Sunday 7 June 2015


Sunday 7th June 2015 was indeed a good morning for those that congregated at True Vine Communion Ministries in confirmation of the word of God that sorrow may last for a night but joy comes in the morning. The service kicked off with joyful praises from the choir that attracted the awesome presence of God to come down. The presence of the mighty God was undeniable as closed doors began to open and chains let loose the children of the Kingdom. This was vivid as several congregants lined up to testify for the wonder working hand of God in their lives.  Below are a few testimonies to edify your faith and keep you expectant to your miracle.

Ms. Musiime Maclean could not hold her tears of joy as she testified upon the perfection of a prophecy in her life.  In the year 2013, Sister Maclean came before the servant of God filled with sorrow because indeed Satan had stolen her joy, finances and pride regardless of having a religious background. Amazingly, that was a situation that was coming to an end. The servant of God proclaimed to her that there was someone fighting against her and bringing confusion in the whole family. This she confirmed true rending the congregation that the Lord reveals to save.

Sister Maclean beaming with great smiles, she says that her lights now are lighting green as everyone in her family is having a good life.  When the Lord delivers your family, everything in it becomes new, sister Maclean testifies that after 20 years her family has seen the joy of having a wedding. Her daughter is now a married woman. She says on the Sunday when the servant of God told believers to pray for their marriages she prayed for her daughter to meet the right partner and there should be a marriage. The Lord answered her prayer and this wedding was characterized with the presence of the Holy Spirit physically from the start to the end to the point that the people in the village were asking who this lady that can have such a wedding in her home?  She thanks the Lord because she has come out of this wedding with no debt and He has made her a force to be reckoned with in her village. Thank you Jesus Christ for when you come to make some shine, you go all out.

Mr Ochieng Wilfred thanks the God of Abraham Richard for the great and wondrous miracles he performs amongst his people. Brother Wilfred says that on Saturday 23rd may 2015; thieves broke into his premises and drove off his Toyota saloon car number UAGXXX. He tried to chase after them but could not compete with a car on foot.  He registered his loss at the police station and did all he could to alert his relatives in security corridors concerning the theft of his car though all this was in vain. None of those in security gave him a positive response until he sought help from the Lord.
Brother Wilfred said that he was in a helpless state before he called his fiancé’ Evangelist Angella Grace who told him to calm down. A few hours later, she told him that his car would be recovered. This awakened his faith in God and he held his prayer Chain and requested Abraham Richard to do what it takes to help him recover the car.
Great and honorable is the God of Abraham Richard, in a few days specifically after five days, he received a phone call from the police telling him to pick his car. Glory and honor be unto the Lord who recovered the stolen car as it is written, that nothing done under the earth is hidden from the eye of the Lord.

Sister Nayebare Flavia testifies to the Lord for the power that his servant Abraham Richard passed onto the palms of the congregants. She said that she was privileged to be a part of this congregation and received this power that fished her miracle. Her niece Rachael was involved in a motor accident and taken to an intensive care unit for two weeks. Rachael was transferred from ICU to the general ward but she could not talk nor recognize any person. Sister Flavia thanks Jesus because at the end of those weeks, she received the wonder working power in her hands when the servant of God Abraham Richard blessed the hands of believers and encouraged them to use the power to do all they wanted. When Sister Flavia reached the hospital; she laid her hand on her niece’s mouth and commanded her to receive the breath of healing and speech. In the next few minutes, Rachael had regained her conscience, speaking and was able to recognize people around her. She thanks the God for His healing grace, because as at 7th may 2015, her niece is well.

From such faith building testimonies, the servant of God amidst chants and shouts of applause from the congregants depicting the joy of the Holy Ghost took his position at the altar and straight away led them into the topic of the day “DO YOU HAVE GOD’S LOVE IN YOUR HEART?” with reference from the book of John 14:15-19, "If you love me, you will obey my command. And i will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever- the spirit of truth..."(NIV)
Giving an in depth understanding of the scripture to the believers, the servant of God Abraham Richard said that the way you love God is the same way He will love you. He went on to explain that the Holy Spirit comes to a person through loving Jesus that is why Jesus said that if you love me, i will ask my Father to send you a helper- the Holy Spirit. Taking an example of Peter in John 21:15-17, the servant of God said that Jesus still asked Peter if he loved him more than the rest. Peter's response confirmed his love for his master and that is why it was easy for him to obey Jesus’ command to feed his sheep.  He drove this point home saying that a true Christian today should possess the love of God which will enable him to obey the commands with ease. Take note that where there is love, obedience is mandatory.

 He pointed out that the problem with today's church is that we force ourselves into loving Jesus Christ. The love that sits in the heart attracts God to act. This is confirmed by Jesus’ revelation about Peter’s future (John 21:19). It was because of Love that Jesus was pushed to speak about his future that would glorify the Lord.
Summing up the insightful and faith uplifting teaching, he asked the congregants to do a self-examination to find out how much they love God and how much of their lives have they given to Christ. He urged them not be like Pharisees who say that they are not sinners because they give tithe, help the needy (Luke 18:11) yet are without love. Remember love can never allow arrogance and pride to be in you. The more you love God is the more you will get to know more of His mysteries and the situations you are facing will never  overwhelm you.

Concluding the service, the servant of God led the congregation into a deliverance prayer that set the captives free from the bondage of sin and snatched those that were stuck in the claws of Satan.
He also prayed for those that fellowship with him on the internet as he commanded them to touch wherever they had an issue. Signing off, the servant of God released a blessing saying that, his word is blessed to bless others, in his word he said, “I release my word to connect you to Jesus' power. Wherever you have touched be it business, profession, career, job, marriage, relationship, family, home- BE HEALED!, you are healed because the word of God says so “
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