Sunday 21 June 2015


Joyous praising and worshipping was the order of the day at True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations; the congregation praised and worshipped the Lord Almighty in His Holiness and beauty as the presence of the Holy Spirit was manifested. From this mega praise and worship many lined up to testify for the ever working God. Below is a testimony to edify your faith;

Sister Nayebare Flavia testified for the God of Abraham Richard for the power in prayer, on the 4th of June 2015, the servant of God instructed the congregation to pray asking the Lord for what they wanted. Sister Flavia’s niece had been sent away from school due to school fees issues. She said that her niece never takes herself to school nor brings herself home. The administration suspected that the young girl could have failed to find her way home since she had never done it on her own; they made a confirmation call to her parents to inquire if she had successfully reached home. Unfortunately, Flavia’s niece had been kidnapped a situation that worried her parents. 
When sister Flavia heard about this she came to True Vine Communion Ministries ready with her prayer request. During the prayer time she followed the instruction of the servant of God and asked the Holy Spirit to locate her niece and bring her home. Beaming with smiles, Sister Flavia said that at that exact time when she made her prayer, her niece who had been threatened and warned not to go out, gained understanding, overcame her fear and opened the door to go home. The niece is now home and the man who had kidnapped her is in jail. Thank you Jesus Christ for you are faithful to those who call on your name in truth. She advised the congregants to always pray in faith and humility because the God of Abraham Richard shall surely hear and answer their prayers without hesitation.

From this faith building testimony the servant of God took position at the pulpit accompanied by soulful worship from the choir and led the congregation into the topic of the day entitled; GENUINE FAITH from the book of 1 Peter 1:3-7 "... Be glad about this, even though it may now be necessary for you to be sad for a while because of the many kinds of trials you suffer. Their purpose is to prove that your faith is genuine."

 He elaborated that our faith in God must be tried and tested so that it can be proved pure! Genuine faith is faith relying on God only and not anything of the world. Today we are being faced with temptations and challenges because the Lord wants to know if we can still acknowledge and call Him Lord in the hard times. He emphasized that whatever mountain you are faced with, does not take away the truth that Jesus is with you. Genuine faith can never be obstructed with challenges; it always confesses “i can make it”. A believer who has genuine faith; whether the Lord heals him or not his God remains God. The servant of God reminded the congregants that the suffering they are going through is for a reason, He wants to know if your love for Him is genuine.
 He noted that churches today have run away from genuine faith because of love of material things and want the Lord to give the believers according to their will and not His will forgetting that He works in his own time.

Summarising the message of the day; the servant of God with reference from Psalm 73:1-3, advised the congregants not to look at what the non-believers have in terms of prosperity. He said that if they focus on the worldly prosperity, they will fall off from the truth noting that non-believers may seem prospering but the believers are in actual sense true winners. Therefore whether facing troubles or not as a believer you must have genuine faith- faith that is proved by God!

The servant of God Abraham Richard yet again led the congregation into a concluding prayer to the congregants and those who gather with him on the internet saying that “Whatever bondage that has been between you and God; you are welcome Home! All those praying with me on the internet, am giving you a hand shake; this is the hand shake of the Holy Ghost and He is waving at you saying you are welcome home! I bring you good news; Luke 2:10 "but the angel said to them, "Don't be afraid! Iam here with good news for you, which will bring great joy to all the people."(GNB) I bring you good news in the name of Jesus Christ. If you truly say you believe my God, receive a sign of a miracle so that those who see you may know that your God works. Whatever closed door, be opened! The door that Christ did not close, be opened!
You business- Open up! It is God’s will to prosper His people- May you prosper.
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