we are going to pay your tuition" Indeed the heavenly water made a way where there was no way. Glory and honor be unto the Lord!