Sunday 24 May 2015


Sunday 24th May 2015 was indeed the day for the captives to be set free as the service kicked off with joyful praises from the choir led by servant of God. It was just an awesome moment worshipping the Holy one of Heaven. From this joyous praise, healing and deliverance was a must experience as the presence of the Holy Ghost hovered through setting them free. This was evident as several congregants lined up to testify for the Alpha and Omega.  Below are some testimonies to nourish your faith and keep you firm to reach to your miracle.

Mr. Agabula Emanuel wore an amazed face as he testified for the glory of God. He is grateful to the Lord of lords who repaired his hand held mobile camera with only a drop of heavenly water that is distributed at True Vine Communion Ministries. In the past three months, the gadget was spoilt without his knowledge. His multi-purpose mobile camera’s video function was no longer functional an issue that forced him to seek mechanical help from Samsung Distributers in Uganda. Un fortunately, he was told that the camera video function can never be restored and advised him to focus on using the other still photo function that was still intact.
Mr. Agabula said that he walked out a discouraged man wondering what his next step would be as the camera helps him run his other activities more in video. The bible says that whoever puts His trust in the Lord shall not faint but will soar above every step. He returned to the Lord for help and opted to drop an ounce of heavenly water on the gadget. To his amazement, the camera was restored. No wonder Isaiah 5 says who can believe our word? It’s true, today; Mr. Agabula confirms that the God of Abraham Richard is a God to be worshiped because he still could not believe that Heavenly water could repair a camera that had failed the manufacturers.

Young Melody Orikiriza amazed the congregation as she exercised her faith during the harvest prayer in front of the main camera. As the servant of God led the service of 17th May 2015, baby melody who is only five years made it a point to harvest as she followed the prayer that mature congregants were praying.  They were guided to harvest their testimonies of marriage, finances, promotion, and growth in faith, school fees, and new businesses among others and put in their baskets. Faithful is the Lord and no wonder he says in his word the His kingdom is for the little children, he answered baby melody’s prayer by providing school fees in excess.
She says that she usually has issues with school dues, but this time, her father was able to pay the dues on time and which was unusual, her father paid excess school fees that this young girl will find this coming term.

Amidst soulful songs of worship, the servant of God Abraham Richard took position and led the congregants into the bread of life with the topic entitled; JESUS CHRIST MY HIGH PRIEST, Hebrews 4:8-10, 14-15
The servant of God said that Jesus Christ is a friend of sinners but he hates sin. Jesus says that I did not come for the righteous i came for the sinners. Whenever we feel we have sinned so much and cannot go before God, you as a Christian should talk to Jesus Christ-The High priest to plead for you before the father.

He went ahead to clarify on this message that  Christians are inactive in the kingdom because they have let their sins overwhelm them rather than remembering Jesus Christ as their High Priest who speaks on their behalf. He advised the congregation that if you have pure faith in Jesus Christ do not run away from his presence when you sin as it is written in 1 John 2:1, "My dear children i write this to you that you will not sin, we have one who speaks to the father in our defence-Jesus Christ, the righteous one."  We should Speak to Jesus about your sin and do not fear; your part as a Christian is to believe and His is to defend you.  The servant of God then paused a question to the congregants; as a believer do you know what sin is? Sin is doing anything outside the word of God that is to say even if you are eating and the Lord has not told you to do it then you are sinning. He cautioned the believers not to fear when they have Jesus in them. Remember when you have Jesus, you have no sin since Jesus is righteous.(1 John 3:5) Sin is characterized by sickness, diseases, death among other pains.

 The servant of God summed up the teaching advising the congregants to stop condemning themselves of any sin unless Christ condemns you. He then paused this question to the congregants, are you are believer?  If you are then you have no sin in Jesus' name.
NOTE: Hebrews 4:16, “Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in the time of need."

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