Monday 12 February 2018


“His name is Jesus He changes not”-the believers worshiped in one accord as the servant of God Abraham Richard Bisaso took his position at the pulpit in the Holy Spirit signature. As an eye opener he beckoned the congregation that,“It is not easy to believe as the world thinks;you must be convinced first and then act.Before you rise up for prayer, you must be convinced that God  is reliable. After you are convinced, then the Holy Spirit will come into your heart because HE is courage to a weak man. The Prophet asserted that courage is an element of the Holy Spirit. Belief plus action equals faith (B+A=F).”
There after he led the believers into the message of the day titled “When should man trust God?” with reference from the book of Daniel 3:15-18,“…If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king…” (NIV)
“There is no better time to trust in God than when you are in lack, pain, disappointments and suffering,” Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso affirmed. Today, many Christians lie to themselves that they trust God because everything seems good.You can never fully trust God when everything is good, because your heart is full of contentment and there won’t be room for God in you. Men of belief do not walk by sight but by faith.“Your failing to get a billion dollars does not mean God does not exist. Even if He does not answer today, we of faith still believe He is faithful and reliable. Meshach and his friends are living examples to teach us how to trust God. Even when the going got tough to the extent of them losing their own lives, they still confessed and trusted in God. Behold He saved them from the blazing furnace,“If you want to see God smile have faith” emphasized the prophet.

 The Seer added that, in the same way, many of us today are quenched by challenges, tension and problems because our faith in Christ staggers. It is not because we do not know God or that He has never worked for us, but we deliberately refuse to trust in Him. With such a character, your life will only wither because minus trusting the Lord you will end up going the wrong way. Immediate answers come not by doubt but with faith and trust in God. He reminded the believers that all great men in the scriptures were men who trusted God in every situation, citing examples of Daniel, Job, Shadrach and many others.
 Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso clarified as he wrapped up the teaching that, as a believer every situation is meant to sharpen your faith and to strengthen someone else’s faith. If Daniel accepted to worship the idol of King Nebuchadnezzar, he would not be crowned and his God would not be known or glorified in all nations. Do not be deceived by situations to dump God, because victory is not a chance but a choice and remember winners are not quitters.

Child of God, we believe that with the above message, your faith has been checked.

Remember, NOW is the best time to act. Choose the right path. Choose to trust in God,for God is able, reliable and dependable.



While testifying about the God of Abraham Richard Bisaso- the God of True Vine Communion Ministries, Mr. Lwanga Brian Martin, could not find the right words to express his gratitude to HE who works exceedingly and abundantly. Mr. Lwanga explained that he owns a boutique in Bunamwaya-Kitebi, but at the time he started out this business, he only had one dressmaker's dummy with very few dresses. Down the narrow path; the worse came to the worst when he was stopped from his work; which was acting. Life was very difficult, then, and the survival of his family became an uphill climb since he was the bread winner of his family.

He narrated that while soaked in this dismay, he was privileged to have an encounter with the Servant of God Abraham Richard Bisaso who told him that, “Take heart for God will make a way for you.”  The meeting with the Servant of God watered his faith as he and his family held fast to the prophet’s word and onto prayer. It is without doubt that a prayer made in faith moves mountains. Mr. Lwanga recounts that in one instance, when everyone around them was speaking discouragement; because they were going to be evicted out of the shop due to the huge debts they had incurred, God’s grace sailed them through.
As it is proclaimed in Isaiah 43:19, “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.” This word came to pass in the life of Mr. Lwanga; miraculously God used a stranger, someone who had only come to purchase a dress from his boutique. Out of the blue, she became friends with his fiancée and within a blink of an eye the two started having fellowship in Christ. In a pleasant surprise, she requested the family to sponsor one of their children in school, something that left the family mesmerized about God’s workings.

God was not yet done with them; slowly yet surely, the once empty boutique gained a new look! It has expanded not only in size but also in stock with plenty of new shoes, clothes and a number of dressmaker’s dummy to display them. When the prophet of God proclaimed “a jolly week”, he was initially talking to the family of Mr. Lwanga, because in that very week, the family friend who had requested to pay school fees for one of his children, this time round requested to pay for both of their children until they complete school.

Accompanying him to testify was his fiancée, Ms. Nansubuga Agnes who affirmed that everything her fiancée said was true.  When everything seemed to be slipping away, mercy and grace saw them through. She noted that, if it wasn’t for God, she does not know where her family would be. Glory and honour go back to the Lord God Almighty He who stands by the word of his servants.


For a long time Ms. Kamusime Adrine desired to quit her place of work, but the Lord was speaking something else; something that would change her life forever. She testified that she works for a Nation-wide clothing company that has a number of branches in several towns around the country. Ms. Kamusime explained that, she is employed at the Natete branch-Kampala but her condition at work was dicey. She had devotedly worked at this branch for over a year and by then she was supposed to be registered as a permanent employee but that was not happening. This situation pushed her to begin thinking of an alternative and she made up her mind to leave the Natete branch and at least do the same job in another branch.

In October 2017, at the verge of crossroads like Saul, Ms. Kamusime, decided to seek the counsel of the Lord; 1Samuel 9:6, “… Look in this town there is a man of God; he is highly respected, and everything he says comes true. Let’s go there now. Perhaps he will tell us the way to take.” When Ms. Adrine met the Prophet of God, Abraham Richard Bisaso at True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations, he told her not to leave her work or her place of work because she was favoured there. She obeyed the word of God through His prophet and was not disappointed.

 Jeremiah 29:11, “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Faithfull is Yahweh! The following month which was November, Ms. Adrine was appointed to be a permanent worker at the very branch she wanted to leave. Favour, just like the anointing on Aaron’s beard began flowing upon her and everyone at her place of work; their branch began hitting higher targets in sales, something that was unheard of. During the monthly sales competition among the branches country wide, the once poorly performing Natete branch emerged the second to Mukono branch in December. In January 2018, Natete branch was awarded best branch country wide, with the highest sales and excellent management.
 Ms. Kamusime Adrine excitedly affirmed that with such a fine performance all the workers at her branch were given Android tablets as a token of appreciation. Her encounter with the prophet of God changed her work life; everything now at Natete branch is labeled “Favour.” Victory belongs to Jesus.


Ms. Nakamya Edith could hardly cease smiling as testified for the God of Abraham Richard Bisaso. She narrates that before she came to True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations, her life was an equation of rejection, disappointment and losses. Ms. Edith owns a school canteen in one of the schools in Entebbe. Although the school has a big population of students, her own business remained dumb as a tombstone because the students always bypassed her canteen for others. This caused her business to become stagnant and always implicated with debts in pursuit to maintain it. To make matters worse, even the little sales she made were always consumed by the continuous challenges that came her way and eventually she would end up using the business money to solve them hence going back to ground zero.

In this state of despair she was told about True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations in August 2017.  As encouraged in Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all you who are   weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Ms. Edith did not hesitate to come for a solution from Christ Jesus because she knew that something was wrong with her life and she needed a permanent solution. On her encounter with the Servant of God, he prayed for her and that very week a gentleman who was demanding her money rang and said that he had written off the debts. She was astonished and could not fathom how someone who was demanding her for two years could forgive her with no strings attached. “This was none other than God restoring back my finances,” Ms. Edith asserted. This miracle incident uplifted her faith the more and it triggered her get the medium of the prayer request card. She wrote to the Servant of God Abraham Richard Bisaso concerning the laziness of her business and requesting God to intervene in her finances.

 Indeed the word of God is transforming power; no sooner had her request reached the table of the Prophet of God, than the changing power of God began turning every rejection upon her business to favour. In no time her business began making sales, something that she had not seen in a long while. Ms. Edith explains that today her business runs smoothly, she saves money and takes care of herself; life is good. Reliable is the God Heaven and earth for what no man can do, is what He does. Thank you Christ Jesus.

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