Monday 29 June 2015


A wonderful and prophetic day it was at True Vine Communion Ministries. The day began with soulful songs of praise and worship packed with testimonies as well as the gist of the day-power of prophecy. If you missed, brace yourself to read and remember to gather with Abraham Richard every Sunday live on face book #Abraham Richard so that you will bid farewell to those issues that have been disorganizing your life, family and nation at large. Here is a testimony to strengthen your faith;

Sister Nakayenga Margaret thanks the God of Abraham Richard because she has made it to miracle, before she came to True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations she was a peaceless woman. She was always seeing her dead mother coming to her and they would even have conversations, these visits could happen at any time. They would have conversations and every time she regained her senses she would look for the person she was talking to but all in vain. Her deliverance came when she was given heavenly water and she administered on her face commanding that evil spirit never to come back. A prayer made in faith is an answered one, Sister Nakayenga is a free woman now, indeed the tormentor from the dead has never come back. Thank you Jesus Christ for the heavenly water.

From this faith building testimony the panelists took a moment to share with the congregation about the power of prophecy and urged the believers to earnestly yearn and hold dear every word that comes out of the mouth of Prophet Abraham Richard. From such an insightful and mind awakening discussion of the word of God being alive in his prophets, The prophet himself took position at the pulpit to deliver the wonderful message prepared for the children on this prophetic day entitled: YOU WILL NEVER SEE GOD UNLESS YOU ARE CONVERTED.

Acts 2:1-4, "... suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of the mighty windstorm, and it filled the house where they were sitting..."
The Servant of God said that the believers were in union and they had one trouble which attracted the Holy Spirit. Therefore you must be in union with Christ Jesus for you to receive what he has prepared for you. Your heart and mind must be focused on Christ Jesus, His focus must be your focus. Jesus' desire is to deliver you from whatever bondage you are in and this can only be achieved when you are in union with Him. He noted that what is eating up the church today is because we merely switch positions; from the world to church. He said that we need to be transformed from inside-out that is the only way we can become one with Jesus Christ referring to Roman 12:2, “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”(NLT) He affirmed that man's outside appearance can never attract God but rather the inner man.

He pointed out that the word of God can never work in us unless we are converted from inside. When the Lord meets you and works on you, He will change you from the person you were and turn you into his own image. He expanded on and said that when Christ Jesus takes over your image you will become holy, you shall no longer be the one thinking, working and walking but Christ Jesus himself. Remember it is by God's grace that our bodies are chosen to be used by God therefore we should never take credit for what God does through us (Ephesians 2:8). The servant of God summed up the teaching of the day reminding the congregation that a true Christian is that one who is converted from with-in. He explained that to be a true church of God, we should allow Him to renew and transform us. From this intuitive teaching the servant of God under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit gave these prophesies and said that,
“Let us pray for the nation South Sudan-Epidemic. It is the Lord who can heal this epidemic.”

"There is a heat wave that is coming very soon.”
“There are three African countries which are on the list of an urgent attack. It is coming from the coast-Atlantic Ocean. The devil is in a meeting and he is soon releasing them. This is an evil attack, it is the devil's plan. You are going to hear news when it is talking about it. It will seem like an accident but no! This time it will take a number of people. Am talking about Nigeria as the first, Ghana as the second and South Africa as the third. The Holy Spirit says does anyone hear what He is telling the church? It is our obligation to stretch out our hands and pray for God’s intervention.” 
After the servant of God gave these prophecies, he concluded them with a prayer dedicating these three nations; Nigeria, Ghana and South Africa into the precious blood of Jesus Christ asking the Lord to intervene and prohibit the devil’s plan. To South Sudan he prayed for her to be healed and saved from this epidemic because Jesus Christ reveals to save.

Winding up the service the servant of God made this prayer for all those that believe in his God saying that, “Whatever good deal you are pursuing, let there be good news. I speak good news to your life, family, business and finances. Wherever your feet take you, may you find good news and let the four corners of the world hear your proclamation; East, West, South and North; GOOD NEWS!!Those who say that they do not know your God, today is your day.
Confess: I look prosperous, am prosperous, I walk in prosperity and the air I breath is filled with prosperity. The same power i use to prophesy, I give it to you, son of man prophesy to your self and write good news on yourself.
Confession: GOOD NEWS!!! Every where I go, good news!!

NOTE: Sunday 5th July 2015, it is the day the Lord has set apart to give you heavenly water. Come on time and share this message with a friend.


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