Sunday 5 July 2015


The congregation exhibited great faith as they worshipped along the mass choir in soul lifting melodies led by the servant of God Abraham Richard. That moment attracted the heavenly atmosphere to hover around setting the congregants free from captivity. It’s indeed true that the Lord appeared to destroy the works of the evil one. Many queued up to testify for the goodness of the Lord. Below are a few testimonies to encourage you to hold unto the word of the Lord to be perfected since it can happen any time as he pleases;

Brother Egesa Brain thanks the God of Abraham Richard for he has made it to his miracle. He had been tormented with a strange disease that deprived him of his appetite, strength and his normal being. This situation made Brother Egesa to be anemic and a regular hospital visitor because his body required a blood transfusion every after three weeks. Pushed to a corner and without a choice, Brother Egesa decided to seek God’s intervention and came to True Vine Communion Ministries on 18th June 2015.  Brother Egesa received his healing when the servant of God prayed for him and declared him a free man. Since that day brother Egesa has been living a free and normal life. Glory and honor goes back to the Healer Jesus Christ.

Sister Nabasitu Rachael thanks the Lord for His faithfulness. The servant of God Abraham Richard gave an instruction that every person should buy a wallet or bag and bring it to him to be prayed for. While the servant of God was praying for her bag, she saw dollars. Indeed sister Rachel received the dollars. Overwhelmed with joy she could not wait to come to church to testify but she posted her testimony on Abraham Richard’s face book page.
It is confirmed that whatever the servant of God says or does, he does it under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Prophet Abraham Richard commented on Sister Rachael’s testimony and proclaimed more dollars to her. Today, Sister Rachael is so happy that after she read the comment by the servant of God she received 100US dollars unexpectedly. Glory and honor goes back to the God of Abraham Richard.

Sister  Tusingwire Jeninah glorifies the God of Abraham Richard for enabling her to make it to her miracle. For a while now, the servant of God has been praying for the believers to receive good news.

Sister Jeninah has not been left out. She got a pleasant surprise when she checked on her bank account and found money that she did not know where it came from. On inquiring from the bank she was informed that this money was hers and it was meant to have been credited on her bank account in 2012. Sister Jeninah is unceasingly giving praises to the Most High God. Thank you God

Sister Esther Clare is testifying to the God of Abraham Richard for she has made it to her miracle. Every time she would get pregnant in second month she would have a dream while seeing her dead father and she would miscarry the following day. The last time it happened, she came to the servant of God and he prayed for her and he told her that it will not happen again. The word that comes from the servant of God must always accomplish what it has been sent to do, Sister Esther was beaming with smiles as she testified to the Almighty for she is 5months pregnant now. She also glorifies the name of the Lord because she had a dream on the 17th of June when the servant of God was telling her that she has a baby boy and when she went to the scan, the results confirmed what the servant of God had told her in the dream, she has a baby boy. Glory and honor goes back to the Lord for He is faithful and true.

Sister Kasande Jane testified for the God of Abraham Richard for healing her. For 17 years she had pain in her leg in that walking had become an issue. She would walk for a short distance and fall down. Sister Kasande went to hospital for a checkup and the doctors told her that in between her leg joints there was an abnormal growth. She took medicine but was not healed, she came to True Vine Communion Ministries and the servant of God prayed for her. At that very moment, Sister Jane who could not walk started dancing and walking normally something she had not done in 17 years.

She still testified to the Almighty for healing her, her mouth was full of sores in that eating and talking had become painful. She used her heavenly water to rinse her mouth severally and after using it, she could speak and eat with ease.

From these faith building testimonies the servant of God took position at the pulpit. In full authority of the Holy Ghost he said that WE ARE AT WAR!”  He alerted the congregants when one turns to believe in Jesus Christ, an obvious war is opened against that believer of Christ but this should not discourage you to give up.  

The servant of God reminded the congregants that whatever is against them is spiritual and a believer you is supposed to confess at all times that - those on my side are more than those on the side of my enemy Satan.
 With this insightful remark, the servant of God Abraham Richard led the congregation into a war prayer attacking the camp of Satan directly. With a loud confession, the believers assured the evil one that whatever way he is attacking them in their strength to serve Jesus Christ; it’s a waste of time because the battle is not theirs anymore but the Lords. As it is written that whoever puts trust in the Lord shall never be put to shame; this was indeed confirmed perfect as Abraham Richard declared that the battle is no more because the evil one and his agents have fled.

The servant of God concluded the service speaking to the Nation Uganda. He said “I want to speak to the government of Uganda, it’s a terrible mistake to give guns to people of faith. A gun cannot stop a gun, it is love that can win. Let the government think twice. The solution to these Muslim killings is in God and not in guns”

This was earlier proclaimed on 1st February 2015 that " i want to warn those who are believers even in the government, there is an issue going to arise from the Muslims. It will bring change in the whole world.  Uganda, it is even coming here. This  that you call small may bring a revolution.
There is something hidden in the Muslims. Many of you do not know who a true Muslim is. A true Muslim shows love but no love is going to be there, except murder. It is coming from the Muslim faith. Open your ears, you will be shocked. There is an evil spirit involved."
After the war payer, the congregation was filled with the joy of the Holy Ghost as they began to dance to their victory. Others were dressed with the heavenly spirits to confirm that indeed, they were not alone in the battle as they danced uncontrollably to strokes that one in their normal senses can not dance in such a manner.



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