Sunday 15 June 2014


Every day, at TVC is truly a new day and we believe David’s confession that one day in the presence of the Lord is better than a thousand years in the king’s palace. (Psalm 84:10) The believers keep looking forward to a glorious and extra ordinary touch of the Holy Spirit. 

The service began with a minster sharing the message,” IT IS BY GRACE.” She said that we are what we are today because of God’s grace and with His Grace, we can do all things.  Take heart; do not worry because it is not by your strength but by God’s strength that you are going to make it. Admit that you are weak and His power will work within you to see you through. 2 Corinthians 12: 9.

The man of God Abraham Richard came in and began to thank the believers for praying for him and all the servants of God all over the world. He said that we needed each other and whatever we are, it is because of the sacrifices and the work of the servants of God. This year, the Lord told His servant Abraham Richard that Agriculture was the way to go if believers wanted to get wealthy.

He said,” This year, the Lord has said that we should go back to Agriculture if we want to get rich…”  He moved with the word of God and today we were able to watch a video of the ministry farm. It is a 10 hectare maize garden located in Fort portal- western Uganda. The word of God is true. Thank you Lord.

The Servant of God led the expectant congregation into the word of God:

 Whatever we are going through now, is just preparing us for the better.

He read Philippians 1:19-20 and explained, “Let the purpose of whatever you do be to glorify the name of the Lord. Be it prayer, business whatever it is; let it be for the glory of God.  Whatever trouble, challenges you are facing are just for a meantime, you are going higher. The Lord is aware of your situation because He has led you this far.

 A seed can never germinate unless it first dies.   At the beginning of this year, the Lord said that this is a year of positioning, a year of destiny and I said that we need the grace of God. This means that it is not easy to be positioned. There is a process involved and we need His grace to be positioned. “

He further explained that when we are pruned, we get to know what we are and easily receive light. Whatever we are going through is what we call pruning. We must struggle to be where we are supposed to be and the good news, is that God is with us. The situation you are in today is preparing you for the next better level.

He said that in order to go through this fire, we need the grace of God and to be humble. “This is the year of positioning.”  The Servant of God emphasized. True and true is the Holy Spirit for at TVC, God reveals His secrets through His Servant to the congregation.

The man of God concluded the message by encouraging the believers to allow God to prune them for this process will definitely lead us to a better level of success.

After delivering the message, it was time for action. For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talks, it is living by God’s power.  (1 Corinthians 4:20 ) The presence of the most high was manifested in an intense atmosphere of deliverance as evil spirits were manifesting themselves and departing from their victims. Healing, deliverance, prophecy and revelations characterized our service today. Thank you Jesus.

“By His stripes we are healed.” Isaiah 53 :5


The service ended with an emphasis on Agriculture. The Lord said that this year Uganda should cultivate enough food for a year and a half because in six months there would be rain. No one knows what is going to happen next. There was a warning on the country Uganda concerning what is coming. The Lord has spoken time and again, the wise should listen.

 He also gave a revelation and said,” I saw a group of people putting on black T-shirts. They are going to be arrested in Uganda. They are saying that they are working for justice. One by one, they will be arrested as they disappear. Finally they will be put in prison, but that won’t stop what is coming.”

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