Tuesday 29 August 2017


“You are the one we’ve been waiting for -Holy Spirit…” in voices of adoration the believers worshiped with open hearts glorifying HE who is seated on the throne of mercy. Admist the spirit filled worship, Seer Abraham Richard Bisaso with prophetic strides took position at the pulpit and led the believers in the message of the day titled, “A complete prayer.

The first statements the Servant of God said to the congregation hit home for this generation of believers “Christians we are too good at praying but we are too poor at putting the prayers into action and this answers the question of why we pray so much and receive less.” With reference from the book of James 2:14-20, “What good is it, my brother and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them…” Breaking down the message for every believer to take a piece of this message, the prophet noted that the moment you begin prayer believing that Christ is listening to you the next step to take is sealing your prayer. 
Sealing a prayer is the action you take after your prayer, breaking it down further the servant of God citied the example of Abraham(Genesis 1-15) whenever the Lord spoke to him, he made a physical mark and that is what we his descendants should adopt.

He asserted that the moment you leave your prayer room put faith in action- give, sow, offer that sign of faith will never be forgotten by the Lord. After making a prayer, seal it with faith that is tangible noting that faith is the action we take out of our belief. The prophet emphasised again, “what completes prayer is giving, sowing and offering” citing more examples of men and women we love to read about-Hannah, Moses, Jacob  among others who sealed their prayers with offering, sowing and giving. Bringing the message to Christians of today, the servant of God said that we should emulate the examples of these great men and women of God.

There can never be breakthrough minus sowing, if you believe that God has had your request, do something for Him to prove that you believe. The issue is not the prayer  prayed, the issue is what we do after prayer; prosperity is not far away from us but lack of the spirit of knowledge is the stumbling block that hinders our receiving from God. Using an analogy to drive the message home, Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso said there can never be a roof without a foundation. As a take home note the servant of God noted that, your prayer will always remain open if you do not seal it up by giving; never be limited to give because it will limit your over flow from above. 
Summing up the teaching, the servant of God  advised the Christians, “whenever you hear from God, put a physical seal, whenever He looks down, He will look at your seal; you cannot entice God to touch your issues without giving.”

Dear reader, we believe that your faith has been polished with the message from the Lord. Remember all you have to do now is to take a step to seal your prayer just like Gideon did when he had an encounter with the angel of the Lord (Judges 6:16-19) the act he did was a seal( tangible faith). Wherever you are, join in this prayer moment.

Prayer: Lord give me the grace to always make a complete prayer. Amen



Three years with a job but nothing tangible to show that you have been working is definitely something to ponder about yet that was the life of Mr. Ssenono Robert.  A gentleman who deals in selling second hand home appliances that brings in a steady flow of income for some unknown reason he had no idea where his money would go, it would always slip through his hands like water whenever he got it. His situation was so bad to the extent that he did not even have an apartment he would call home; after work he would go to his “house” the store at his work place. 
Folks and family paused one similar question he always asked himself, “where does the salary go?” but the answer always remained a mystery to Mr. Ssenono. Slowly yet surely he was being written off as a failure by the residents of Katwe- a Kampala business center known  for  selling second hand products popularly known as the “black man’s city”  of Uganda. 
Indeed there is nothing as beautiful as God’s time; when Mr. Ssenono was on the verge of giving up on life, grace located him through a gentleman who advised him to attend the service at True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations- there he would find the solution for his “disappearing money.”
Like a man tired of his situation, Mr. Ssenono did not hesitate; he came for prayers seeking for financial freedom from the Lord.  The moment he had his encounter with the servant of God, the war was on between light and darkness;  in full spiritual combat Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso fought the  battle for Mr. Ssenono and victory was attained in the name of Jesus Christ like it is written 2Kings 6:16 “‘Don’t be afraid,’ the prophet answered. ‘Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.’” From the time of deliverance, Mr. Ssenono’s eyes and spirit were awakened and he started seeing that his money had value.

Within a period of three weeks Mr. Ssenono was able to shift from the work store to his own apartment without changing jobs and with the same steady flow of customers a clear sign that satan had been defeated from his finances.  As Apostle Paul reminds us in Ephesians 6:12, “For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the powers of the dark world…” Mr. Ssenono is now free from the evil spirit that had for long dominated his finances- he is now able to make sound financial decisions with boldness. Glory and honor go back to the commander of the heavenly armies- Christ Jesus.


Separated from her children for almost one year and a half Miss Onesta Keji from South Sudan could barely stand the emotional pain as a mother of seven including infants.  Being away from them was the hardest thing she had to undergo but she had to do it anyway because of her deteriorating health. Miss Keji was constantly having back pains and reached a point where she could not even bend- when she tried, she left behind a bucket of tears due to the tremendous pain she was feeling. 

At home roles were reserved, instead of looking after her children; the children started looking after her not until her first born child saved enough funds to bring her mother to Kampala Uganda for treatment. At Mengo hospital in Kampala, things took a twist for the worst; the doctors diagnosed her with lamber spondylosis and told her that she had to wear a coset for the rest of her life. Due to the space between the spinal cord and the waist, the doctors informed her that the coset would reduce the pain. Alas, earthly doctors had given verdict according to their expertise and knowledge but Miss Keji was not contented with it; she kept pleading with the Lord to perform a miracle in her life and her plea did not go unnoticed.

The same way angel Gabriel brought good news to Mary so it was with Miss Keji, a good Samaritan who saw the terrible condition she was in directed her to True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations and she came in faith fully aware that her time for healing had arrived. Like blind Bartimaeus who cried out, “Son of David have mercy on me” Miss Keji did not waste time, she cried out to the Lord and He was faithful to her.  At her encounter with the prophet, he revealed to her how her sickness all began, "Remember a dream you had, when you were running, and they were chasing you to kill you?" This is an evil spirit that wanted to kill you- that is why you are in this bondage" Miss Keji confirmed it all as true and using  His servant Abraham Richard Bisaso the Lord delivered Miss Keji from lamber spondylosis; a condition that was meant to stay for a lifetime. 
A delighted Miss Keji screaming, dancing, exercising and running around the pool of healing and deliverance threw away the coset saying, “I do not need this anymore, the Lord has done a miracle for me. The best doctor Christ Jesus has surely attended to me.” Miss Keji is now able to bend, jump, run without the help of the coset defying the medical reports.

Accompanying her to testify was the daughter Miss Kojo Jackline who affirmed that indeed her mother has been set free. In her words she said, “Thank you prophet of God for being a channel of hope in this world. My mother was a sorrowful woman from the time she was diagnosed with lamber spondylosis; she had to leave her children and come to Uganda, Kampala to get treatment- I really thank God that she is free right now! 
The fact that I can see her smiling and exercising is proof enough that God is surely alive and working for those who seek Him.” It cannot be doubted that the overall doctor is Christ Jesus. Glory and honor go back to the risen King. Thank you Jehovah-Raph! 

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