Wednesday 20 September 2017


As the congregation lifted their voices to worship to the painter of the skies, the servant of God Abraham Richard Bisaso full of the Holy Spirit took position at the pulpit and led the congregation in the message of the day titled, One Foundation- Jesus Christ. With reference from the book of 1Corinthians 1:10-17, “ I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in the mind and thought…

Straight into the message, the prophet noted that it is of great sadness that the church of God today is deeply divided; the church is in factions with each faction pouncing and accusing each other. In addition to this, ministers have let their own evil schemes fail them to live for Christ Jesus; pride, ego, jealous, self righteousness are dominating the church of God and this has led the flock to run to black faith (believing anything that is not Christ Jesus)

The servant of God firmly assured the congregation that these are old tricks of satan which he is using to bring division in the Church of Christ, but his mission will not be accomplished because no one can never stop the truth, Jesus is going to dominate the church and turn everything upside down. Because greater is He that is in the church, than he that lives in the world. Christ is not divided; therefore there should not be division in the church. If we are truly His followers, then we are all builders on one foundation- Christ Jesus. It is therefore our duty to build with care and love because whatever we build is meant to strengthen the church and bring honour to the master. 
He affirmed to the believers that we are all of different callings but serving the same God (Ephesians 4:11-12), one can be a prophet or an apostle or a healer or counselor or teacher meaning everyone has a role to play in the body of Christ; we all need each other because we are a unit.

Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso cautioned the congregation that since you are a co- worker of the Lord mind what you build on this foundation because at a given time God will come to test and prove your building, if you used grass, gold, wood or silver; time will tell. 
Putting more colour onto this message, the prophet said that what you use to build is what will be displayed in challenging times.
The moment you are able to withstand the test that God brings your way, He will reward you like He pleases. We were sent to preach God’s word not about fellow men and it is only He that will judge our works. As products of love (John 3:16), our duty is to teach the world about love in all seasons and charity work, you can never love God if you don’t love your neighbor emphasizing the point, we came by love we must end it by love.  Summing up the teaching, the Servant of God reminded the believers that Love is the only true gospel for God is love.. 
To you brethren remember you are a co-worker on the eternal foundation –Christ Jesus. With this message we believe your faith is now equipped to build and to harvest for the kingdom of God.

When Christ Jesus is in you, love must prevail all the time and 17th September 2017 was no different, Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso was at it again- displaying his true foundation-LOVE. 
With children preparing to go back to school, a number of them did not have some essential scholastic materials and LOVE stood in the gap. 
The Servant of God together with the partners of True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations provided the essentials for the children in order for them to go back to school. As the Servant of God normally teaches that, “Love is the only true gospel for God is love.” His act was a clear indication of what every follower of Christ is obligated to do, remember it is the duty of the church to look after the community.


Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the servant of God revealed, “There is an air craft that will be coming from one of the Arab countries en route Dubai to Africa. There is going to be a problem with it. Let us pray for the safety of the passengers on this flight”.

In regard to what is happening to the Pentecostal churches in Uganda today (the proposed law to make the Pentecostal churches be under one umbrella) the Servant of God reminded the congregation of the revelation the Spirit of the Lord instructed him to speak in 1st October 2015, “…There is going to a campaign and it is going to be calling for churches (Pentecostal leaders) to register. They are going to force you to register yourselves. Before you got for registration, first inquire from the Lord. Why am I saying inquire from the Lord? It means, it is not right. It is coming, it is going to be National but remember who called you before you go to register” He echoed the same warning on 17th September 2017 to the Pentecostal church of Uganda, “Before you do anything, first inquire from the Lord.”



Ms. Tusingwire Jeninah could not fathom how far the Lord has brought her. Ms. Tusingwire Jeninah was resident within a housing estate along Bitura road located in Kabale Municipality- western Uganda for over 20 years. When her husband passed on in 2008, she became the legal sole administrator of her late husband’s property having received letters of administration and as she was carrying on her duties as a single mother, she received a letter from the Kabale Municipal council on 3rd October 2013 that brought unimaginable sorrow in her heart.
The Municipal council had offered tenant Jeninah an option to purchase plot 4 and this was smaller than her plot 54 where she initially resided. This was contrally to the memorandum of understanding which had made them the first priority to buy or lease their plots. On receiving such a questionable offer, Ms. Tusingwire through her lawyers wrote to Kabale Municipal council a statutory notice rejecting their offer but they did not respond to her dissent. 

The situation worsened; the council did not only ignore her statutory notice but went ahead; demolished and vandalized her house and property the following year without prior notice. Ms. Tusingwire recounts, “It was a terrible sight that I found my home in.” Ms. Tusingwire who is a primary school teacher was at her workplace when her friend broke the bad news- the roof, windows and doors of her house were no more and she rushed to the scene to salvage her belongings.  
No sooner had she removed her only beddings than the Municipal council bulldozer came and leveled the structure down. She was left in severe pain wondering what next with her life; the one who once had a home was now on a journey to look for shelter. When Ms. Jeninah recounted to her children what had transpired, they enabled their mother financially and she took the matter to court in pursuit of justice but it was not a smooth ride. There were several adjournments as the defendant (Municipal council) did not show up on several occasions taking her case as a light one. This going back and forth did not stop the family of Ms. Jeninah Tusingwire from persisting and seeking justice but all was in vain. At one point one of the defendant’s lawyers told Ms. Jeninah Tusingwire that she took a wrong path and she better abandon her pursuits and the residents in Kabale who knew about her case joined in the throwing discouragement too. They informed her that such cases can never be fruitful and she may reach death without justice.

With all these discouragements and unending treks to court, Ms. Jeninah was at the verge of giving up but as it is written in the book of Psalm 10:17-18, “ You hear, O Lord the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and oppressed…” Indeed on 13th September 2015, God brought this word to life again, amidst multitudes of people, the servant of God kept walking around like a man in search of something and the moment he reached Ms. Jeninah Tusingwire he made his final stop. He told her to stretch out her hand and when she did, using his fist as a heavenly stamp, he stamped in her hands saying, “From now onward, Jesus is going to be your advocate because you have no defender.” Her persistence had paid surely paid off; finally the Lord of the widows and orphans had taken His rightful place in her case. 
In affirmation, that the defender the of the oppressed had taken over, the next court date left Ms. Tusingwire smiling, she started seeing the Lord moving with her as the elusive parties appeared and the date of proceedings were set; things had worked out in her favour. The hearing was underway for almost ten months and when the verdict was announced on 19th December 2016, Ms. Tusingwire won the case.
In the verdict, the judge declared, that, the plot of land which the council wanted to give her was irregular and in contravention of the memorandum of understanding between the two parties. He also declared that plot 54 Bitura road rightfully belonged to Ms. Tusingwire. She was awarded general damages due to the demolition of her house and finally the judge also declared that the council must pay for the costs of the suit.

Accompanying her to testify were her children, Ms. Tushemereirwe Merab and Ms. Tumusiime Monic who affirmed that indeed it is the Lord who has been their mother’s advocate. 
They noted that from the time the Servant of God stamped in their mother’s hands there was a great difference in the progress of the case as the municipal council lawyers started to appear for court sessions until the verdict was given in favour of their mother. 
They thanked the Lord who came to their rescue at the time it was needed the most. Indeed when Christ appeared, the story changed for the Tusingwire family. Glory and honour foes back to the defender of the voiceless.

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