Monday 2 October 2017


From long ago prophets were positioned by God to guide, warn and edify the word of God; in the same anointing Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso took his stand at the pulpit and together with the congregation they watched recurring prophecies the Lord has revealed about the Nation for nothing is happening now that was not revealed. From the eye opening revelations; the Prophet unveiled the day’s message titled Repentance and Self righteousness with reference from the book of Jeremiah 8:1-4, “At that time, declares the Lord, the bones of the kings and officials of Judah, the bones of the priests and prophets, and the bones of the people of Jerusalem will be removed from their graves. They will be exposed to the sun and the moon and the stars of heavens, which they loved and served…

The word of God is a mirror to every man on earth asserted the Seer; whenever it comes to you it is calling upon you to examine yourself in line with God’s will. As Christians whenever we hear God’s word we should try to take a closer look at our footsteps and see if we are still moving by His instructions. Like the Son of God taught in parables, the Prophet of God gave an analogy saying “if I bathed yesterday, does this imply that I won’t bath today? Of course not; when someone gets dirty they should wash up. When someone falls down don’t they get up?” 

The problem with Christians today when they become born again they say, “Our sins are forgiven” in context that they no longer have sin. Why are Christians today so egocentric to acknowledge and repent their sins? We no longer have fear for God that is why we think of Him as our equal and we claim to be highly righteous before God and the holy angels. God hates pride and satan is the author of pride and he does so trying to sugarcoat sin. The servant of God asserted to the listening congregation that we are living in a wicked world, where everything we see, hear and touch can easily defile your spirit knowingly or unknowingly. 
No man is righteous before God. However spiritual we are, we live in flesh thus we cannot claim that we are ever righteous because if we do, the truth is not in us (1John 1:8). Therefore as a wise believer always have fear for God and let the Holy Spirit guide you.
Concluding the message of the day the prophet advised the believers to make the word of God a standard for their lives (Psalm 119:105). It is through His word that man can move according to God’s will with consent that it is only God that is righteous and man is indebted to repent if he wants to hear from a righteous and holy God.

Life is a journey full of ups and downs; therefore one needs a companion if he is to make it his/ her destination. As a believer of Christ Jesus make the word of God you daily companion because it will guide you to salvation, with this message believe we you will reckon repentance as a hinge in your prayer life.

Christ Jesus deliver me from temptation to sin.



Losses, family disunity and poverty was the order of the day for Ms. Nakintu Madina year in and out. Her life was a replica of a burial ground; tears, sadness and sorrow all the time. As if that was not enough, her business of vending food by the roadside was barely functioning due to threats from Kampala city council authorities who had stopped people from conducting such business. 
However, for some unknown reason, her business kept afloat and even though Ms. Nakintu’s heart was full of sorrow, she kept pushing because she had no choice. Her children’s education was no better; they were constantly chased from school due to of lack of tuition and with these unchanging situations Ms. Nakintu always looked like a mad woman. In her journey of sorrow and pain, she met a Good Samaritan whom she recounted her misery to and she was directed to True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations where she would find the solution to all of her problems.

Without hesitation, she listened to the word of wisdom and came for prayer; the moment Ms. Nakintu had an encounter with the Servant of God Abraham Richard Bisaso he revealed to her, “Leave where you are working now and get another location.” She could hardly contain her excitement when she received the revelation and like a woman of faith she implemented it and started seeing results immediately. Since Christ is the prince of peace, Ms. Nakintu was able to attain her long lost peace again- her heart was free, perfecting the scriptures in Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Rest she received indeed in the four faculties of her life; It was a complete 360 degrees turn for Ms. Nakintu, as she embarked on a new journey with the strong one (Christ Jesus) beside her!

Day by day she started watching her life transform in ways she could not comprehend, by the grace of God she was able to move from food vending by the roadside to owning her own restaurant, and she is now able to pay the tuition for her children without struggles. Ms. Nakintu is now a free woman smiling and praising all the way for what the Lord has done in her life; He has taken her sorrow and turned it to joy!

We give glory to the wonderful Lord who transforms lives in a blink of an eye. 


Full of sorrow, Ms. Nakyazze Gorreti came before the Lord on 1st April 2016, her husband had left her and she was running the home as a single mother. Despite this unbearable situation her income was definitely low because she had no permanent place of work and only survived on selling shoes for someone temporarily. Due to the financial constrains, she was undergoing her children became school drop outs and on top of it all her own family deserted her calling her a failure.  
As the Psalmist reminds us in Psalm 30:5 that “…weeping may remain for a night but rejoicing comes in the morning.” Ms. Nakyazze met her morning when she came at True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations where she encountered the Servant of God Abraham Richard Bisaso. The Prophet revealed to her, “You always cry a lot and you are the only one who takes care of the children.”

Astonished at how perfect the revelation was, Ms Nakyazze confirmed it as true and the servant of God gave her ten thousand Ugandan shillings (10,000ugx) and that was the beginning of her breakthrough. In less than a week the miracle money she had received started to bring forth fruits; first her husband came back and took the children to school. Her finances too came aboard the trail of success, by the grace of God; she was able to start her own business of selling shoes. Ms Nakyazze narrates that no sooner had she settled at her shoe stall than challenges began to surface, they were evacuated from their place of work but her faith only got strong like mount Zion and by the guidance of the Holy spirit, she was able to relocate to another place of work. At this new place, she has been able to open another branch of her shoe business which was not out of her strength but God who has now changed her address from a salesperson to a business director.

Like it is written in John 8:17 “… the testimony of two men is valid.” Mr. Muyinda Stephen a brother to Ms. Nakyazze accompanied her to testify and confirmed that indeed his sister has been transformed. My sister had become a total failure, to the extent that nobody in the family wanted anything to do with her.  
I even  used to work with her but I had let go because everything about her was tagged “disappointment” however, in the month of July 2017, when I met my sister I was amazed to see the progress  in her life and she merrily told me that it was God who had transformed her life. Today, the one that we used to consider a failure is the first person we call in the family in case of challenges.

We thank the Lord who has transformed the life of Ms. Nakyazze Gorreti from grass to grace!

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