Sunday 13 July 2014


King David said (Psalm 84:10)” One day spent in your temple is better than a thousand anywhere else.” The believers braved the cold and damp weather to come and dwell in the house of GOD.  The atmosphere at TVC was spiritually uplifting as you would sense the ever dominant Presence of the Sovereign Lord the moment you stepped in.

The service started with the congregation embracing the Holy Spirit as they prayed for servants of God all over the world to be filled and led by the Holy Spirit of truth. As it is, today has been the day that the Lord has made to rejoice and be glad, we praised and worshiped the creator of heaven and earth .

The Lord encouraged us through His word (1st Peter 4:12-14) When the world is persecuting you because of Jesus that you worship, be happy for He has given you the glorious spirit of God.

The minister John opened the message by recapping what the believers learnt from the previous topic: No Holy Spirit, no life. She reminded the congregation that when you have the Holy Spirit, you have hope and without hope, one is dead.  

She reminded them that a believer’s life has a master who controls it, therefore whatever happens in your life, He is aware. This means that what happens in our lives is for a purpose. The trials, temptations and challenges we are facing today are not new thus bringing us to the day’s message;

It is not easy but it is worth it

She said that all the famous servants of God in the bible had trials and challenges. It was not easy for these servants; who include Jesus but it was worth it for the glory of God and their testimonies which encourage us today. Challenges, troubles and difficulties are not news. They have always been there for people to experience. 

However God has not abandoned us. He is with us in these situations to see us through. She alluded to father Abraham whose walk to the land that the Lord had promised him was not easy. His people died of hunger, he was fought and he lost hope. But in all this, God was with him. The same for Moses, David and Jesus; they were challenged. The Israelites in the desert were always in the presence of God. 

The cloud that led them by day, the pillar that lighted their way in the night (Exodus 13:21-22); the miracles, signs and wonders that He performed before them demonstrated His presence. This was not a guarantee that they could not be challenged. They sinned, were attacked by foreign tribes, became thirsty and hungry and even died. Does this mean that God abandoned them?  He was with them to perfect his word. That’s why they reached the Promised Land. 

Take heart no matter your situation, the Lord is with you to take you to victory and prosperity. Furthermore, the minister said when we read these stories in the bible, we should not think that the time we spend reading them is the time these people spent going through these challenges. There is need for us to meditate upon what we read to realize that indeed God was their strength. 

For instance; do you think that it was easy for Abraham to take his son for sacrifice? I believe he thought about it, cried, prayed and I don’t know what else he did. By God’s grace he did what he did.

This means, the challenge you are in will surely not kill you but it is preparing you for a better tomorrow full of victories. Believe me, the Lord is with you. Amen!

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