Monday 23 March 2015


The House of Prayer today was filled with awesome worship and praise that left the heavens open as the congregants were made wet in the healing rain of Jesus. It was not a coincidence  that as they braved the heavy down pour, it was the same in the spirit as healing and deliverance was evident on the congregants faces as they queued up to testify.
You too as you read, may Christ strengthen your faith and make it more firm so that you can make it to your miracle especially when the storms of life seem to be raging so high.


Sister Irene Tindyebwa glorifies the name of Jesus for she has made it to her miracle.
A year ago she was working in southern Sudan and she made her request known to God by asking Him to change her to another country. She informed the Servant of God about her desire to work in Dubai. He gave her a go ahead and also informed her that the search will not be an easy one though eventually she will have a breakthrough.

Today sister Irene confirms that her job search in Dubai was not an easy one as the servant of God had proclaimed to her. But by the grace of God, she eventually made it through and now has job with G4s and will start working 26th march. On her final search favor was upon her in that unlike her fellow competitors who had to face three panelist, she only faced two who approved her.. Glory and honor goes back to the Lord almighty who stood by her side a midst trials through the faith materials and physical phone calls.

Sister Anna Ategeka testifies for the healing and mighty wonder working power of the God of Abraham Richard. Last Sunday, when the Evangelist told the believers to make their requests known to God, she forgot to mention her health issue. Sister Anna says she had a problem with her stomach though she could not figure out what exactly the issue was. This issue could not allow her to sleep nor pass out stool for five days. Sister Anna adds that she was feeling restless with a lot of pain in her abdomen that at that time had swollen.
After the service, sister Anna felt the nature call, instead of passing out stool, it was smelly pus that came out. A woman of faith she is, she went before the picture of the servant of God asking him the cause of that pus that came out of her alerting him of how she is unable to pay her hospital expenses. Faithful is the Holy Spirit that He affirmed to her that she is healed of a fibroid.
 From such edifying testimonies, the servant of God took position at the pulpit and unleashed the message of the day to the congregation entitled;

THE KINGDOM OF GOD Mark 4:30-33,
The servant of God began with an intriguing question same like Jesus stated in Mark 4:30 to make the congregation understand better the Kingdom of God.  He said “believers how I can explain the kingdom of God to you?” Explaining further, Abraham Richard said that many times Christians pray to God asking Him to give them His Kingdom. He noted that they did not understand what they are asking for. Quoting verse 32 “it is like this. A man takes a mustard seed, the smallest seed in the world. And plants it in the ground. After a while it grows up it becomes the biggest of all plants. It puts out such large branches that the birds come and make their nests in its shade.” He said that the kingdom of God can never come into you with its hugeness because it can’t fit in you; similarly the word of God is like a big bread you can’t take it in all at a single bite.

He broke it down further that everyone has the small mustard seed in them representing the Kingdom of God. That seed can be love, kindness, patience among others.  You may not have all of them in you, but examine yourself so that you can discover that seed in you. You are not noticing it because it is still very small; you only need to ask God to water it so that it can grow.
 Concluding the sermon Abraham Richard advised the congregants to always endeavor to ask God the author of the seed to water it so that it can grow and make outstanding branches of love, peace, sharing and kindness to be seen for the glory of His name.  

The servant of God under the guidance of the Holy Spirit revealed that “Something is going to happen but am asking the Lord to guide me so that I speak it out. When the Lord allows me, I will come back and tell you. It is between two countries and this may cause a fight. I heard that this may cause a world war. I don’t know how soon it is because I have not yet known the time. I know exactly what is going to happen. It is between German and Russia. Something is going to happen and they are going to pull out weapons. I saw two mountains. On one mountain there was Russia and the other was Germany. They were pointing guns at each other but to my amusement Germany were crying for me to help it.”

An outstanding chain breaking prayer it was! The servant of God prayed for the congregation  with confidence stretching out his palm to the camera saying “with the anointing of the Holy Ghost that is upon me to speak His will, I anoint your hands and may the Lord supply to you, give you a miracle, healing, deliverance and prosperity.” This was memorable as many chains that had held the children of God in captivity were broken totally as it was evidenced with the clapping and rolling on the ground in agreement with the Holy Ghost’ touch.

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