Monday 4 September 2017


As the Psalmist says in Psalm 27:13, “I am still confident of this; I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” With raised voices and opened hearts the believers worshipped the Lord who has been faithful, merciful and loving to them at all times. From the praise and worship, the servant of God Abraham Richard Bisaso took his position at the pulpit in confidence and authority of the Holy Spirit and unvailed the message of the day tilled “Spiritual warfare” with reference from the book of Ephesians 6:10-13 “Finally, be strong in the Lord and his mighty power. Put on the full armour of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes…

“Who is your enemy?” the Prophet challenged the congregation present.  Your enemy is not in flesh but in the spirit he noted; do not go around saying that people are fighting you. Man is not your enemy but the evil spirit behind him or her is what is fighting you a believer. 
Taking a walk in the book of John 10:10, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” The servant of God asserted that whatever is attacking the church of Christ today is not people but satan, his aim is to fight you until you fail. However, Christians have failed to recognize this- we are fighting wrong battles forgetting that our real enemy is satan.
The more you fight against each other, the more he will over power you and consequently lose the battle.The spiritual world is “REAL” affirmed Seer Abraham Richard Bisaso and as a Christian you are always at war. It is a spiritual warfare and satan will use anything and everything around you to make you lose focus-  your loved ones as well could be his victims to divert you therefore always be alert. Breaking down the message the Seer noted that human bodies are vessels that are used by spirits- it can be a good spirit or a bad spirit using you. 
The moment you are under the influence of an evil spirit, you are an enemy to the kingdom of God because whatever you do will be contrary to the kingdom of God and vice versa. The issue is not about your name, size or race, the issue is which spirit you have availed yourself to.  As a believer it essential to always put on the full armour of God for the Holy Spirit to use you; and when he does satan must flee your surroundings.

The servant of God emphasized that the truth is that we have one common enemy as Christians but let us not make it easy for him to sabotage our faith. You only need to know how your enemy looks like; he is too bitter about you still keeping your faith and is willing to do anything to make you to lose it. He is speaking discouragement, failure, fear or sin but speak scripture back- the same way Christ overcame the devil while in the desert, you too can overcome him. 
Concluding the message, Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso encouraged the believers reminding them that your enemy may seem too big like a giant but he is too weak if you take your spiritual stand in the Lord.

Child of God we believe this message has rejuvenated your faith in the Lord; you are not alone in this battle. Behold Jesus Christ has come to deliver us and to destroy the works of satan!

Prayer: Satan I know you can hear me- you are my only enemy. I command you in the name of Christ Jesus leave my spiritual life, ministry, calling, family, finances and surrounding in the name of Christ Jesus.



As early as 11 years of age Brother Okello Richard fell under satan’s dominion; a spirit of immorality dominated his life and it kept growing steadily. With such evil influence instead of doing what children his age normally do, his thoughts were on how he would woe girls and women to his bed. As the Bible reminds us that your thoughts become your action, Brother Richard at 13 years was compelled by the evil spirit to practise his thoughts. The moment he had his first sexual encounter in primary seven he opened a pandora’s box for himself; he started sleeping with women and girls of all ages. Day by day his situation became worse, even when he was not emotionally interested it did not stop him from sleeping with girls. 

This evil spirit had engulfed the life of Brother Richard to the extent that it pushed him to even sleep with married women at his tender age and education was the last thing on his mind. He started to steadily decline in his education and at one point wanted to drop out of school that he can become a man officially.

Not only did this evil spit  make him hate education and sleeping with girls but he started watching pornography and masturbating as well, it is without doubt that satan had Brother Richard wrapped around his finger and was working under his command. Brother Richard noted that whenever he set dates with any of his “girls” and they did not turn up he turned to masturbation as his consolation. When his mother and friends advised him to stop these bad habits, Brother Richard cut ties with them seeing them as his “enemy.”
Time reached when Brother Richard was tired if the immoral life he was living but because he was under the influence of satan, he could not stop even though he so desperately wanted to stop it. As Apostle Paul testifies in Romans 7:15, “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do but what I hate I do.” Depressed and tired of the cage he was in, Brother Okello reached out to his cousin and who advised him to come to True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations – there he would be delivered from the spirit of immorality.
In faith Brother Okello came on 29th January 2017 and the first words the Servant of God said  on reaching the pulpit were, “Today I have come to deliver you from the spirit of immorality.” On hearing these words Brother Okello knew that his moment had definitely come, he opened up his heart and during the mass prayer he felt an evil spirit with crocodile gestures come out of him. In that very moment his spirit felt free from that evil spirit of the immorality that had haunted him for several years. To affirm his deliverance, Brother Okello asserted that from that day, he has never lusted to sleep with any girl these days he is only focused on God and his education.

Accompanying him to testify was his cousin, Brother Okoth Alfred who confirmed that his brother is the definition of free now.
He said that this evil spirit had dominated the life of his cousin to the extent that when he almost gave up his studies in pursuit of marriage at such a young age however, from the time he received his deliverance from the Lord through Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso, he is a totally free man who is focused on the Lord and his education.

As the Apostle reminds us in 2Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” We glorify the name of the Lord who has transformed Brother Okello Richard’s life.


“Betting houses for a long time been had been my disguised partner to get instant cash for ends meet,” Mr. Chekecan Patrick admitted sadly. While testifying for Christ he narrates how he had been addicted to gambling for eight good years; not only did he lose his money and property courtesy of betting but he also became a slave of gambling. Among the endless lists of games he betted on, Mr. Chekecan pointed out European leagues soccer games and dog races on sports Television channels as his then favorite betting ventures. Alas! little did he know that the devil had turned the odds against him like it is written in John 10:10, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy…” because day by day his money kept slipping through his pocket as if they had holes.

Mr. Chekecan narrates that things got more complicated as the situation flew from the frying pan into the fire when he started gambling with the money that was meant to feed his family assuming that the more money he uses to bet on these various games the more he will earn back when he hits the jackpot. Being the bread winner of his household, his family members started to sing a song of lack and starvation but it was all in vain as he continued to pay a deaf ear; satan was in control of his life leading him along the high way to poverty. He says that on several occasions he went to church for prayers but the addiction was only off momentarily for hours. This evil spirit would always come back and dress him up on his and in a blink of an eye he would find himself dragged into one of the betting spots in his home town.
Like it is written in 1John 3:8 “…The reason why the son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s works.” Mr. Chekecan stood up for his freedom and came to True Vine Communion Ministries for All Nations, where he sought for the mercy and deliverance from the Lord. 
Faithful as the Lord to those in seek Him in truth and spirit, the delivering hand of the Lord through his servant Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso delivered Mr. Chekecan from the evil spirit of gambling. Mr. Chekecan beaming with smiles said that today he is able to provide for his family without any hustle because his money is now safe. As for gambling, it is now an ancient tale in his life!
John 8:36, “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” Glory and Honor goes back to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!


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