Sunday 10 May 2015


The joy of the Holy Ghost could be felt as you entered in the doors of True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations, songs of praise were heard from the choir as the manifestation of the Heavenly beings was displayed by the uncontrollable dancing of some of the congregants. Where the presence of the Lord is, miracles never cease to happen; several congregants lined up to testify for their miracle worker- Christ Jesus. To edify your faith, here is a testimony for you.

Francisca"s baby- Jubilee
Sister Nansamba Francisca crying with tears of joy testifies to the miracle working God for she has made it to her miracle. When she came to True Vine Communion Ministries for all nations her prayer request was a child of her own. The Lord spoke to her through the
servant of God that she would bear a child. As it is in the nature of humans to think for God, it was not different for Sister Fransica.

She gave this pregnancy issue a time frame but that was not what God had in plan. By the time she conceived, Sister Francisca had given up on the baby issue basing on her health as sickle cell carrier that constantly made her anaemic and a regular hospital visitor. Initially doctors had advised her to leave the baby issue alone and truly as she was looking at her state she could not object.
When the Lord speaks, his word will never fall on bare ground and it must come to pass. 

This word came to life when sister Francisca conceived in 2014; for someone who had spent most of her adult hood sickly, everyone expected her to be frequenting the hospital during this pregnancy but to everyone's shock, she was a healthy like never before during the pregnancy. Today filled with joy of the Holy Ghost she presented to the congregation her bouncing baby boy. Thank you Jesus Christ for you keep your promises.
Brethren, when the Lord gives you his word, keep trusting Him, one thing that we are all certain about now is that the period does not matter; God's timing is always the best.


Some of the pupils that received

scholastic materials
The man of love is at it again, he is supplying scholastic materials to the students who are going back to school. For the past weeks the servant of God has been teaching about love and now he has put it in action. Children who are going back to school and could not afford basic scholastic materials like books, pens, pencils and sets lined up to receive their share. Today Christians we need to be action oriented; that is the gospel that the world needs today. For some people all they need to believe in Jesus is an act of love that will bring them closer to the truth. Remember a man of love is a man of faith.


Acts 20:35, " In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: It is more blessed to give than to receive,"(NIV)
Never give what you do not love and value ; the same way it is with our God give him
what you love the most, because he gave us his best- His only son Jesus Christ. When you give God what you depend on then you totally relay on Him. We must work and bless others for it is a blessing to give than to receive.

Take an example of Mary in the book of John 12:3; she gave her best to Christ Jesus. She poured her expensive perfume on Jesus Christ- she saw that giving dinner to Jesus was not enough and she got the perfume she loved so much and poured it on her master. This act of love has never been forgotten. Brethren when you give your best it will never be forgotten. As a Christian, examine yourself and find out if you truly love God.
Food for thought; Love is practical.

 He concluded the service with a prophetic prayer. In his words he said,

“A word of a prophet never falls on bare ground. I proclaim good news. Wherever you are, proclaim good news, in your business good news, your faith good news, your family good news, your relationship good news, your marriage good news, your ministry good news. Let there be revival in you, whatever dry bone in you let it become a servant of God in you, whatever that is around you and has been dead begin to receive flesh and support the servant of God, whatever is around you should produce good results for the glory of the Lord.”

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1 comment:

  1. Indeed love is practical & sacrifice as well,
    Truly yo a true MOG, sent from above;
    Whatever & everything u do is full of love & such an act of love is enough to tell that u have a salt of love (friendship) within u.
    I love that & may Christ give me that kind of love too, a love full of mercy & sacrifice
    In & through the name of yo servant Abraham Richard.

    From Heavens, father hear & remember me Jeremiah.
