Monday 25 September 2017


Like the apostles gathered in the upper room on the day of Pentecost, so did the congregants at True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations. In one accord and with raised hands they welcomed the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Under the instruction of her spiritual father Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso, Evangelist Gracious Angella ushered the believer’s in the day’s message titled “Your testimony is meant for another soul” with reference from the book of Luke 5:12-15, “…Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man, ‘Iam willing,’ he said. ‘Be clean!’ And immediately the leprosy left him. Then Jesus ordered him, ‘Don’t tell anyone, but go, show yourself to the priest and offer sacrifices that Moses commanded for your cleansing, as a testimony to them." 
Relating to the instructions that Jesus gave to the man with leprosy to go show himself to the priests, the evangelist notified the congregation that the purpose of this was for the gentleman to use his testimony to preach about the glad tidings so as to bring many to the healer Christ Jesus. As living testimonies we should learn to use our testimonies to fish men for Christ because this is what pleases Him. Evangelist Gracious Angella reminded the believers that God has done countless testimonies amongst them therefore use it to fish a soul. None of these testimonies were done out of human might and wisdom. These testimonies are NOT yours rather God used you as a medium to reach out to those who need healing the evangelist emphasised.

Testifying is a heavenly principle and it tickles God’s heart when one testifies truthfully; God can never give you more if you don’t testify for that He gave you first. Remember the book of Luke 16:10 says “whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much...”  The evangelist emphasised to the congregation not to be ashamed to speak of God’s work in our lives because it is by the power of the Holy Spirit that we got such testimonies. Evangelist Gracious Angella noted that before you came to Christ, you had a certain kind of leprosy; you came to Jesus and he healed you, go and testify what the Lord has done for you to those that are sick and troubled because you are now God’s signpost. Your testimony should not stop here in church rather tell everyone about it because there many souls in the world are in the same situation as you were.Today Christians are testifying about the world and its splendor, instead of testifying about God who created the earth and all it’s finest. With pity the evangelist said that this is so shameful because by doing so we are glorifying the satan the ruler of the world. We should stop such blasphemous teachings for this is very contrally to what our master Jesus instructs us in Matthew 10:6-7 " Go rather  to the lost sheep of Israel." 
Summing up the teaching, Evangelist Gracious Angella noted that as you go, preach your testimony because you are part of the seventy two Christ has sent to testify about His goodness.  Let us then do our work and bring honour to our lord and master Christ Jesus through fishing souls for the kingdom of heaven.

To the disciple of Jesus Christ, we believe you have been inspired by this message, and we know through your testimony Christ will reach and touch many souls. Be part of this great work and register many souls in the books of heaven.



“Failure” was Sister Kyoshabire Melon’s middle name for over three years. As any young aspirant individual Sister Melon dreamt of living a good life and in pursuit of this dream she tried seeking for jobs but all her endeavors were futile. Seeing no breakthrough on the side of the jobs, sister Melon asked her mother (a business woman selling in matooke in wholesale from Insingiro to Kampala) to become her business partner to which the mother agreed. Even though she was running a business, the situation did not change for sister Melon the business instead turned into a nightmare, she would go for weeks without any returns.
With no profits and payment to give her mother, the business kept diminishing day by day like a latten without oil. This situation however, did not stop her mother from giving Sister Melon more merchandise but nothing changed; down went the sales and tension and discouragement up went. Tired of this persistent situation, Sister Melon was directed to True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations where she encountered the prophet of God Abraham Richard Bisaso who revealed to her, “Leave your mothers business, do something of your own and do not leave the place where your business is located; just change the business.” 
Sister Melon received and took this word in faith and with only Twenty Thousand Ugandan Shillings (20,000ugx) she started her own business of selling ovacades and yellow bananas. As the word of God reminds us in 2Peter 1:19 “And we have the word of the prophets made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shinning in a dark place…” when Sister Melon implemented what the spirit of God said, her life took a tremendous change, the song of failure came to an end she started dancing tunes of success. She now owns her own business; she is able to make profits and to also save money which was unheard of before.
With enthusiasm Sister Kyoshabire Melon gave a word of advice, “When the Lord gives you His word, do not look at the surrounding, focus only on the word and it will bear fruits on its own.”

Accompanying her to testify was the aunt, Ms. Nansubuga Justine who affirmed that indeed the word of God has brought forth fruits in the life of her niece.

She said that before everyone used to wonder what happened to their daughter Kyoshabire Mellon because she had become a business failure however from the time Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso gave her a prophetic word, visible changes have been witnessed in the life of her niece.

Glory and honour goes back to the Lord Almighty, the life changer!

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