Sunday 20 July 2014


Exalting and liberating are the words that would describe the atmosphere here at TVC on this day of 20th July 2014. Believers flocked in, ready to tap into an open and free Grace that flows in His holy sanctuary. 
The service started with the congregation allowing the Holy Spirit to flow as they prayed for servants of God all over the world to receive and be filled with the Holy Spirit of truth.As it is, today is indeed a liberating and exalting day that the Lord has made for us to rejoice and be glad, we praised and worshiped the Lord in His beauty, Holiness and the splendor of His Love.

The congregation was encouraged through 1Thessalonians 2:19-20. The joy of a servant and his proud reward and crown, before Christ Jesus’ return is the sheep. Yes, it’s making sure none of you gets lost but bear fruit.

Sister Gracious Angela shared with the congregation the message of the day titled:

GOD IS A SPIRIT – John 4:23

The God we worship is a Spirit and He can use anyone to deliver His message. God will never come down to show himself, we as believers have to believe in the one that is sent before us. We do not know what we worship, that is why we go out there and sin thinking we are not in His presence and is unaware of our sin. Let us therefore not move from place to place looking for God.

Even if you go anywhere in this world, the message He gave you here is the same He will give you when you go out there. God can answer you from wherever you are. TVC is a place where God perfects His word.  When you pray from wherever you are and you come to TVC, the Lord just answers your prayer. This means that the spirit of God heard you pray and now He is perfecting His word.

When you believe that the God you worship is a Spirit, He will always be with you. Therefore the time is now for you to stand firm in what you believe, John 4:23, “The time is now when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.” 

God is found in His word therefore practice it in order to touch, feel and see Him. When you doubt His word, you doubt God Himself.

Believing in the one sent before you, means believing in God Himself and when you put into practice His word, you will surely receive an answer since H e dwells in His word.  John 14:9-11

Be on guard by not allowing your conscience to divert you from what you believe. Let your faith be the bridge to hold onto the word of God that you have received today.


Sister Diana came to TVC ministries on 13th July 2014 to seek the Lord’s intervention in her life. Her mother had been mad for 14years and there was no hope for deliverance.

Every effort that they implored was futile. When she came before the man of God Abraham Richard, he used her as a point of connection to deliver her mother. Today she testifies that her mother is totally free from the spirit of madness. “She is sensible now.” She mused. She said that when she went back home that day and called her mother on phone, the first thing she said was, “Diana is that you?"

Diana was so amazed because in the 14 years of her mother’s madness, her mother never even knew the names of her children. Thank you Lord Jesus, for your wonder working power that has seen Diana’s mother completely free. Amen

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