Sunday 1 January 2017


“You are great yes you are, mighty God! Walked upon the sea and raised the dead, you reign in majesty mighty God; songs of worship streamed from the temple of the most high God as the grateful congregation worshipped  Him for the grace, mercy, love, strength and forgiveness He has displayed  to them in the past year 2016.  From the spirit filled worship and praise, Evangelist Mbabazi John under the authority of her father in the Lord Prophet Abraham Richard took position at the pulpit and led the expectant congregation into the opening word of the day from the book of Psalms 145:1-13 reminding the believers of the goodness of the Lord.  The Evangelist then led the expectant congregation into the message of the day titled, “PROPHECY!” 

With reference from the book of 2Peter 1:19-21, Evangelist Mbabazi John said that prophecy is meant to edify the faith of a believer; noting that prophecy unlike other spiritual gifts helps believers to acknowledge the presence of God. The Evangelist said that when the Lord speaks to you, it is always in His best interest to fulfill His word; when His word is perfected it will draw souls for His kingdom. Evangelist John noted to the believers that however, when God speaks to you, there is a part for you to play- that is being faithful.

Breaking down the word- faithful, the Evangelist said it means persistence in the good and bad times; always doing what you have done for God. Evangelist John said that when you persist in such times, it proves to God that you love Him more than the situation you are in; that is your part to play as a believer.  Summing up the teaching the Evangelist reminded the believers that whenever God speaks to you, it is also meant to uplift your faith as a believer; the word of a prophet is like a light in a dark place and it will light until dawn.

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