Sunday 24 May 2015


Sunday 17th May 2015 was indeed the day for the captives to be set free as the service kicked off with joyful praises from the choir led by servant of God. The congregtation danced and sang their  hearts out as  the irresistable joy of the Holy ghost embraced them. From this joyous praise, healing and deliverance was innevitable as the presence of the HolyGhost hovered through setting them free. This was evident as several congregants lined up to testify for the Lion of Judah. Below are some testimonies to nourish your faith and keep you firm to reach to your miracle.

Sister Kyaterekera Gonzaga testfies for the miraculous power of Jesus Christ. She had spent more than a year experiencing painful menstrual periods. She could feel as if thorns had been put in her uterus during that cycle time making her unable to sit nor do her usual activities.  This time, Sister Gonzaga decided to excercise faith basing on the previous miracle that Jesus performed on her heart through healing it. As it is that God's time is always the best, she recieved a vision when the servant of God was asking her to narrate her menstral cycle trends. She explained everything to him  and he told her,"Let us see whether you will have that pain again," since she had that vision her life has changed. The pain is no more and now sister Gonzaga is in her periods and gracefuly enjoying the beauty of womanhood. We give glory and honour  back to the Lord of lords.

Sister Kojo Sarah testifies to the power of prophecy in True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations;  the servant of God under the guidance of the HolySpirit proclaimed to her that she would get married and travel  to America. As it is in human nature, at that time Sister Sarah had no hope of ever travelling abroad basing on her background. The servant of God went on to afffirm the accurecy of the prophecy by giving her a dollar to make her understand that she was only to handle only foreign currencies majory -dollar. Sister Sarah  received the proclamation and kept in faith praying for this word to be perfected from 12th December 2014, a day she recieved that dollar from the servant of God. Today  our sister beaming with smiles confrimed that  a prophetic word from the servant of God did not fall on the ground. She wedded a few weeks ago and now perfecting her relocation documentation to the United States of America. She gives the glory and honour back to the faithful God of Abraham Richard advises the believers to believe and take the word from the prophet serious.

From this faith nourishment, the servant of God took position at the pulpit and led the congregation into the message of the day entitled; WAIT FOR THE HOLY SPIRIT:
Acts 1:4-5, On one occasion,while he was eating with them, he gave them this commond: " Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my father promised which you heard me talk about. For John baptised you with water, but in a few days you will be baptised with the Holy spirit."(NIV)

The servant of God said that Jesus was telling his disciples to wait for the holy spirit to suggest because He sees what you can not see. Christians today we rely on our experience in Jesus Christ saying, "i have fasted enough, seen enough visions i can do it all," and here is where we go wrong, we do not wait for the Holy spirit to lead. Unless the spirit of God leads your feet you will go wrong. If the spirit does not tell you to go, do not go. Every servant of God should wait for the Holyspirit to guide in all aspects of life. If what you are doing is guided by the Holy spirit, sucess is guaranteed. The servant of God advised the congregants to let God use them rather than the opposite; be in the hands of the holy spirit, let him cause you to look,dress and talk.

The servant of God Abraham Richard went on to alert the believers that christians today are forcing ourselves to heaven in the name of doing good and hoping to book a place in heaven which is contrally to what God expects of each believer. Just like it is in real life it is impossible to welcome everyone who has ever done good to you in your home;the same way it is with our creator. He welcomes those who do His will. As christians we should keep in mind that those who are led by the Holy spirit are citizens of heaven and are the ones who do God's will.

Opening our understanding in conclusion, the servant of God said that you can heal and cast out demons but that does not mean you are going to heaven because any one who believes in Jesus Christ can do that. Let us become tools for Christ Jesus. Give yourself to the holy spirit and let him suggest. Be a tool for his glory,wherever you stand let your motive be for Christ Jesus to be seen; be it your family, job,ministry or marriage. From this edifying teaching the servant of God the made a prayer for those who pray with him via the internet saying; "All those praying with us on the internet, the servant of God is saying; Whatever plan you wanted God to intervene in the word of God is straight, he has entered that issue. Check yourself."

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