Sunday 27 July 2014


Today is another day in the spirit. It is a day of faith. By the grace of God be ready to share your testimony with the man of God Abraham Richard so that he can pray with you again. The service began with dedicating ourselves to the Lord so that he could use us. We also dedicated the servants of God all over the world so that the spirit of truth and light could lead them.

Faithful and true is his name indeed. Today we heard the testimonies of the children of God whose prayers He has answered. The man of God has been praying for the entire believers’ financial breakthrough and already there are testimonies.

The man of God Abraham Richard came in early to deliver the message of the day;


He said that you should have faith in God so that you can receive from him today. John 3:3-4. "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”  
“The Holy Spirit will always lead you in everything that you do. If He has never told you that you are His, then no one knows you in heaven.

Many of you wonder why I have this grace and how I am able to know every one’s issue. It is not me, it is the Holy Spirit and you too can be a tool that He can use. Unless you are born by the Holy Spirit, you can never be known in heaven. Be in the hands of the Holy Spirit and the rest will work out, you will always be unique in this world.

We are just tools designed by God and if Jesus does not use you, then Satan will. If you allow God to use you as His tool, you will be like me Abraham Richard.He continued and said," Jesus is Lord, King and Son of God. Never do anything out of your strength, let Him lead you.”

Note; the devil hates the gift of revelation and that’s why many say that this man is a false prophet. Not everyone can be a prophet or a Seer; you will always know them by their works.

Therefore rest in the hands of God and know that you are a tool to be used, what you believe is what you will get. If you believe that Abraham Richard can get you what you want, then you are going to get it now.


Lord here I am use me today. Lord Jesus Christ, I am your tool use me now for your glory in my family, marriage, business and everything of mine. Amen.

He concluded by manifesting the Grace that the Lord has bestowed upon him through delivering the children of God from evil spirits that had bound them. He also gave prophecies and revelations to the children of God as the spirit guided Him. He prayed for the believers’ finances,
"With the same power that Elijah used to call fire from heaven, I call money wherever it is in the name of Jesus. Receive money by the power of the Holy Spirit. He continued to pray and said, ‘Wherever there has been lack, I command supply in the name of Jesus Christ. Whatever chain that Satan has been using to connect himself to you, I disconnect it in the name of Jesus Christ.”


True and true is the Holy Spirit as He set apart three weeks of prayer for financial revival that is ending on 3rdAugust 2014. You too, do not be left out; you might be among those

Namukasa Fridaus

that will testify tomorrow. Glorious are His works as a few have been put together to

honor the Lord.Namukasa Fridaus on Saturday 19th  July brought her financial revival envelope and the
servant of God prayed for her. When she went back at her work place on Monday, she
found that her bosses had increased her salary. Glory and honor goes back to our Jesus.

Jamida Nyesigire
“I thank the God of Abraham Richard for what I am today. Before I came here, my situation was not good. For three years, I would get miscarriages. I even had a miscarriage at seven months.  My husband threatened to divorce me if did not bear a child. I also had a constant hemorrhage and one time instead of giving birth to a baby, I only managed to push out blood. A minister from this place (Petrolina) prayed for me the first time I came to this place and the bleeding stopped.I wrote a prayer request asking the God of TVC to give me a baby. When Abraham Richard came to TVC Juba branch, by the time he left, I was one week pregnant and now I have a baby girl thanks to the God of Abraham Richard.”

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