Sunday 9 July 2017


Proverbs 1:7 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.
As a continuation from the teaching  FEAR FOR GOD, Seer Abraham Richard Bisaso re introduced the message of the day titled FEAR FOR GOD 2.  The Servant of God assured the believers that fear for God is not about words, your actions will show whether you fear Him or not. When you fear wars, people, sickness and disease they will always drive you to the point of denouncing God.  Citing an example of Job, the prophet advised the believers to develop his character; when hit with challenges Job still believed in the God he feared. The Servant of God re- emphaised to the believers that what you fear is what you worship. Bringing more insight to the teaching Prophet Abraham Richard cautioned the believers that reading the Bible from morning to evening does not guarantee that you are a believer, when the situation hits you it will prove who you really are and where you belong.
Taking a walk in the book of Revelations 5: 1-5, “…And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming in a loud voice, ‘Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?...’” The Servant of God advised Christians to fear God and respect the Holy Spirit emphasizing that the fear of the Lord truly is the beginning of wisdom, knowledge, life and discipline. Where there is no fear for God there is pride and disrespect; Christians must stop taking Christ Jesus as a husband; instead give Him His due respect and honour. The servant of God emphaised every believer must mark what they speak, think and meditate on to avoid familiarity and nullifying the name of the Lord. Summing up the faith awakening message, the servant of God advised the believers to self examine themselves, how much they do fear God?  As a take home pack, the prophet said that a man who fears God will automatically receive favour before the Lord. 

Dear reader, we believe this message from the Lord is a pointer for self examination on your walk with Christ Jesus and will guide you back on the road of righteousness in the four corners of your life. Wherever you are, make this prayer in faith.

Prayer: Lord Holy Spirit take more of me and give me more of you. Teach me to fear you O Lord; Help me to get a heart that fears and has reverence for you. Amen


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