Monday 16 October 2017


As instructed in Hebrews 3:7 “…Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts,” the believers' in one accord opened up their hearts to welcome the breath of heaven. In a cloud of repentance, Evangelist Esther Tendo under the instructions of her father in the Lord Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso,led the believers into the message of the day titled, “Love is the greatest component of life.” With reference from the book of 1Peter 4:7-10 “…Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling …’’ The evangelist noted that if you do not possess love in your heart then you are doing nothing on this earth; from the very beginning of Christ Jesus’ mission He taught  and acted love therefore if we are His followers,our main purpose on earth is to emulate Him.

Evangelist Esther asserted to the listening congregation that, the love that we are supposed to display must have no strings attached; do it for God’s glory only. Christ is looking for that individual who is ready to spread His love to the world (Acts 1:8) be in position to be His ambassador. Remember that when you possess love, there is no way Satan can enter your heart; love in truth because it fights and wins battles. Do not forget that you can lie about many things but you can never lie about love, because God is love.
Summing up the teaching the Evangelist said that never display love to be seen and never give because you have a lot rather give what you have out of humility.

We believe this message has challenged  the love for Christ in you, for you can never claim to love Christ Jesus if you do not love your neighbor; it is not yet late to change, begin now to live for love  then you will live for eternity.

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