Monday 28 August 2017


Garbed with the grace and poise of the Holy Spirit, Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso lead the believers into the message of the day titled, “Love is the best prayer.” With reference from the book of Galatians 6:2-8, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ...” With the Holy Spirit insight he broke it down to our everyday lives and said that carrying each other’s burden is displaying love. When you display love to those who are suffering, crying, weak, oppressed then you are bringing out the true nature of God because God is love (1 John 4:8). He cautioned the believers that the love you display must exclusively glorify God that is when He will be pleased with your sacrifice and will reward you. The prophet of God said with clarity that you can never say you believe God if you don’t have love, a man with love can easily hear from God because where love is God resides.
With enthuse the Servant of God beckoned the believers that you can never challenge God if you do not have love. Citing Christ Jesus as the best example of love; the prophet noted that as a believer you must strive to emulate Him. Give what you value the most- life, family, marriage, health or children it will be in the safe hands of Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus came by love and on the cross He died because of love; it is by love that we came, it is by love that we must end. Displaying love is the only source of receiving from God; that which you call “small” invest it for heaven to receive the glory and you will witness the benefits.

To the congregation that was listening with keenness the servant of God asserted that true spiritual maturity is measured by love- the moment you endure pain because you love God then you are considered spiritually mature.Love is the greatest and highest of all spiritual gifts because love is the foundation of all spiritual gifts.Concluding the teaching, the prophet affirmed to believers that where there is no love, everything will be corrupted; this is because a heart that has no love for Christ is the devil’s playground. As a take home package; Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso stressed that the prayer that should be on your heart at all times is “Increase on my love O Lord.”

Dear reader, we believe this message has inspired you.As Apostle James (James 2:17) says that faith without actions is dead,arise and act now for love can never be expressed in talks but in deeds.

Prayer: Increase on my love O Lord!



For six years, Miss Nakitende Jennifer was facing financial limitation and she had failed to get a solution.  She narrated that even though she had a job, she was not paid on time and by the time her salary was due she would use it to clear the debts she had incurred. On realizing that her situation was not changing, Miss Jennifer quit her job and embarked on doing small time jobs as a marketing net worker in hope of getting a breakthrough but her plans were futile for the financial limitation only increased. Even in her hardships, Miss Jennifer did not stop trusting in the Lord, she believed that her time of breakthrough would come.

In the month of June 2017, her spirit directed her to attend service at True Vine Communion Ministries for all Nations, but she had no idea what was awaiting her. During her encounter with the prophet of God, the prophet revealed to her the source of her financial limitation, “Remember a brown bag! I see you losing a brown bag when you were staying with a friend and when that bag was stolen it was satan stealing your blessing.” Miss Jennifer confirmed it as true, she narrated that while she was staying with a friend she lost the bag but she did not put much thought in it thinking, it was a normal occurrence.
In addition to this, Miss Jennifer noted that at her former place of work, she had salary arrears for three months but the employer had failed to pay her even though he had the money. Prophet Abraham Richard prayed for her and by the grace of God broke every chain of financial limitation around Miss Jennifer. The spirit of the Lord further revealed to her, “I see you have not completed your course, when I say you have not completed your course I mean the job you are doing is not what you studied for.” Amazed at how the spirit had located her, Miss Jennifer confirmed the revelation as true. The prophet then instructed her to write an application letter to him applying for a job in regard to the course she had completed.

When Miss Jennifer followed this instruction, doors of breakthrough were opened, her former employer rang and requested her to pick come for her salary arrears; and by the grace of God he also connected her to a job which is in line with the course she studied- Bachelor of Business Economics. The company she works for is called Dragon Progress Holdings Limited an international company based in Hong Kong and has now opened a branch in Uganda. This job has come with a number of privileges that she only dreamt of- vacations twice a year to a pace of her own choice, health insurance, her own house amongst others. John 8:36, " So if the son sets you free, you are free indeed." Miss Jennifer has been freed totally from financial limitation as the new employer paid her salary of six months in advance."The God of Abraham Richard has really elevated me from one level to another, I am now paid in dollars, this is like  dream come true" a visibly excited Miss Jennifer confessed. Glory and honor go back to Christ Jesus the life changer.

Her advice to the world was from the book of Psalm 34: 5, “Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame”  I always keep waiting on the Lord and He did not forsake me- you too whatever situation you are going through just trust in the Lord because he is reliable, dependable and faithful.  Above all, God’s time is the best!


For a long time Miss Nakyejwe Hope lived in uncertainty at her work place. She narrated that all this started when the company she works for was accused of operating illegally however when it was acquitted from these charges the condition at her place of work got worse. Her employer informed her to stop coming every day for work, he would call her only when he needed her service. This new arrangement brought financial constricts in the life of Miss Hope who is a single mother; she failed to run the affairs of her home yet she had a “job.”
Her biggest challenge was rent arrears had accrued for two months and she was wondering what to do next as the landlord was bothering her.

As she was contemplating to leave her place of work, she remembered the words of Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso “Consult from the Lord before making any decision.”  When this statement resonated in her spirit, Miss Hope put faith in action and using the medium of the prayer request paper; she wrote a letter seeking for guidance from the Lord on the matters of her job. As the psalmist states in Psalms 107:20 “He sent forth his word and healed them…”
The Lord was faithful through His servant Abraham Richard Bisaso, Miss Hope got an answer straight from the throne of God. On Sunday 6th August 2017, during the deliverance session as multitudes were yearning for the touch from the Lord; the spirit of the Lord located Miss Hope and the prophet revealed to her, “You are free- Jesus has connected you.”

Within a few hours the spoken word given to Miss Hope brought forth results; one of the clients rang and requested for the services of Miss Hope specifically and from that job offer, she was able to get money and she cleared all her rent arrears. In addition to that, she was connected to another job at Anointed Home Appliances in Kampala city where she is currently working and is very comfortable plus her salary is very stable.
As the Lord revealed to her, “Jesus has connected you” Indeed Miss Hope has been connected to a job with better working conditions. Glory and honor goes back to the miracle worker Christ Jesus.

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