Sunday 22 June 2014

know what you worship

Today the 22nd of June 2014 is yet another glorious day at TVC; The congregants braved the heavy down pour as they could not let themselves miss another fresh and inspiring day in the presence of God.

The service began with Angela Gracious sharing the message,” Seek the kingdom of God first.” She said that the most important thing for man to do is to seek the kingdom of God first and the rest shall follow. She said that Jesus loves all of us and He is willing to do so much for us but most importantly, He wants to give us His kingdom.

The servant of God began with a joyous and incomparable authority of Jesus Christ and led the congregation into a singing prayer in which the believers broke evil chains in their lives.
Led by the Holy Spirit, he moved to the package of the day:


An eye opening topic it was: knowing what you worship will help you to be effective. He explained that Jesus told the Samaritan woman that if only she knew who was asking her for the water, she would ask for the living water. Even if you preach, read, hold your bible but do not understand Jesus, He will never work for you.  John 4:21; the Samaritan woman judges Jesus, how much do you understand your God? 

The way you understand your God will determine the relationship you have. Many of us think that we know God because of the big congregations we have, fasting, praying or reading the Bible too much. This does not reflect how much you know Him. The way you know your God, is the way He will work for you.
God does not talk to us the same way, there are those that are close and those that are far. The more you understand your God, is the more you will understand your future and destiny.

The more we believe, is the more we please Him. Some people think that God cannot give them bad or disastrous messages.
Try to know your God for He is bigger than what you see and remember God will never break your faith. He is faithful and will do it for you. The man of God went on in his words, “If you want to grow in faith, grow in understanding. The more you know your God is the closer He will come to speak to you.”

John 5:19, “ I tell you the truth, the son can do nothing by himself; He can only do what he sees the Father doing because whatever the Father does, the son also does.”

He loves the son and shows Him everything, so remember to display what you have learnt and known from your God. The road to knowing God is continuous it doesn’t stop at confessing Him as the Lord and Savior. Therefore try hard and know your God. Here on earth we have troubles and challenges but we cry because we do not know what we worship and who we are. Remember there is no problem that is bigger than the God of Abraham Richard and truly He is worthy of all the praise.

 At TVC, we know who we serve and that’s why every time we pray, He immediately speaks. While we were singing the song,” Speak Lord, your servant is listening”, before the message of the day, one of the ministers, Petrolina, saw in a vision the confirmation of the message of the day. She said: 

“I saw a great fire; a lot of fire almost like a fuel tank had exploded. There was someone kneeling while looking at the fire. I could not see the face, but he was dressed in a long robe flowing to the ground. Then a hand came from the fire and gave him a scroll. I could not hear the words that they were telling him and I saw a church (those of you who know Namugongo shrine, this


church’s windows and shape-apart from the cross were similar).
I saw Abraham Richard putting on the same way he is dressed today holding his hands behind him and he was given a scroll. I then saw next to Abraham Richard, prophet TB Joshua putting on a white suite and next to him was a woman from a white man’s country. It’s like these people were lining up to receive a message.” 

 Every one was astonished today when Abraham Richard read from a scroll that Christ gave him. It entails

The scroll of Abraham Richard

the covenant that God made with him. The Lord gave the revelation to this lady to confirm that His servant does as He instructs him. The vision came before anyone had seen the scroll.  (Revelations 10)
We thank you Lord for loving us and revealing yourself to us.

You have been touched and you want to know more, make your request known to Jesus Christ by leaving your comment and contact. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. May the lord have mercy on me, ibelieve , this is God speaking to me.
