About Us


Brother Richard Bisaso was born in 1983 to Mr. George William Bisaso (late) and Ms Annet Nakirijja Bisaso (late) and has grown up to become a remarkable servant of God. For him, Servant hood began at a tender age of 7 years; Brother Richard Bisaso began to notice the spirit of God talk to him about great issues which he could not discern. This became the order of his day; at 13 years when he joined secondary school at Central College, Kawempe; the zeal to speak the word of God consumed him that he was compelled to join Scripture Union where he could pray for his peers and reveal mysteries about them. This stirred up opposition and rejection against him as a little ministering boy (Genesis 37).

This fire of spreading the word of God pushed him to start ministering in his home village where healing, deliverance were evidenced at Bombo 30kilometers from Kampala.
He recalls that because of what people had seen him do as a young servant boy, the neighbours would come to his mother’s home early in the morning before he went to school  to receive morning prayers.

One vision that Brother Richard Bisaso vividly recalls was in the year 2007, he recounted that,

 "One evening in the year 2007, the Lord CHRIST Jesus appeared to me in a vision and took my soul through a very painful experience of fire and made me enter heaven. I was consumed by the fire; I could feel it in the bones of my soul. For approximately an hour, I was dead to the world. I was out of the body but I could see those who were near me crying and weeping thinking that I was dead-because I was. As He took me through it, He said "You have been purified come here on my right side. He showed me a certain ministry and the servants in it and of how they were going to stumble and fall from His instructions. He picked a whip and struck them down. When I saw this, I wept and He told me if you do not want to see this again; See and tell them, see and warn them for me." After this time, I came back to my body; it was as cold as ice. I could not doubt that the Lord had spoken to me. I was engulfed with fear; I got weak and sick of fever for some days"(Isaiah 6:5) 

From the time he was commissioned as a watchman of the LORD, he has prophesied and revealed mysteries about all aspects of life to individuals, churches, Nations and Kingdoms. And his word has been perfected.

He kept on his journey with the Lord where many could not understand why he was different from them; he recounts that one day in the year 2010in the evening hours between 6pm and 8pm, while in prayer at a play ground in Makindye division-Kampala, Uganda “I saw the LORD come before my eyes in the image of an old man and said to me, “Iam the Abraham the father of believers and from today you are Abraham.”

 With a new spiritual name and anointing of ministry on him, he embarked on developing a closer relationship with His master and mentor CHRIST JESUS. 


The word of God notifies us in Deuteronomy 18:15, “The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me among you, from your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him.” No doubt, Abraham Richard Bisaso is a true prophet from God and we have seen God’s word brought to life through him; Deuteronomy 18:22 says, “If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the LORD does not take place or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously, so do not be alarmed.” Here are some of the prophesies he has given;

·        On 1st January 2014, the servant of God prophesied “A small piece of land is going to make two great nations to fight; there is a great story behind that small piece of land. Because of pride-each of these (great nation) will want to show the other power. It is not good because the devil is behind it.” This came to pass with the unfolding of an intense crisis between Russia and Ukraine where the later was backed by the United States of America on 21st February 2014 over the Crimea Island. 

·        During the Thursday service of 2nd January 2014, the servant of God proclaimed “In a vision, I saw bad news but I did not see the title. English premier league; those of you who love football, you need to pray. Something had happened to a player in the English team and it spread in the media. And he is a player that was focused on. Those of Liverpool should pray." Its confirmation came on 12th May 2014 when Steven Gerald’s slip against Chelsea proved to be costly for the title hopes of Liverpool.

·        On 14th January 2014, the servant of God Abraham Richard proclaimed “An international comedian is going home” When God speaks; He makes sure that His word is perfected. This revelation came to pass on 11th August 2014 when Mr. Robin Williams an Oscar-winning comedian and the first comedian to make America laugh as reported on CNN passed on.

·        On 31st December 2014, the Prophet of God revealed, “A storm is coming to Africa; it is coming from the south and it is going to move more at the coast. When I say a storm I mean anything that can shake a nation it can be death, great lack, epidemic, disaster it can be anything. Africa; South, East, West, North let’s pray there is another storm coming to African countries. It is going to be shaking for at least six months when people are still crying.”This revelation came to pass on the 16th January 2015. Malawi, Mozambique and Madagascar were hit by Cyclone Chezda that caused great floods that left approximately 45000 people homeless and hectares of farm land destroyed.  Indeed this was a disaster at the coast line of Africa where people lost lives, property and fields which left many people wailing. (Aljazeera)
Many other visions and revelations which are not documented here prove his commissioning.

Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso has been God's tool to change lives through a daily devotional book titled "Practising The Truth" (PTT) which he published in 2011 and the REVELATIONS book published annually plus a series of monthly issues- revealed to him in the spiritual realm of what is about to happen and yet to come to people, localities and Nations.


"It is not because of any physical ascription that CHRIST could use a man like me, in fact there is nothing good in me that I could account for this divine call-to witness for CHRIST Jesus; for I was neither a prophet nor a prophet's son but by His grace and will, He considered me to be a watchman to guide His flock to eternal life."ABRAHAM RICHARD BISASO. 
The scripture puts it right in John 3:27 that a man can only have what is given from heaven. 
"My purpose is only to reveal to you God's will-lead and strengthen; the rest is a testimony. Prophecy is my foundation" Abraham Richard Bisaso

Abraham Richard Bisaso is a prophet, teacher, deliverer and father of believers; the spirit of the Lord Himself testifies that he is His son and through him, many Nations will see God in His true nature (Romans 9:1) May the Lord Bless His Word. Amen


 True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations originates from the word of God in John 15:1, “Iam the true vine, and my father is the gardener.”It is located in Kampala- Uganda, along Salaama Munyonyo road. This ministry was founded by a humble, young and vibrant prophet of God, Abraham Richard Bisaso in September 2011; it is on the foundation of Love, Truth, Grace and God’s will which is the message of CHRIST Jesus.TVC Ministries for all Nations is a resting home for the sick, jobless, rejected, martially challenged etal; the moment you step in the Arena of freedom, you leave a new creation (1Corinthian5:17).

Love is evident at the ministry as the ministers display love in its true nature to every soul that comes in search of CHRIST Jesus; you can instantly sense the presence of the Holy Spirit as you enter in faith; we do not segregate in colour, faith, tribe, situation or status because we all need Christ.
As Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso says that we are all one, praying for the body of CHRIST- (Ministries of Christ all over the world) is a must at TVC Ministries.
If you think about coming to TVC Ministries, there should not be a second thought for you will surely witness CHRIST in His full nature.
TVC Ministries also touches the lives of several individuals through the works of charity where hope has been restored; some of the regions visited include Juba, (South Sudan), Kabale District (South Western Uganda) and Kampala District (Uganda) The practical gospel of love, forgiveness, healing, truth, grace, deliverance, prophecy and transformation of lives which our master Christ Jesus laid some 2000 years ago is still alive and being witnessed in True Vine Communion Ministries For All Nations.

TVC ministries has a prayer mountain where the prophet goes to intercede for Nations, believers and it is from this prayer mountain that the Lord gave him Heavenly water; a tool of light through faith against darkness and this tool has transformed and restored lives. In 2016, while at the prayer mountain, the Lord revealed to the prophet and said, “Nations will come here to worship God. Those who want anointing to serve, those with broken relationships will be fixed. This mountain is going to be a place where people meet God. Like Hannah prayed, like Moses prayed-THIS IS THE PLACE. Every prayer will be answered, Nations will testify about this rock. This is  the rock of Christ Jesus - this is the rock of life.”

Resting on the shoulders of the Holy Spirit, TVC Ministries through Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso, he believes in discipleship as our Lord Jesus CHRIST with the twelve. Matthew10:1, “Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and illness”
And also as the Bible says in Matthew 7:16, “By their fruit you will recognize them…” The following are some of the Evangelists;

Evangelist Henry Tendo Kaaya

Evangelist Gracious Angella Nakkungu

Evangelist Esther Tendo Nankinga

Evangelist James Ian Kanewo

Evangelist Henry Kabi

By the grace of God the ministry has since been growing with a branch in Juba South- Sudan, Kabale District- Uganda and is still prospering as the Lord heals, delivers and changes peoples' lives each and every day.

Our prayer days are on Wednesday where the sick and troubled are set free in the name of Christ Jesus, Friday is the new comers service where the prophet attends to each one according to the guidance of the Spirit of God (one on one) and Sunday is a day of thanksgiving and deliverance. Doors are open at 07:00am on Thursday and Sunday! If you have a physical illness come with medical documents from a recognised hospital or health center which will be proof at your testimony time that CHRIST has healed you.

For more information about the ministry:

Facebook: True Vine Communion Ministries
P.O.Box 169 Kampala (U)

Books of faith published by Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso
·         Practising the Truth (Edition 1 & 2)
·         Revelation Book
·         Child of a General
·         Prophecy leaflet



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    -The Healing center


  3. I just thank the Almighty God for his servant Abrahàm Richard
