Sunday 8 June 2014


Today 8th June, 2014 the Sunday service day has come with a new dawn and a new day as congregants braved the Sunday jam to come to the Lord’s sanctuary and worship him in his holiness. 

 The service kicked off with believers dedicating the day, the service and all servants of God in the whole world to be led by the spirit of truth and light who is Jesus Christ. Believers were given a dose of joy and laughter through various entertainments as they were ushered into glorifying the name of the Lord through testifying to His Goodness and Faithfulness to His children.

Outstanding of them all was the fulfillment of the revelation that the Servant of God Abraham Richard gave to 
Mr.Ssennyonyi  Isaac, in the last meeting of Sunday 1st June 2014. In his words, he said “I see you giving me keys for a boda boda to bless them. It’s not old and not new” The gentleman had no idea about the motorcycle.

He was not working and had no hope. Today the gentle man has come in with his beautiful motorcycle in the exact description the man of God gave him” not old not new”. He just received a call from someone who told him to go for a motorcycle. Just like that dear reader its true Jesus fulfilled it just like that in a period of over a night. We give God the glory and honor. 

Full of authority, power and confidence, the man of God took his position at the altar and the led the congregation into the package of the day from the Holy Spirit.

Meditation point: By Grace I am what I am.

Whatever you are, and whatever you do is by grace. It is not because we are worthy, work hard and give to the poor, the grace comes because we are not worthy. If it was because we have worked hard, then many would have the Grace. If it is by Grace that we are chosen, then it is not by works. Grace comes to us when we do not deserve it.  

At times we sin and feel that we cannot come back in God’s presence but He comes to us and says, “I am who I am”.  Many of your situations are persisting; you have prayed and fasted but nothing has changed. Jesus is saying, “My Grace is enough” Grace is the good, the power and ability that comes to us when we do not deserve it.

When you say you are great before God, it means you have forgotten who has helped you to be where you are. It is not by your power, it is by the strength of God. Romans 11:6

The grace is free of charge and undeserved, all you need to do is to avail yourself and receive for it’s by grace we are who we are. 

We should be humbled by who we are and not to boast about it. The moment you know the source of your power, it will help you get more victories and faith. Christians forget about where they have come from today. They only talk about it and do nothing to help those they left behind.

(1corinthians 15:10) By grace I am what I am.  When we boast about what we can do and what we are, it means that it is us rather than God that is being glorified. Be humble and God will exalt you. Whatever you are today, it is God’s Will and time that you should be that.

As the service came to an end, the Man of God then led the believers to yearn for God’s Grace to deliver them. Many were set free by God’s Grace as evil spirits manifested themselves and were cast out of them. By God’s Grace at TVC, you get to know your past, your present and future.  As a result, many people were given revelations and prophecies about their lives. Faithful as He is,

He confirmed to His children that indeed He was present beyond doubt when the Spirit of the sovereign Lord rested upon a lady and proclaimed,” I AM WHO I AM. I AM IN HIM (Abraham Richard) AND HE IS IN ME.”

Thank you Jesus, for this great Grace that you have given us.

1st Timothy 1:12, “I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has given me strength that He considered me faithful, appointing me to His service.”

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