Tuesday 14 July 2015


Sunday 12th July was indeed a watering day from the heavens as the presence of the Holy Spirit could be felt the moment one stepped on the holy ground of True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations. Harmonious melodies from the choir joined with the congregation filled the temple as the Master of the House-Jesus Christ displayed his presence. From this wonderful praise and worship, many lined up to testify for Him.

Sister Gift Mukisa was full of joy as she testified to the God of Abraham Richard for transforming her life. For over three years she had been living an alcoholic life.  She said that a bottle of alcohol was one of the major things that could not be left out of her handbag.

A sip would be taken as a boost to her confidence before she did anything.  All this ended the day she got the touch of the Holy Spirit through the servant of God when he prayed for her and the urge was no more. She thanks the God of Abraham Richard who has made her a new person.
Sister Anna Ategeka testifies to the God of Abraham for making it to her miracle. Sister Anna had been facing financial challenges since 2014. By the grace and love of God, the servant of God wrote to her a letter that he enclosed in some money and said “May the Lord Christ Jesus supply more to you and your family.” Perfecting the word of God that says “even when you walk through fire, it shall not scotch you” the Servant of God again gave her a handkerchief and instructing her to use it whenever she got overwhelmed with sorrow and tears flew. Sister Ategeka confirmed that she cried and the hankie was there to comfort her.


As the saying goes that a man of faith touches the heart of God, when she got this message she used it as a point of prayer whenever she felt beaten down and low.  Truly God’s time is the best, sister Ategeka received a call from a long lost relative who never cared about her and had taken five years without communicating. He surprised her with an all paid expense trip to India. He did not only stop at that but gave her 7000 us dollars.  She thanks the Lord because He did not leave her side and he has seen her through.
From these faith building testimonies the servant of  God took position at the pulpit and led the congregation into the message of the day entitled; HOW CAN YOU ATTRACT JESUS' ATTENTION? Mark 1:40-42, a man with leprosy came and knelt in front of Jesus, begging to be healed." If you are willing, you can heal me and make me clean." he said... (NLT)
The servant of God paused this question to the congregation; “how can you attract Jesus' attention?”
 He said that there are those who pray and receive an answer immediately and those who take more than a year to receive an answer. The servant of God elaborated on this pointing out the leper’s story saying that this man did not come demanding to be healed but rather came in humility asking the Lord to heal him.  This leper was in great pain. He also knew that he was unrighteous and unworthy of the healing. With this at the back of his mind, he came begging and pleading before Jesus Christ because his healing was not guaranteed. The servant of God advised the congregants to emulate the character of this leper as we come before Jesus Christ.


He emphasized that Jesus Christ loves a humble heart and as a Christian your motive should be to touch the master's heart.  He gave the example of the Gentile woman who came shouting asking the Lord to heal her daughter but it was not until she was humble that the Lord answered her (Matthew 15:21-28). We should never approach His throne with arrogance because it does not matter what you have accomplished in life and how long you have served Christ Jesus, He loves a humble heart. Faith pleases the Lord but humility with faith draws an immediate answer from the Lord.

Winding up the sermon, the Servant of God urged the congregants that as Christians we should not judge others because as we judge, we put ourselves in front of a mirror before God asking Him to reveal all our sins. Whenever you go before the Lord forget what is around you and focus on Him the source of your answer. Cautioning the congregants with a take home point to meditate upon, he said that whenever they go on their knees to ask God for anything, they should keep in mind that they are unworthy and unrighteous.

After this soul enriching teaching, the servant of God said that “I have come to give you living water.” He led the congregants into a special prayer and instructed them to ask the Son of David to have mercy on them as Bartimaeus did, the congregants shouted on the top of their voices yearning for Jesus Christ. As  the book of Mathew 11:28  puts it clearly that “come to me all who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest”, the  weary and heavy laden were   led by the Holy Spirit   unconsciously at the feet of the servant of God Abraham Richard. Undeserved healing, deliverance and visions ensued the encounter. No wonder   he concluded the service proclaiming glory, honor and power as he demonstrated how to use heavenly water as well as its purpose in their lives announcing that it will be availed again on 1st November 2015.


  1. Son of David have mercy on me julius Nsubuga .
    The Lord who did for sis ateggeka Hanna and gift mukisa also do for me a miracle, because u are the Lord who answers the prayers of the innocent soul.Lord I need a miracle

  2. Son of David have mercy on me julius Nsubuga .
    The Lord who did for sis ateggeka Hanna and gift mukisa also do for me a miracle, because u are the Lord who answers the prayers of the innocent soul.Lord I need a miracle
