Monday 6 April 2015


Sunday 5th April 2015 witnessed the resurrection of Jesus Christ the Son of God. The congregants at True Vine Communion for all Nations gave a symbolic enactment of that event as one of them was raised from the dead a midst shouts of Hosanna, the King is risen. They were dignified for an encounter with God even as they remained excited in anticipation of the showers of His blessings upon their lives. As usual, the choir poured out melodious tunes that lifted the congregants more to hope for resurrection in the the four spheres of their lives.

From great edification melodies, Evangelist Mbabazi John took position at the pulpit to deliver the message of the day entitled;SURRENDER TO JESUS CHRIST, YOU WILL WIN extracted from the book of 2 Corinthians 1:8, She said that when Paul was faced with a lot of challenges; he was crushed and overwhelmed beyond his ability to endure similarly, today you as a christian, you are facing a lot of hardship, resistance  and you feel you can’t take it anymore. She encouraged the congregation to take heart and not focus on the situation but rather look forward to winning.

She urged us to stop looking at ourselves as solutions to our problems but rather rely on God to see us through affirming that the only reason Paul managed to go through is because he stopped looking at himself and relied on God. This is when he gained the confidence and strength to move forward. She reminded us that today Christ is risen and the same power that rose him will raise our lifeless businesses, marriages, health.

summing up the teaching, the evangelist  assured the congregation of the fact that Christ is risen then there is no need for any one to worry about any situation because He is aware and ready to give peace when one relies on Him alone.Empowering the congregants, the evangelist advised the congregants not to celebrate Easter like a religious man but rather as a man of faith ready to emulate Jesus Christ. Adding on that when Jesus Christ rose from the dead he came  a different man therefore it should be everyone's prayer to ask the Holy Spirit to rise and transform you in Christ Jesus' name.

After this empowering and faith building message, the servant of God Abraham Richard took position and began to distribute heavenly water to the congregants and many testified to have received the blood of the risen Lamb of God. Experiences of deliverance, healing and feeling of the power of the Holy Ghost were visible and registered. Indeed the distribution of heavenly water was an outstanding event of the day. 
Crowning the resurrection service day, the servant of God Abraham Richard made a prayer of intercession for the Nation of Kenya and the victims of the Garissa attack for the Lord to heal, comfort and strengthen them.

"To everyone praying with us on internet, join us as we pray for those who lost their loved ones in the brutal Garissa attack. Father in the name of Jesus Christ, may you renew their souls, strengthen and bandage their hearts. May you be their light and salvation, be their joy in times of sorrow and advise them whenever they are stuck.
Heavenly Father may your right hand shelter this Nation Kenya,Christians and all other faiths as you protect Uganda too. Father may you accept this prayer of humbleness. You are the righteous judge, take the lead and fight for us. Amen"

Winding down the Easter celebrations, here is a testimony to empower your faith. Whatever situation you are in, remember it is not the end of the road. Hold onto your faith, the Lord is preparing something for you.


Brother Jagwe Joseph Jesco gives glory and honor to God for he has made it to his miracle. He came to TVC In 2013 for God’s intervention because he had failed to graduate, one of his papers had been misplaced. When he came before the servant of God he prayed for him and said, ‘’we give you the degree’’. 
Mr. Jagwe went back to the university to check for his marks but they told him to repeat the paper as they had checked for it and could not be found in the archive. Brother Jagwe did as he was told but to his surprise, when he went to resubmit his paper instead he was told that his lost papers were found and they were dated 2013 the exact year the Servant of God prayed for him. He thanks the Lord for he has finally graduated in January with a Bachelor's Degree in Science in information technology from Makerere University.

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