Wednesday 21 February 2018


Under the instruction of his father in the Lord Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso, Evangelist Kabi Henry took position at the pulpit and his first remarks were, “I am just a spokesman sent by my master to deliver this message to you.” Taking his reading from the gospel of Saint John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (NIV) 
The Evangelist unwrapped the message of the day titled, “You have no reason to worry.”Urging the believers not to worry, he noted that there is no situation bigger than Christ Jesus; He is above everything. Always bear in mind that whenever fear comes into your heart, you begin to confess negative words, make wrong decisions and you can never hear God speak. 
Look at Jacob, his worrying to meet his brother Esau only worsened his situation. The moment you start worrying, you even forget that God has ever done something for you, meaning you have already lost trust Him. Evangelist Kabi Henry remarked that if God can take care of the birds how about you His child; a believer has no reason to worry because worrying is a sin before God. Always stand in faith and remind God what He said about you, this way you will move to another level.

Taking another walk in the gospel of Saint Matthew 6:25, the Evangelist said that we believers are meant to be challenged because we are not of this world. However, when challenged you must not focus on your situation, just trust in God.  Always remember what God did for you in the past, this will uplift you. Evangelist Kabi Henry stressed that there is a solution out of that tormenting situation you are going through. Just wait on God and call upon Him, He will never forsake you. If Christ Jesus overcame then you too can overcome.  “Focus on Christ Jesus rest in His arms and you will see a way out of your situation.” He emphasised, that worrying only brings disastrous consequences that separate you from God.  Quoting the words of his Spiritual father Abraham Richard Bisaso, the Evangelist summed up the teaching saying that, “Instead of worrying, choose to pray.”

Prayer: O’ Lord I choose to wait on you. Amen



Ms. Wanyenya Jennifer from Masajja-Wakiso testifies for the healing grace upon the heavenly water. With relief, she explains that a week back her one year old daughter contracted measles. Like any concerned parent, Ms. Wanyenya took the child to hospital for treatment. However, the prescribed dosage changed nothing, instead the girl’s health kept on deteriorating coupled with vomiting and restless crying. These symptoms persisted until Sunday 11th February 2018 when the Lord’s healing hand located the little girl.

Ms. Wanyenya recounts that, that very Sunday she was privileged to receive the heavenly water. As the word of God tells us in Ezekiel 36:25, “I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean…” In faith Ms. Wanyenya too sprinkled some of the heavenly water on the sick child and immediately the little girl started responding to the heavenly medication. She was able to start eating and walking which was unlike before. Presently the child is as fine as desert sand and by the grace of God a proud champion over the measles battle. Glory goes back to the deliverer and healer Christ Jesus.


Seeing your child excel is every parent’s dream and this is what Solomon meant in Proverbs 23:15, “My son, if your heart is wise then my heart will be glad.” In the same criteria the Mulinda family cheerfully testified for the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for his abundant faithfulness. With vibrancy Mr. Mulinda said that, “I thank the Lord Jesus for all he has done for me and for my daughter Kaitesi.” He explained that his daughter Kaitesi became a victim of poor performance in 2014 while in her primary four. 
This issue pushed Mr. Mulinda to change his daughter from one school to another in search of better grades but it was all in vain. No matter how good the schools were, Kaitesi’s performance kept on declining with no clear explanation and her report cards were always known for comments like, “you can do better; balance the subjects or aim higher.” The teachers on the other hand could not figure out why Kaitesi performed this poorly, because they had done all they could but it was all like chasing the wind. However, the concerned father was not ready to settle for such and God too was not silent.

 In the year 2016, Kaitesi was admitted at Kings Primary School in Seguku but even though she changed to boarding section her grades did not improve. The best she could achieve was a sluggish second grade and another clown joined the circus when Kaitesi began having severe eye infections. This resulted into severe pain in her eyes every time she opened up any book to read, coupled with continuous headaches. Inevitably, she was sent back home to get treatment which pushed them to visit various hospitals. Kaitesi’s father narrated that none of the medication was effective on his daughter’s eyes problems because they only brought temporary relief and later on her eyes would ache again.

As Mark 5:22-23 says, “Then one of the synagogue rulers, named Jarius, came there. Seeing Jesus, he fell on his feet and pleaded earnestly with him, ‘My daughter is dying. Please come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live.’” Mr. Mulinda too brought his daughter to the servant of God Abraham Richard Bisaso and pleaded with him to pray for her healing from the eye infection. With immediate effect of the prayer, his daughter’s eyes healed and her grades began improving in class. He thankfully added that if you have faith, God will automatically work for you. At the time the daughter was preparing to sit for her Primary leaving Examination, Mr. Mulinda gave his daughter the faith material of the anointed pen to use during her examinations. Behold when the 2017 Primary leaving Examination results came out, for the first time Kaitesi scored a first grade of 9 aggregates.

Accompanying his father to glorify the name of the Lord was Kaitesi who confirmed that, she used the anointed pen in all the four papers of her exams and she passed with flying colours. Today she is a senior one student at Greenhill Academy Kibuli. To God be the glory.

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