Monday 16 October 2017


In the heavens the angles worshiped the Lord in His majesty and so did the congregants at True Vine Communion Ministries; the choir led the believers into majestic worship and praise to the Lion of Judah; amidst the spirit filled worship, Evangelist James Ian took position at the pulpit under the instruction of his father in the Lord Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso and led the believers into the message of the day titled, “Concentrated faith pleases God” with reference from the book of Luke 5:1-11, “…Simon answered, ‘Master , we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets…’”

Going straight into the message, the evangelist asserted to the congregation, “Christ Jesus needs your attention” The reason as to why you receive miracles and breakthrough is because Christ is targeting to get your attention. Citing the example of Apostle Peter; Evangelist James Ian noted that it was a miracle that pulled his attention to Christ. However, before Christ seized Peter’s attention, his focus was on harvesting fish and this is the same story today; your attention is wholly focused on your challenges and desires not God.  The Evangelist emphasised that when you come before the Lord full of misery, God will first do something that will capture your attention, however, that miracle you get should not be the end of the story rather it should be the beginning of your relationship with God. Do not let miracles, breakthroughs or marriages make you run away from the Lord emphasised Evangelist James Ian. Stop being hypocrites who come to church only when you have challenges, if you still believe in material things, then you have never believed. Miracles and healings are given to you so that you can focus your attention on the owner of the breathe banks. The worldly fish you desire to catch is not what is most important, eternal life (Jesus Christ) is.

Wrapping up this message, the evangelist took a walk in the book of Matthew 15:29-38, “Great crowds came to him, bringing the lame, the blind, the crippled, the mute and many others, and laid them at his feet; and he healed them. The people were amazed when they saw they saw the mute speaking, the crippled made well, the lame walking and the blind seeing…” For every miracle you attain or witness from the Lord, He is aiming at getting your attention and uplifting your faith; as a believer it is important for you to understand that God can do anything; good or bad to get your attention so as to uplift your faith. 
The Evangelist noted that God needs your concentrated faith no matter the season;  therefore always look at God for he is perfect all the time bearing in mind that when you start a relationship with God, whatever happens to you is for a reason.  (Job 2:1-10)

Child of God, we believe that through this teaching, your attention is focused on God alone. Wherever you are, make this prayer in faith.
Prayer: God Holy Spirit help me to have my attention, my heart is focused on you alone. Please receive me Holy Spirit. Amen!



Mr. Muwanguzi Joseph dressed to the nines came to testify for the wonderful Lord- the transformer of lives. He narrates that before he came to True Vine Communion for all Nations, he was the definition of a confused and troubled; even though he had a job, it was as if he did not have one.  He was a worker in a small home bakery owned by his aunt in the outskirts of Kampala but this job hardly brought in any income to the extent that he sometimes had to walk to work. As if this was not enough, poverty had befriended him to the point of wearing torn clothes! Chocked in this bottle neck condition for over three years when he was told about True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations in 2015, he did not hesitant to come and seek for transformation.

Clad in his worn out clothes, he came before the Lord and as the word of God tells us that God looks at a man’s heart not the physical appearance(1 Samuel 16:7) so was the tale of Mr. Muwanguzi. Out of the crowd that gathered that service day, the spirit of the Lord through Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso, located Mr. Joseph and revealed to him, “I see you prosper in your field of work!” On receiving this word, he took it in faith and kept on waiting for God’s time, because His time is the best time. Deuteronomy 18:22 says “If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has not spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him.” 

In the year of 2016, Mr. Muwanguzi was called upon for a small gig by Jesca Confectionery Company located in Kampala, Uganda to step in for an employee who was unable to come and carry out his errands. When he reached the place, he helped the rest of the crew to bake an eighty five (85) tire wedding cake; little did he know that he way baking his way to prosperity. 
By the grace of God the cake pleased his host hence icing his way to breakthrough. On seeing this angelic work and the dedication of Mr. Muwanguzi, the company director (Jesca Confectionery Company) invited him to start working on temporary notice. He narrates that this caught him off guard because the above mentioned company only employed qualified and skilled personnel, contrary to him who was dependant on God’s grace. Impressed by his perfect works of grace, the director called him again and this time it was to give him a permanent job, perfecting the word of God, “I see you prosper in your field of work!” 

It is without doubt that when the Lord is working alongside you, everything works in your favour; Mr. Muwanguzi was not only put in charge of baking cakes but he was also made the manager of the bakery yet he has no qualifications. 
This new job has completely transformed his life, he now has a stable salary and to meet his needs; something that was a dream to him. Thank you Lord for this mega transformation.

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