Sunday 29 June 2014


29.06.13 Sunday service

By the Grace of God, today has come with a spirit filled atmosphere that you would sense as you entered the Holy temple of God here at TVC. It will never fail to be a new day for believers at TVC for no man can ever know what God has in store unless He reveals it. The service began with singing the TVC anthem in which congregators dedicated themselves to Jesus Christ. 

There was also prayer  for the servants of God all over the world for the Holy Spirit of truth and light to guide and lead them today as they minister.  

The encouraging message was from Proverbs 13:1 (A wise son heeds his father’s instruction, but a mocker does not listen to rebuke.) The congregation was encouraged to obey the teaching and instruction of the Holy Spirit for this will save us from trouble and keep us on track in a midst of challenges.

The message of the day was delivered by Minister Angela Gracious with reference from Deuteronomy 30:15-19 sharing the Topic:

Decision and Choice: Deuteronomy 30:15- 19

“See I set before you life and prosperity, death and destruction”

“We are what we are today because of the decisions we made. Whether your life is pleasing or not, that is the decision you made. God gives us two choices; life or death. The decision you make is what will connect or disconnect you from God. You can never make a choice until you decide” She continued and explained that when we choose life, we choose Jesus Christ which is life, peace, joy, eternal life- you name it; but when we choose death, we choose Satan which is suffering, sickness, disease etc.

The Lord will never choose for us but we are privileged that God has shown us the right way to take.  Many of us have made our own choices which have caused our pain today.  Luke 15:11, the story of the prodigal son. He made his own decision but after he had suffered the consequences, he returned to the father who welcomed him. Today, no matter what situation you are in as a result of the decision or choice you made, wake up and return to Jesus. Ask Him to forgive and save you. He is willing and He can. Gracious concluded the message with a prayer where everyone was humbled to return to the Father for salvation.

Outstanding testimony

The God of Abraham Richard is a miracle working God. Sister Faith Kyoheirwe has a brother who had suffered from a urinary complication for more than one year. His bladder had been operated on more than once but the gentleman was still in pain. This time his operation was to cost 38 million Uganda shillings since they were to fly in an international specialist. The operation was to last for one hour. The man of God Abraham Richard had earlier by the grace of God given the believers Heavenly water to use according to our faith. In her own words, Faith testified,

“I said, O’ Lord I do not know you, but I know the one you have sent before me- Abraham Richard. I kept on calling upon the name “Abraham” as I sprinkled water everywhere including on my brother. Truly there is power in the name Abraham.

The specialist then arrived and the operation lasted only 15 minutes. Believers the God of Abraham Richard is God indeed, because the cost of operation reduced from 38 million shillings to less than 500000 shillings. Today, my brother is completely healed and he can ease himself well. Only God can do such a miracle and I am blessed to be here and to know Abraham Richard."
In TVC, wonders never cease to happen. We have what we call ‘prayer shoals’ these are pieces of cloth which are prayed for by the man of God and are used in prayer. You can cover your head with it while you pray, you can lay it on the sick and they get healed; anything that your faith tells you to do. Now evil spirits fear these shoals for there is fire that consumes them. Many were delivered today as prayer shoals were laid on them or as they cast their shoals on the man of God. For instance a lady cast her prayer shoal on the man of God and when he threw it back to her ,the evil spirits manifested (distracter was its name)  and ran away from the prayer shoal.

There was also maize that the man of God got from the garden of the ministry which he shared with the believers today. Evil spirits exposed themselves and were expelled even as the believers received the maize because it was no longer maize for everything that the servant of God touches becomes a weapon against the devil and a blessing in the hands of the beholder.  Thank  you Jesus.  But who can believe this, and our message? Who can believe the grace that the Lord has bestowed on this man Abraham Richard?

 Acts 19:11-12,” God gave Paul the power to perform unusual miracles. When handkerchiefs or aprons that had merely touched his skin were placed on sick people, they were healed of their diseases and evil spirits were expelled.”  This scripture has come to pass here in TVC today.

Remember to leave a comment on how you have been touched and to send in your prayer request…

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