Sunday 19 April 2015


Sunday April 12, 2015 the church service at True Vine Communion of all Nations created another great platform for the congregation to witness the outpouring of God’s power and glory. From the harmonic ministration to the highly edifying message of the servant of God, one thing was certain – the presence of God at TVC cannot be over-emphasized! Testimony upon testimony, glory upon glory and favor was incomparable. The people of God in the congregation, with their expressions animated by smiles from the depth of their hearts, gave glory, honor and adoration unto the KING OF KINGS in whose hands lay the meaning of their lives.

Indeed, the Word of God is the basis of our lives as Christians and remains the standard upon which our daily lives are built. Introducing the day’s topic, KNOW WHERE YOUR GOD IS, the servant of God Abraham Richard engaged the congregation in relevant illustrations that enhance our relationship with God. He defined the indispensability of God’s presence in the life of a true Christian and how Faith helps to connect the heart to God.

He said that when the servant of Saul took him to Samuel they not only got the truth they also got delivered from ignorance. The servant took Saul to Samuel because he knew that whatever the prophet said would all be coming from the Lord himself. The same way the refuge of a child is in the mother, if you know where your God is, you will be like that child; always going to him in the good and bad times. The servant of God then posed this question to the congregation, “Do you know where your God is?”
He went ahead said that many Christians today do not know where their God is; the same way Phillip asked Jesus where he was going. Even when Jesus Christ told him that he was going to the Father, Phillip went ahead and asked him, “where is the father?” This means that all this long, Phillip did not know anything about Christ Jesus (John 14:8) .The servant of God drove this point home saying that Christians today are in the same situation because they do not know where their God is though they call upon his name that is why when they are faced with challenges they run to fellow men who just add upon their sorrow.
He reminded us that where a man's treasure is, there his heart is. If you know where your God is that is where your heart will always be. In Psalm 121:1-3, David tells us that in his times of challenges his eyes were lifted unto the hills because that is where his help comes from.
The servant of God concluded the day’s teaching with this piece of advice to the congregators saying that whenever you are hit with challenges call upon your God to rescue you not humans, only God can keep your secret and have the right solution to that challenge. As a believer let us emulate the servant of Saul and our fore father David, who trusted and depended on the Lord because their help came from him.
From this soul enriching teaching, the congregation lined up to testify to their God for the great miracles he has done in their lives. Below are some of the testimonies to build your faith.

Sister Nakato Sarah with a grateful heart testifies for she has made it to her miracle. She came to TVC Ministries in January, 2015 when she was pregnant, helpless and in abject poverty .She had not yet gone for antenatal because she could not afford it. People had assured her that she would lose her life and the baby because she had not gone to hospital.
When she came in the presence of the servant of God he prayed for her to get assistance. After this prayer sister Sarah found her long lost uncle who offered provide assistance to both the mother and the unborn child. At the time of giving birth, she had not received any antenatal care but she relied on the prayers of the servant of God to help her through her delivery. Jesus Christ is faithful to those who trust in him, today sister Sarah is beaming with smiles holding her new born baby in her arms.
Glory and honor goes back to the Lord Almighty for it is only Him who helped Sister Sarah in her desperate situation.

Sis. Mukisa Betty
Sister Mukisa Betty testifies to the Lord for healing her. She was suffering from a strange sickness
that made her feet swollen and she was always in pain that made her walk uncomfortably. When she came to TVC Ministries she was taught about faith and she made a prayer in Faith for God to heal her because she was tired of all this discomfort.
One day as she was sleeping she had a dream and saw the servant of God was dressed in white, his hand was stretched towards her swollen feet as he was praying for her. When she woke up the following morning, her feet were healed and she started walking normally.
Glory and honor goes back to the Might Lord who is never limited and heals in different ways. Thank you Lord.

Sis. Nakilimu Ruth
Sister Nakilimu Ruth testifies to the Lord for she has made to her miracle. For three years she used to get a demonic attack, in this attack she would see a woman holding a knife ready to stab her and that is where her conscience would stop and she would freeze in the position she was in until she would regain her conscience. When that demonic attack came and she was kneeling, she would remain kneeling until it left. That demon would pounce on her at anytime regardless of where she was.

Sister Ruth tired of being a punching bag for Satan, she came to seeking for total deliverance from TVC Ministries. As it written come to Christ Jesus all those who are heavy laden the Lord, he will give you rest that is how it was with our Sister Ruth. The servant of God prayed for her and from that day on Thursday,9th April 2015 Sister Nakilimu has never received those demonic attacks.Glory and honor goes back to Christ Jesus for this great deliverance for our Sister Nakilimu.
Sis.Bagaya Betty

Sister Bagaya Betty testifies to the powerful name of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit revealed to her through the servant of God about a problem she had been facing for a while, she had been paralyzed in her right leg. This she confirmed as true because as she used to walk her shoe would get out and she would never notice. Due to this problem she had stopped to wear high heeled shoes.
The servant of God prayed for her and she was healed. Today Sister Bagaya is able to wear high heels.Glory and honor back to the Healer-Christ Jesus.

From these faith building testimonies, the servant of God then made a prayer for all those praying with him on the internet saying, “Lord Holy Spirit help them to harvest this year, fruits that are pleasing before you. Help them to be fruitful. Let them bear fruits of righteousness, healing, deliverance, love, peace and joy.
God Holy Spirit your word is true, you promised to make them fruitful. Their hands are open now water them.
All those praying with me on the internet in Sudan, Kuwait, England, Dubai wherever you are and you are a believer begin to receive fruits in Christ Jesus' name.” Shalom!Top of Form
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