Sunday 14 June 2015


It was an awesome time spent in the presence of the Lord here at True Vine Communion Ministries. Many afflicted, sorrowful, discouraged and tired souls received their peace, joy and salvation as they stepped in the Holy sanctuary. Melodious songs of worship attracted the presence of the Holy one to do miracles of healing and deliverance on his children perfecting his word in Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”  Those that received freedom lined up to testify for the goodness of the Lord. Below are selected few testimonies to encourage and uplift your faith as you wait on the Lord’s hand to fish a miracle for you.

Sister Namumbejja Angelica testifies to the wonder working hand of God in True Vine Communion ministries. She said that following instruction of the Lord enabled her to fish her miracle. She brought her new bag to the servant of God Abraham Richard as he had instructed and he blessed them with prosperity. For quite some time, sister Angelica said that she had been earnestly praying for something that she would   own and be registered in her names. To the glory of God, her request was granted on the 3rd of June 2015 as she finally purchased a plot of Land in Mutundwe village, Wakiso, District-Uganda. She advised those that gathered today to hold unto the word of God because it can never go out and come back to Him without accomplishing its duty. Thank you Lord for this wonderful testimony.

Brother Mwesigwa Eriya thanks the God of Abraham Richard for healing him. For fifteen years, brother Julius said that he was a sick man who had made hospital is his second home. Whenever he felt weak and visited the hospital, he would test positive to either malaria or Typhoid. But strangely, if those two sicknesses were not found in his system he would test negative to all other tests though he was constantly given medication that could not ease pain but would add more by making me a temporary blind man.
At the mercy of the Lord, brother Eriya said that he received his healing on Sunday the 7th June when the servant of God Abraham Richard prayed for him and commanded him to stop the medication with immediate effect. He said that seven days have passed without him neither feeling any pain nor taking any medication. Glory and honor goes back to the Lord who heals all our infirmities.

Sister Namuyimba Jaliah beaming with smiles could not hold her tears of joy back as she testified to the awesome God who neither sleeps nor slumbers. She said that for nine years, she had been experiencing terrible pain and unbearable nausea that would manifest every time she attempted to eat any other traditional food apart from rice due to the chronicle ulcers. Sister Jaliah narrated that she would be admitted time and again a situation that had even limited her working life.
On 1st June 2015, her daughter brought her to True Vine Communion Ministries in search for healing. The servant of God prayed for her and behold; the sickness that had limited her from exploring and enjoying African delicacies was terminated by the gracious hand of the Lord Almighty. Today, the 14th of June, sister Jaliah was excited and grateful to the Lord for giving her another opportunity to enjoy her favorite food-Matooke.  She advised the congregation to believe the God of Abraham Richard for his faithfulness. Thank you Lord Almighty for your touch of healing upon sister Jaliah’s life.

Brother Nsubuga Julius from South Sudan made it to his miracle. He said he had come to Uganda in April 2015, and the servant of God proclaimed to the congregation at True Vine Communion Ministries that it’s God’s year for those who have faith to harvest. When he heard this proclamation, he made a prayer and requested God to make away for him to get a new job that would earn him more money, stress free and less demanding.
Brother Julius is humbled by the swiftness of the God of Abraham Richard. He said that by the time he left for South Sudan in May, his new job was already prepared for him to take over. He is now working as a sales and marketing executive in a private company. His new job is paying him more money by a 10% increase in comparison with his previous pay. Brother Julius is grateful to the Lord for answering his prayer swiftly and according to his terms and conditions that were included in the prayer. He advised the believer to embrace whatever word the servant of God says because he speaks under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost.

From those great and powerful faith edifying testimonies, Evangelist Mbabazi John took position at the altar to deliver the message prepared for the believers from the King of kings entitled “DO NOT BE AFRAID”.  With reference from the book of 2 Chronicles 20:13-15 putting emphasis on verse 15, the Evangelist affirmed to the Believers not to be afraid of the possession of bodies by the Holy Spirit. She said that the congregation was privileged to have a physical sign of the presence of God. The same God who dressed the body of Jehaziah to proclaim a message to King Jehoshaphat that “Listen, all you people of Judah and Jerusalem, listen, King Jehoshaphat! This is what the Lord says, do not be afraid! Don’t be discouraged by this mighty army, for the battle is no yours, but God's." is the same God that is here today-the God of Abraham Richard. Summing up the day’s message, she said that the great God of King Jehoshaphat who is the same yesterday, today and forever manifested his physical presence for a purpose. 

Therefore that issue that has failed to break through, report it to Him now as He is proclaiming that; the battle is no longer yours but His. All you need is to take a step of Faith and report whatever situation that has robbed you of your peace and Joy.
As the Evangelist John concluded the service, she led the congregants into a chain breaking prayer that would lead them to receiving a miracle. She directed the prayer into the camp of enemy  saying that “ O Lord, you said that power is in our hands to release answers to any prayer made; right now,  I speak to you Satan, wherever you have been rising against me, the time is now, May you be consumed by the Holy Ghost fire.” Adding on, she led a prayer of protection upon the people and the Nation Uganda asking the Blood of Jesus to cover them; the cloud and the grace of the Lord to protect them.

KEY NOTE: Message from the servant of God Abraham Richard: “I am writing this to inform and alert you as believers of the heavenly kingdom that-avoid moving at night because there is instability in security. Please keep praying for everyone and the country for protection"

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