Sunday 12 October 2014


This is the day that the Lord has made to be glad and rejoice. The service began with shouts of joy and praises unto the Lord in the beauty of His Holiness. Acknowledging the power in the guidance of the Holy Spirit is a virtue displayed by the children of the kingdom. The service opened with dedicating the entire day and all the servants of Christ in the whole world to the power and authority of Jesus to lead and govern them with His light and truth. The congregation then worshiped the Lord in his beauty and splendor as they were ushered into the word of encouragement led by Sister Angelica from the book of Psalm 1147:1-3. She said, all we need to do is to praise and worship the Lord. He is already rebuilding our lives, faith and bandaging the broken hearts.

 He empowers so that we can empower others, believers were then moved into a session of faith and they asked the Lord to release His fire to forgive and burn whatever that has defiled them and to dress them with His Armor to be ready to go to war and defeat the devil. They attacked the camp of Satan by sending the Holy Ghost fire to kill and destroy all the traps and agents of Satan in their businesses, homes and jobs among others. They began to overcome the evil and also prayed for peace and protection for the nation Uganda in the name of Jesus.

Victory comes with Joy, the congregation danced for the Lord for His wonderful works in their lives  for healing and delivering them. With the confidence of the Holy Spirit, the servant of God entered and straight away led the believers into dedicating themselves to the power of the Holy Spirit and asking Him to forgive them so that they can be worthy to hear from the Lord. With reference from Luke 9:18, Jesus was at one time praying alone and His followers were gathered around Him and He asked them what do people say about me? The same way the servant of God asked, “what do you call me out there?" As he led us to the topic of the day;

What you call me, is what i become in your life. When you call me a healer, i will always be a healer to you. When you call me a provider, i will always be your provider. What you call me is what i will do for you. It is the same way with Jesus, what you call Him is what He becomes in your life. When you call Him healer,a healer He will be, a forgiver, that's what He will be. As a believer, don't waste your time calling me what you  don't believe, call me what you believe but not what others say or believe. Never let people guide your faith. Be the one to guide your faith. The servant of God  further said that since you now know what you call him, you should have your faith up.

 The servant of God then led the congregation into surrendering their lives to the Lord Jesus as they called Him what they believed He is to them. A healer to heal, a comforter to comfort, a provider to provide, a deliverer to deliver and a master to crash the works of the evil one in their lives.  Faithful and true is the Holy Spirit, as believers called unto His unfailing love and their faith was perfected as it is written that whoever calls unto Him shall see Him. Indeed they saw Him as they were declared free by the Holy Spirit and  testimonies of freedom were witnessed. The sick were healed and the hopeless became hopeful.  Here is a testimony to build your faith

Sister Nansubuga Shakira thanks the God of Abraham Richard for He is faithful and true. On 1st January 2014, the Man of God asked if anyone had a question and Shakira's family had an issue concerning land issues. A certain rich woman had taken their land and the people living there were taken to jail. The Man of God asked Shakira what she wanted him to do for her and she replied that she wanted the God of Abraham to fight this battle for her family. The Man of God told her that Jesus Christ fights for the poor and orphans. As the case was going on, Shakira's husband would call the God of Abraham Richard to go with him every time he was to appear in court. On the day of the verdict he told his wife to pray for him  which she did and administered heavenly water on him. They went to court for the hearing but it was adjourned and were told to come back after two weeks. When the two weeks elapsed, the judge ruled in their favour and told the rich woman to return the land back to the rightful owners. She thanks Jesus for fighting this battle that she could not fight on her own. Glory and honor goes back to the God of wonders.

Summing up the service, the servant of God recapped the message and affirmed to the congregation that with God all things are possible. He went on to say, all that is needed is to believe in the one and only God, the creator of heaven and earth. He closed the day by giving a piece of advice as he said; whoever serves God, can do all things he wishes to do but should remember to be humble. If you are humble God will always warn you of what is coming ahead before it comes to pass. A humble man will be saved so you should always be humble.

Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.


  1. Wow.... TVC,am humbled,for dis is beyond duly,.to me,u conquered the grave,son of god,l pray. Over come for me and also,am impure but have mercy on me asinner who do not deserve to live,lord l plead mercy .please see me thru and l will bless yo holy name,in the name of Jesus Christ l pray, amen.

  2. Father,
    What should I call u coz yo everything to me
    -The creator of the universe. Yo everything in my life.
    Thank u father Abraham Richard
    May the Lord God Holyspirit bless u abundantly in Christ' name.

    Jeremiah jb howard
