Sunday 5 October 2014


I am Abraham Richard, the servant of God. Have faith in God and also in me to deliver you from your pain, fear and Satan's control. I am instructed to talk to believers only today. Be a part of it. A wonderful day it was as believers flocked TVC amidst a heavy down pour. This perfected Jesus’ word of (John10:27) my sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me.

The service was opened with loud shouts of praise as King David put it “Praise the Lord all you children of God. Loud Him all you peoples!” (Psalm 117:1). Indeed it was a worthy praise as we were led into a word of encouragement Top of Form
by Sister Sarah as she shared from the book of Job 23:13-14. "But once He has made His decision, who can change His mind? So He will do to me whatever He has planned. He controls my destiny."  She said, worry not, God is in control.

Encouraged as the believers were, they sprung into another session of worship as they called upon the Holy Spirit to take over the intercession moment. Believers asked the Holy Spirit to take over and lead them into prayer as they dedicated all the servants of God into the hands of the Holy Spirit to be led by the light of the world Jesus Christ as they minister.

Faithful is He who answers the cries of his children, the hour of proving that Satan has no control over our lives was manifested as people from different walks of life lined up to testify. Never give up on thanking the Lord for his wonderful works in your life, Glorify the Lord and He shall glorify you. Here is a testimony from Brother Isaac Waakisa to empower your faith.

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Isaac Waakisa
 Brother Waakisa Isaac has made it to his miracle. He has not been in employment for a long time, but on the day of our freedom, as the man of God was giving out the new heavenly water, Isaac presented his joblessness issue and the Servant of God poured heavenly water in his hands and told him to continue using it as he steps out to search for jobs.
On that very day of 14th September (day of freedom), on his way home, he received a phone call informing him to start work. When the Lord opens doors, He opens them completely, as he started receiving contracts by contract.

The Lord did not stop at only giving him jobs, but also he revived his financial trend as prior to his being unemployed, he used to work with no pay, but after he stepped in TVC Ministries, his life has never been the same again as he is paid on time and sometimes before completion of the work.  Thank you Jesus Christ for giving us the new heavenly water as its taking us from glory to glory.

From the wonderful testimonies, the Servant of God led a jubilant congregation into a faith building session of allowing the Holy Spirit to take the lead. He told the believers to lift up their hands and ask the Jesus to receive and heal them as it’s only by faith that one can receive from the Lord.


Just like the sick man at the pool of Bethesda, he waited in his sickness for 38 years, but the lord’s moment found him at the poolside as he received his instant healing like you are going to get today. Remember at the pool, there was a crowd of sick people but only one man was healed who had suffered for long and you are that person that God has come for today. Jesus is going to heal you not because of what you have, but because of your persistence.
All you need is to uplift your faith. The trials and tribulations you have are not greater than my God. Everything is possible before Him. Today is your day; you will not go back the same.
Take position now and be ready for the Lord’s moment.  Immediately, the congregation took position as guided by the servant of God and surrendered to the Lord Jesus Christ, because they had waited for long.

With yearning believers called unto Jesus Christ to have mercy and receive them. They continued to make their requests known as they were tired of the situations of sickness, poverty, confusion, anger, failure and limitation among others. They cried unto Jesus to deliver and set them free. At the sight of the Glorious Jesus, no evil could stand; all he could do was to scream out of the children of God.  Jesus' eye pierced through whatever source of suffering as the chains were broken declaring them prosperous, free and victorious. 
 No matter how long you have been in agony, free yourself and overcome whatever powers of darkness in your life, business and family as Jesus’ moment takes the lead.

 Jesus does not only come to heal, restore but also to reveal, through His servant Abraham Richard, the Holy Spirit revealed to the people of South Sudan and saidam seeing another fire in a trading center but pray that your business should not be in that area and am praying that none of you should die in that fire. The fire will be set by a certain group of people who want to chase them away from that place.”

As the service was winding up, the servant of God declared you believer who prays with us on the internet free, together with your business, finances and plans as he commanded you to get up and walk in the name of Jesus.

Special Announcement: There will be Holy washing on the last Sunday of October. You are advised to prepare yourself well in advance and come with a friend.


  1. Lord l am ready to receive the holy washing and I want to be the first in Jesus's name

  2. O Lord, thank you for teaching me to be ready and alert for that moment that the Son will visit my issue.

    Am also ready for the Holy Washing and eager to hear from my master Jesus.

