Tuesday 27 February 2018


Having reached the pulpit, the Servant of God Abraham Richard Bisaso paused a question to the expectant congregation saying, “How can a believer keep his miracle after Christ Jesus healing him?” He added; this is what I want to enlighten today as he wrote on the board the message title, “Maintenance is salvation.” with reference from the book of Luke 11:24-26. “When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order…” (NIV)

Breaking down the message of the day Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso noted that, when Christ Jesus heals or blesses you, He expects you to follow His footsteps. This means; as a believer you must let go of your past ways and adapt Christ’s ways. However, many self-claimed church goers allege that they are Christians yet they have not let go of their old characters.

This is clear evidence that when they encountered Christ Jesus, they never moved along with Him but instead stayed back and embraced their old ways. When one embraces his old wicked character, he initially becomes a suitable candidate to attract more wicked spirits as testified in verse 26, “Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first.” He noted that in such a state, whatever Christ Jesus has to offer you; healing, deliverance and blessings can never stay with you because your character does not glorify but rather abuses the giver -Christ Jesus.

Magnifying this awakening message, the Servant of God emphasised that maintenance of a miracle comes by following Christ Jesus; the more you move with Him you are bound to change and this draws you closer to your salvation. Miracles are appetizers God uses to attract us to Him and to His Son Christ Jesus but they cannot and will never give you eternal life. Always remember that Christ healing you is not a problem but you maintaining your healing is the issue, for when you learn how to maintain your miracle, then you will attain salvation. Borrowing a leaf from the gospel of John 5:14, “Later Jesus found him at the temple and said to him, “See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.” (NIV) Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso concluded the teaching by alerting the believers to avoid sin if they are to see salvation because there is no shortcut to heaven.

Believer, as you ingest this message, remember that salvation is personal and that the word of God comes to save. As the Bible advises us to forget the past and focus on the future. Choose now to LET GO of your past character and embrace the salvation-Christ Jesus.

Prayer: Help me Lord to maintain my revelation and my deliverance. Amen



Practicing the Truth (PTT), is a book written by the Servant of God Abraham Richard Bisaso,  to help a believer build a relationship with God; through doing the word and to enhance spiritual growth. It has two editions with a month’s guidelines, teaching believers on how to handle issues as Christians. The PTT is not only a book but also a power-packed tool to demolish the kingdom of darkness, hence transforming many lives that trust in the Lord. Ms. Opia Grace is one of the numerous souls whose faith has been strengthened through the PTT book, with gratitude she testified.

“I thank God for this PTT book.” She then explained that before she came to True Vine Communion Ministries for All Nations, she was a casualty of disappointments in relationships. Every time she expected to get a rose she ended with a thorn that hurt her instead. Exhausted and betrayed, she decided to seek help from a friend who directed her to True Vine Communion Ministries for All Nations where she encountered the prophet of God Abraham Richard Bisaso. Under the Holy Spirit influence, the Prophet revealed to her that, “I see someone having a visa and the visa has your photo within” 
Ms. Opia narrated that this was so true because her  fiancé was abroad and he was longing for a visa to come back home. Like the Samaritan woman in John 4:19 acknowledged, “Sir” , the woman said, “ I can see that you are a prophet.” This also happened to Ms. Opia who confirmed that Abraham Richard Bisaso was a true Prophet of God; because whatever he revealed to her had been only known to her and this obliged her to keep gathering for she knew God was aware of her situation.

Like James 2:17 says “In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” Ms. Opia too asserted that she did not stop at mere gathering but she took an extra step of getting herself a copy of the  (PTT)  Practicing the Truth book. She noted that, her heart was drawn more to page twenty two which is headed "God has heard your prayers”, and in the month of January 2018 she prayed and meditated in that prayer. Indeed as the servant of God Abraham Richard Bisaso always teaches us that, “when faith meets faith a miracle must happen”, When Ms. Opia’s faith met that of the spirit imparted on the PTT book, a miracle happened instantly and a testimony was born.

 This she clarified with delight that her belief in this prayer miraculously rejuvenated her loose relationship with her fiancé, who was certainly abroad, but had lost interest in their relationship and clogged communication with her in such a long while. Ms. Opia explained that out of the blue, her fiancé began communicating with her via Facebook and ever since then, their relationship is flourishing like a tree along the riverbanks and their future is profound. 
Glory and honour to God for His ways are awesome and amazing.


As instructed in Luke 8:39 that “Return home and tell how much God has done for you…” Ms. Nassiwa Grace stood high to testify for the God of Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso for the wisdom and favour He has bestowed on to her. With Jolliness Ms. Nassiwa narrated that she joined the ministry partnership in 2014 and by then she was just a mere housewife with no proper income and with no insight. Eventually, she got the courage to go off for a short course in hair dressing. However, things were not running smoothly and it was like she was not grasping anything that was taught to her. This became so challenging to the extent that she wished to give up the course and return to her old cocoon because the course was not yielding
good fruits. Ms. Nassiwa explained that being a partner with the ministry comes along with countless blessing, because amidst this confusion, the Servant of God Abraham Richard Bisaso called the partners for a meeting and she happened to be one of them. While in the meeting, he spoke to her and encouraged her to go on with her course.

Ms. Nassiwa explained that this meeting with the servant of God brought her groove back and this time around she managed to excel in her course (Hair dressing). On her recount in another Partner’s meeting with the Prophet of God Abraham Richard Bisaso, he asked her, “Woman do you have a job?” And her answer was “No!” because all she did were part time jobs when called by friends. Ms. Nassiwa recalled that the man of God asked the same question three times and later on he revealed to her, “ You will get a job, and I see you a rich woman.” The prophet added, “I want you to have you own unique hair style, that will cause everyone to know you”. He then prayed for her and the word began gaining flesh.

As John 1:14 justifies “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.”  This came to pass. Ms. Nassiwa explained that a few days later after her encounter with the prophet of God, she spoke to her husband who was by then out of Uganda and his reply was, “Grace, I am currently working on that issue.” She joyfully said that few days later her husband sent her enough money to buy everything she needed to start her own saloon. Today Ms. Nassiwa owns a personal ladies saloon located in Makindye-Kampala and as Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso had prophesied, indeed people come from various places in search of her unique hair plaiting style. 
Glory and honour back to the God of the prophets.

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