Sunday 3 May 2015


The Sunday service at True Vine Communion Ministries was characterised by an outpouring of the Holy Ghost demonstrating the Lord’s power through healing and deliverance as choir sang melodious songs of worship and praise. Indeed as it is written that every day is new  before the Lord, it’s true because the congregation experienced a heavenly VIP treatment as the staff of heaven descended and filled the holy sanctuary and set the captives free from the bondage of sin, disease, lack, confusion among others.
No wonder the bible says that the Lord appeared to destroy the works of the evil one. In confirmation to the word of God as true many queued up to testify for the wonder working hand of the God of Abraham Richard. Here are a few selected testimonies to uplift your faith.

Sister Atuhaire Irene testifies to the Almighty God for enabling her to make it to her miracle.  For four years Sister Irene lived with a skin disorder on her inner stretch of her thighs. This skin on her inner parts of her thighs was similar to that of a snake. This issue had caused great discomfort in her life to an extent of damaging her esteem.  Sister Irene would scale off the snake like skin every night even when it would return by morning.  Her saving grace came when she heard about what the servant of God at True Vine Communion Ministries can do; she rushed in to meet the man who does wonders and miracles in the name of Jesus. Indeed, no one can search for God in vain; the master of the house Christ Jesus met her issue on 23rd April. As the service was going on that day, she touched her thighs and made a prayer asking God to give her a new skin and it was done as she requested. That very night when she returned home, she checked herself and behold, there was a new skin on her inner stretch of her thighs. Sister Irene is glowing with smiles and unceasingly glorifies the Holy one of Israel for this wonder he has done for her. Thank You Jesus Christ for that wonderful restoration.

Sister Namanja Rebecca glorifies the God of Abraham Richard for she has made it to her miracle. For the last two years she has been working in a hotel and this job kept her busy to the extent that she would not get enough time to serve her God. She made a prayer asking the God of Abraham Richard to change her situation. Our God is indeed faithful to those who seek for his assistance, today sister Rebecca was smiling from ear to ear  as she testified  that she now  has a job in the United Nations that is not only well paying but it also allows her to serve  God. Thank you Jesus Christ for moving our sister from glory to glory.

From these edifying testimonies, the servant of God took position at the pulpit amidst soulful worship from the choir and straight away guided the congregation into worshipping the Lord in their own words. He went on to encourage the congregation to take heart as the Lord was prepared to heal and bandage the congregant's spirit partners- the angels that move with you as a person. He affirmed to the believers to speak directly to the angels in faith to be obedient to God's voice for the sake of our deliverance.

 From this faith prayer the servant of God led the congregation into the message of the day entitled; CAN YOU RISK IT ALL FOR CHRIST JESUS? Philippians 3:7-11 "But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish that I may gain Christ..."
 Making the message broad, the servant of God paused a question; can you risk your all for Jesus Christ? If you cannot risk for God that means he too will never risk for you remember when you give Him your best; He will give you His best in return. Emphasizing more on risking it all for Christ, he said that as a Christian, unless you give your all to Jesus Christ you will never see a unique transformation in your life.  Jesus died on the cross for us all but if you cannot risk for him that cross is worthless to you because the cross benefits those who believe. The servant of God Abraham Richard urged the congregants to be alert in order not to miss out on what the Lord has in store due to their selfishness which is a cancer that is eating up the present church.

In order for the message to be understood, the servant of God went in detail to break down the essence of taking a risk. With reference from Daniel 3, the servant of God highlighted that Daniel’s move to accept to be thrown into the fire was a total reflection of a man of faith who risked his all for Christ, that it was not a loss for him to risk his life in fire for the glory of his God even when he was not sure that God will rescue him. As a wake up call, the servant of God reminded the believers that God can never walk with anyone through fire unless that person takes the first step.

Winding up the day’s message, the servant of God cautioned the congregants that as a Christian before you boast about how much you love God; it’s better to first do self-examination in order to be sure of your position with Christ. As a take home advice, the servant of God said that a true man of love is someone who gives and does not boast because he knows the source of his provision.

As the service started, the servant of God proclaimed that our guardian angels are going to be strengthened. As the he concluded the prayer that aimed at strengthening the angels-that move with each human, he picked out Sister Brenda who happened to come in the service as it was coming to an end. He asked her to share with the congregation the reason that was making her smile to which replied that she was not sure. The servant of God went on to affirm that her guardian angels were strengthened to an extent of lifting her up in the air. In a short while, she lapsed into a state where her spirit was taken to another environment all together.

Indeed, sister Brenda was in heaven as she started telling the congregants that she was in a place full of beautiful flowers and shining bright, adding on the servant of God asked her of the person that was standing in front of her. Smiling and teary, she responded that the son of God was standing and just looking at her and before she finished sharing what she was seeing, she bowed down in worship of the Lion of Judah.  Indeed, it takes God's grace to be in the spirit, all this was not visible to every one.

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