Tuesday 8 August 2017


Songs of worship and praise streamed from the temple of the Lord as believers worshiped the Holy One of Israel in His great splendour and authority. As the expectant crowd enjoyed and danced their way to deliverance, healing and breakthrough, Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso under the authority of his master Christ Jesus took position at the pulpit and led the believers into the message of the day “Seeking God” with reference from the book of Psalm 119:2-10, “Blessed are they who keep hi statues and seek with all their heart…”  Breaking down the scripture, the prophet asserted to the congregation that if you want to hear from the Lord about any issue, you must seek Him with all your heart and you will find Him as promised in Matthew 7:7.  

The Servant of God cautioned the congregation that when you are seeking God, you must be fully committed. When you go before the Lord, be very expectant because God cannot be corrupted; He is looking for those who are seeking him in truth and spirit (John 4:24). The prophet noted that a man seeking God with all his heart cannot easily be distracted by anything around him, his whole attention is on God- He is eager to hear from the Lord. 
God can never forsake such a man; citing an example of Daniel, prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso urged to the Christians of this generation to borrow a leaf from him because when he was in the den of lions his full attention was on God and he was delivered. Do not allow Satan to obstruct you, focus only on God no matter the situation before you. 
Always have self-control in every situation whether it is sickness, persecution, lack or joblessness ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with self-control because the more a given situation takes over your heart concentration will be in vain yet God speaks to a concentrated heart because it possess faith.

Going deeper in the message, the Servant of God noted that what is eating up this generation of believers is the fact that we are never sure of the Lord’s presence even when we are going into prayer and this is very dangerous.  Even if the Lord speaks to you about the situation you are going through, you can never hear Him because your heart is only focused on the situation; how big it is and how it is going to kill you. Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso advised the believers never to go into prayer when their hearts are not open to God because they will be giving satan dominion not only in their prayer but entire life and in the end cause you destruction.
Summing up the heart opening message the prophet emphasized to the congregation that the openness of your heart is the loudness of God’s voice in your heart. Therefore never complain that God does not speak to you; God knows your issue, the problem is your heart.

Child of God, we believe that you have been inspired by the message above. Whatever situation that you are going through, it is not too big for God to handle; today seek Him with all your heart and you will see results in Christ Jesus’ name.

Prayer: I seek you Lord with all my heart, intervene in my situation Iam focused on you alone; rescue me from this trap that Iam in. Speak to me, intervene Lord I need your attention, my heart is yours. Amen.


The Lord carried my Spirit and showed me what is going to happen next in Uganda. I was taken to Bombo road, I saw foot and track soldiers from Bombo, Nakasongola and other areas in large numbers heading to Kampala City.

My spirit was carried again to Kampala city and I had people lamenting “had we known, we would not have kept our money in the banks. Even those who had small amounts it was taken.” It was all over media houses a big statement in red saying-BREAKING NEWS! My advice to the believers- be careful how you make your financial moves; do not keep a lot of money in the bank let your money remain in circulation. Whatever that is coming to our Nation Uganda is not going to be caused by anyone it is God’s time.
 My spirit was carried to the parliament I met the speaker and I told her about the cause of her bad healthy saying “You cannot lead this country and you were supposed to be next. You will not last on the seat- you will be there for a short time.”

The Spirit of the Lord carried me yet again and I saw a hand in the National treasury pulling out every coin; when anything happens, it will remain empty and this will lead the country into a financial setback where the country will be in a turmoil fighting to recover financially. May God have mercy upon us.


The time is now; any moment something is breaking out. This is what I prophesied to the Sudanese and they joked with the word of God.

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