Tuesday 6 March 2018


As the blue skies blessed the earth with drizzles, the believers at True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations blessed God too because He is the God of winter, summer and all seasons. Humbly as a true organ of the body of Christ, the Seer Abraham Richard Bisaso took his position at the pulpit and exclaimed, “The word of God is a deep well not everyone can draw water from it. You need someone with experience to help you out. Behold I am he, the Lord’s messenger.”

With reference from the gospel of Matthew 4:1-4, “Then Jesus was lead by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. After fasting for forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the son of God, tell these stones to become bread…” (NIV). Picking up from the previous Sunday’s message titled, “Maintenance is Salvation.”

 The Prophet magnified the message and disclosed that satan always comes to believers in an umbrella of friendship with sweet and comforting words like he tried with our master Christ Jesus but in vain. Camouflaging as a sympathizer with hidden agendas, the tempter came to Christ Jesus after He had fasted for forty days and nights disguising to come with a solution to His hunger.  On this very note, the Servant of God warned the believers that No one will ever help you out without intentions.” He added, as a Christian never rush with anything for there is nothing good in rushing because you will blindly miss out the real message behind every action; “There is always a message behind every message” the Seer affirmed. Jesus could read the message behind the tempter’s sympathy and in so doing He rebuked him away from His presence.

Abraham Richard Bisaso the Prophet explained that, today we receive gifts but end up regretting why we got the gifts after we hit beyond repair. People are not the problem satan is because he always uses those close to you, to pull you to his (satan) side. The servant of God clarified that if you take a closer look in your life those who betrayed you were once your friends citing an example of Job in the book of Job 2:9, “His wife said to him, “Are you still holding on your integrity? Curse God and die!”  The Seer explained that satan will always use those close to you to discourage and disorganize you just like he used Job’s wife. What you love most can drive you out of God’s presence; Look deep in your family those you love, see what they say and their attitudes when speaking about your God. All they talk is negativity, trying to drag you out of faith instead of helping you maintain it. So be careful with whom you deal with because the devil is working so hard to fail you and he is dressed in a garment labeled sympathy.

Winding up this spirit-guiding message, the Seer reminded every believer around the world that; “If you want to maintain your healing, miracles and faith, always inquire of the Lord before you do anything.”Christ Jesus is the only truthful companion for His intentions are Eternal.  
Child of God You now have it all, Christ is concerned about your salvation that’s why He has used his prophet to re-emphasize this. Pursue only Christ for He is the compass to how you can maintain your miracle bearing in mind that everything else can wait apart from God. 
With this message we believe, Salvation is now close to you. Hallelujah


All those suffering in Prison we intercede for you. Do not worry because Christ is a friend to sinners and is willing to release you the same way He sent an angel to open up prison doors for Paul and Silas. Only trust Him and a way will be made for you to testify.

Prayer: Every prison door, be opened in the name of Christ Jesus. Amen


BODA BODA -2018              

Ms. Nalubega Gorreti from Masajja Kampala testified for the goodness of the God of Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso who turned her life from ignominy to hope. In 2014 as guided by the Spirit of the Almighty God, the Servant of God initiated partnership with the ministry and the outreach gospel. As fast as wind, the believers fastened together as a team and responded to this divine call of supporting the gospel of Christ Jesus. Ms. Nalubega Gorreti being one of the faithful believers adhered to the call of partnership and today she stands to testify for God.

She narrated that when the Spirit of the Lord welcomed members to become monthly partners, she never imagined that this would be an express ticket to her financial freedom. In her world, life was like a jungle where she had to pant like a deer for survival. Her only income came from making samosas and with the little she got she paid house rent, school fees for her children, feed her family members and meet all their needs. Ms. Gorreti recalled that during one of the ministry partnership meetings, the servant of God Abraham Richard Bisaso called forth all those with passports to forward them for prayer. This opportunity became a spark-moment in her life because she owned a passport for seven years which was soon getting expired without her getting out of the country.

As it is written in 1Corinthians 2:9 “However, as it is written: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.” True and true is the word of God, Ms. Nalubega  explained that six months after the prayer with the servant of God, someone she did not know, someone who had come to buy her samosas, approached her and volunteered to take her abroad for work without paying any penny. Eventually she was on plane to Saudi Arabia something she had never dreamed of. Filled with lots of joy, she narrated that by the Grace of God, she worked with ease and when her contract was done her bosses paid her handsomely. Soon it was time for her to board back home but this time around not as a samosa maker but as a lady of substance; because Jesus had said yes and no one could say no.

Today Ms. Nalubega is a definite projection of what the psalmist says, “God raises the poor from dust and makes them seat with princes.”No one knew that the samosa maker could become an employer. Faithful is our God for the lady has now purchased a money-making motor cycle (Boda boda) which generates daily income without her stressing like the old times. Repeatedly, the proud outreach-gospel partner couldn’t stop exclaiming how proud she was to be a partner with True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations and the outreach gospel of Christ Jesus .Glory and honour back to He whose blood was shade for our salvation.


Ms. Nankwaga Hidiat’s condition is better off imagined than experienced, for everyday when the sunset, her freedom went down with it. But that was before she met Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso. She testifies today for the Living God who works and speaks through his Prophet.
Since 2014, she was a daily victim of horrible nightmares and always had sexual intercourse with spiritual men and animals as well. She added that when she reported this issue to her parents, they tried to move her to all sorts of healers to be delivered but all in vain. As Ms. Nankwaga grew up, instability in relationships and rejection joined her in this creepy wagon that was dragging her to the shadow of destruction and quenching all the little freedom she had left. This became her day to day life routine since  all the endeavors for a permanent solution had failed,leaving her to curse every sunset  because it only brought worry and spiritual molestation to her.

One given night as she prepared to go for a job interview scheduled for the next day, she had a terrible nightmare which consisted of a gigantic snake. Troubled and curious, Ms. Nankwaga rose up and came to True Vine Communion Ministries for All Nations to seek for God’s intervention out of this bile-bitter condition. Daniel 2:27-28 “Daniel replied, “No wise man, enchanter, magician or diviner can explain to the king the mystery he asked about, but there Is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries …” so it came to pass when Ms. Nankwaga met the Prophet of God Abraham Richard Bisaso. By the spirit of God he revealed to her the root cause of this wicked dream which was literally an invasion of Marine spirits something she did not know.

Indeed God reveals to save and where His word stands everything is put into light. After Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso unveiled the cause of Ms. Hidait’s misery,he prayed for her out of that doomed cage. Today she is a free woman; she sleeps like a baby and dreams like Joseph. 
What a God we serve and what a deliverer Christ Jesus is. 

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful teaching and so very true. Lord help me to keep focused on you alone.
