Sunday 28 September 2014


Is there any man who has failed the way Peter had failed to catch fish in Luke 5:5? don’t doubt Jesus Christ is already in the boat teaching. Just wait as you listen and follow His words- He is almost speaking to your situation. The service started by believers dedicating the day and all the servants of God into the guidance of the Holy Spirit. They asked him to have his way in all the day’s program and those of his servants all over the world.

There was a moment of worshiping and praising the Lord God in the beauty and splendor of his Holiness as Sister Mbabazi John delivered the encouraging message to the children of God. She said that the Lord will not abandon his people, being with them brings honor to his name and it pleased him to make them his own. 1samuel 12:22

An apple does not fall far from the tree, proving their DNA, the children lined up to testify to the goodness of their Father as they celebrated their victory. These are some of the testimonies to empower your faith in this time when the tempter is out there whispering words of discouragement in your ear.

Brother Simple Sula made it to his miracle. He applied heavenly water on his face as he went to work upcountry selling phones and they found packing space and went to have lunch as a team and left the driver in the car, when they returned to their car unfortunately, they found thugs equipped with guns and they were forced drive to an unknown forest where his colleagues were robbed and beaten.

He is thanking the Lord for his protection through the Heavenly water as he was not beaten nor lose anything like his colleagues. This was because of the grace of God.
He also thanks the Lord for the heavenly water once again as the Lord displayed his power by exposing a snake that had hidden itself in the home store. 

His people saw it as it went into hiding, filled with fear they poured fuel and milk for it to come out to be killed but it could not. Applying the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, he poured the Heavenly water he received from TVC and he mentioned one word, you snake, you are not bigger than my God, he moved away and in a few minutes, the snake could not stand the power in the water. It came out and was killed. Glory and honor is for the Lord.

The Lord is faithful to those who seek him, Brother Simple had been cut off from his family for almost 10 years but on Thursday the Man of God said let’s pray to be connected to our relatives, he prayed and asked the God of Abraham Richard to connect him to his family but the sister sent him a message on Facebook the next day telling him to leave his life alone since he had left the family.

He was so discouraged he prayed using the picture of the servant of God and said Lord you told us to call our people why are mine now chasing me away for good no sooner had he finished the prayer than the sister sent him another message asking for forgiveness and told him that you are my only brother I want to see you and we iron out our differences. 

They meet up and brother Simple told her about T.V.C where he fellowships from and invited her to come.  He was worried that his sister would refuse because they were Muslims but by the grace of God she agreed and came. Today they are reunited and fellowship together. Thank you Jesus for uniting this family.

Under the guidance of the Holy Ghost, the congregation was moved into another session of crashing the devil and glorifying the name of the Lord through intercession.
Dressed with reverence of the Lord the Servant of God took his position at the altar. He led the believers into seeking for forgiveness because no man is worthy but God and led the believers into re dedication to the power of the Holy Spirit.

He started off with a few reminders to the congregation by welcoming the believers back from the days of troubles and challenges. Today is another day so expect. He asked the believers “are you ready to receive the blessings of the day?” He went ahead and thanked the believers for whatever they are doing to strengthen the gospel and him. He thanked them for their endless prayers.

The prophecy spirit began to flow for where there is no vision, the church perishes. He said I am a watch man and I deliver messages. It’s a parable though I urge you not to miss any word. “I saw men and women who do business in Uganda. Who ever had one job was looking for second one and whoever had two was looking for a third one. Everyone was looking for an extra job .Everyone was looking. If you do not have a job or had one you are in danger. I even saw the time, it was two months, because of that pressure, I saw others dying.”

“Blessed is the man, who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive a crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love him…” 

Jesus was led in the desert to be tempted (Luke 4) and in (1corinthians 10:13) no temptation that comes to you and has never been experienced before.
A temptation comes to you in different ways; it might be finances or sicknesses. All of us face temptations and we should not fear them though we might not know how deep or weak the temptation is to you. It’s not common for man to overcome the temptation.

When that time of temptation comes, it comes and fixes you between Jesus and Satan with their servants as the father looks on you to display what you have learnt and have been walking in. The Lord will wait on you to see how you can go through the situation. Man can never go into temptation unless you have been taught. 

Jesus knows, if you are not equipped, you will never win, that is why He equips you before so that your faith can remain firm and delivers you victory. Whatever you are going through now is a temptation; believers are tested to be promoted as it comes to test what you believe, in other words, is your faith firm to believe what you confess?

No man knows what you need, therefore in the moment of trial; you only rely on Jesus to encourage you to win. Believers, when you are faced with that moment, the devil tends to quote scriptures therefore be on guard. Take a look at Luke 4, the devil quoted the scripture for Jesus but that is not what the Lord was saying thus answering him, do not put the Lord God to a test. Anything can be a temptation, be alert as you are getting equipped to overcome as Jesus said my people are perishing because of lack of knowledge.

Believe in that moment and expect to overcome it as the devils mission is to kill your marriage, business, job and finances by killing your faith first. The more firm your faith is, the more Satan loses grip on your life.
Believers, you are blessed because Satan is looking for you as you are affecting his kingdom and wants you to give up and let him rule therefore wake up and hold onto your faith as this is your message. 

In detail and free time read; Luke 22:39-46, Judges 6, Luke 4, Job, John 14:16, 1Corithians 10:11-13, James 1:12
My brother/sister be careful in time of challenge, look for God, man is your first step to falling. You should focus on the size of God rather than the size of the issue. Do not focus on what is given but the giver. Look unto him and all shall be well. 

The tempter truly comes to test if you believe what you confess and also knowing who you are. The servant of God concluded the teaching, by encouraging the believers that they shall overcome as long as they persist. Press on and remain the same as before, be calm, and display acts of love to others.

From the great inspirational teaching, the servant of God then moved the congregation into a session of faith and attaining the promise of God. He guided the believers onto demolishing and pulling down the arrows, agents and power of the enemy into the lake of fire. They continued to pray against the tempter and reminding him that no matter the situation or temptation being faced, they shall never denounce what they believe-Jesus Christ.

As the service came to an end, the servant of God announced that there will be Holy washing on the last Sunday of next month.


  1. Lord Jesus give me enough Grace so that I can overcome the temptations of his world.

  2. Father all i need in this world is your grace to get through any situation that comes my way.

  3. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for your servant Abraham Richard,truly he is your true servant.
    Because today he touch me how to overcome the test challenges and temptations of this world.
    what l learnt today is to put my self in position and to ask God to give me enough Grace.Thank you holy spirit.jULIUS NSUBUGA

  4. Thank u Christ

  5. Am an overcomer like Jesus

  6. Truly, thru Christ who strengthens me, I ritah will overcome every temptation and pass every test around me.thank u Jesus. Ritah Bisaso ZJG

  7. By yo Grace,
    father I know that I will overcome every test & temptation that comes my way.
    Thank u Jesus.

    Jeremiah jb howard.
