Wednesday 2 September 2015


I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ. I write to inform you that it’s not my style to participate in foolish talks but am compelled by the Holy Spirit to speak to the church of God- a believer of Christ Jesus. I want to let you know that whatever Satan is saying about you keep in mind that his target is to discourage you a believer. This is Satan’s time to rise up against Christians though it’s also God’s time for glory upon His believers and the Church.

This you are seeing happening to the evangelists so called “Illuminati”, was discussed in the meeting of 6th June 2015 when the Angels of heaven and light gathered to pray for the body of Christ with me Abraham Richard. This we saw being discussed in the camp of Satan .They were saying “what can we do to discourage Christ’s believers? They said that we should rise up with lies and point out every weakness of every servant so that we can discourage them all.” "This was discussed and it didn’t begin from here (Uganda), it began from the white man’s country. I saw this in a vision; it began in a Whiteman’s country and will spread all over Africa."

This that you see happening- Satan posting about the servants of God, he is posting them on Jesus Christ. It should not surprise you because it was done upon our master Jesus Christ. The son of God was also called a demon- Beelzebub a king of demons as written in Luke11:15. Take heart, this that Satan is saying is his old trick. I want to speak to a believer through the revelation- this is your time to shine. Don’t look at men deserting and denouncing you. They can say whatever they want to say because Satan is behind them. I assure you that Jesus is ahead of you and no one will stop you. This is the message of the Lord Jesus Christ, “I am with my children, servants and my believers. I am their commander and leader even when Satan is raising the dust, I will raise their levels”.

Make this confession with me; you fox, am here to preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ of truth and love- today, tomorrow until I finish my race and you can’t stop me(Luke 13:32).

 This is a time of challenge to a believer of Christ Jesus. Satan wants to draw your attention away from God, I therefore warn you to be careful with what you participate in and hear. It will go into your heart and contaminate your spirit. You just need to focus on what you believe knowing that Jesus is true and has power; He is love and light bearing in mind what king Solomon said in Proverbs 4:23 and 13:3.
Take note: Even when Satan speaks lies for a hundred years, truth will always win and I assure you; when truth appears, he will destroy any lie that was ever spoken.
This that is happening everywhere in the gospel of Jesus Christ and even to evangelists in Uganda, I want to let you know that it’s not your battle to fight. There’s no need to defend yourself in this matter, all you need is to let Jesus take the course. Rest into the hands of God and allow our God to be glorified. I remind you that God uses foolish things of the world to communicate to us His wisdom and knowledge. This is God’s time to glorify His believers, servants and the church.

 May the Lord bless His word as He crushes lies and talks of the evil one. If the Lord defended Joshua in Zechariah 3:2 then He shall defend the church and no one will fall off from the truth. I am counting one, two and three weeks there shall be fire in the name of Jesus Christ to devour and silence every noise that Satan has raised .May the Lord bless His word.

 Revelations 3:21-22Those who are victorious will sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat with my father on his throne. “Any one with ears to hear must listen to the spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches” NLT


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