Tuesday 8 August 2017


The presence of the Lord hovered over His Holy temple as the choir led the believers into spirit filled worship and praise unto the Lord of lords and the King of kings. It is then that, Evangelist Tendo Esther under the instruction of her father in the Lord Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso took position at the pulpit and led the expectant congregation into the message of the day titled, “Giving restores our relationship with God.” 
With reference from the book of 1Peter 4:7-11, “…Above all, love each other deeply because love covers a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling…” Evangelist Tendo Esther filled with the confidence of the Holy Spirit assured the believers that the moment you put the words of Apostle Peter in practice, you become a true Christian. 
Breaking down who a true Christian is, the Evangelist said that you must be in possession of pure love- love that gives with no expectations. When you share with fellow men what you have, you will be granted forgiveness as the Apostle Peter affirms it that love covers over a multitude of sins.  She emphasised that the best love shown to mankind was when Christ Jesus gave His life for us (John 3:16) He did not spare anything. As Christians we should emulate our master Christ Jesus; we all follow and love Christ today because of the love He displayed to us.
Just like Apostle Peter the Evangelist appealed to the congregation- love each other and to give unconditionally .In relation to giving, the Evangelist paused questions to the believers- 
When Christ gives you, do you give him back?

When you give who takes the glory? When you have food, whom do you share with? She noted that many Christians today love harvesting want they did not sow,giving an analogy of the bank Evangelist Esther further paused another question; How do you go to the bank beaming with smiles to withdraw money that you did not deposit? Learn to give and build your relationship with God, if you do not give, you will never prosper.
Remember the miracle you got is what made you love Christ and therefore He expects you to love and give back because love involves two parties.

Believer remember God gave out his only son Christ Jesus because he loved you, we pray that this message draws you back to the greatest commandment-LOVE.

Prayer: Lord Holy Spirit fill help me to implement the message of true love to the world. Amen


In the year of 2016 Mrs. Jagwe Stella came before the Lord with one prayer request that was to have a child at the right time of God. When she had an encounter with Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso, he gave a word “Be like Hannah” when Mrs. Jagwe received this word she took it in faith. She remembered how Hannah had prayed earnestly to the Lord and the miracle she attained; Mrs. Jagwe followed suit and went into prayer immediately and the Lord was indeed faithful to her.
During her prayer time, she received a dream when she was pregnant with twins and she believed that the Lord had answered her prayer which was true.
A few months later, she found out that she was pregnant but this pregnancy was not an easy one. It was an uphill battle for Mrs. Jagwe as satan used all tricks to take away the miracle that Christ Jesus had given her.
During her first trimester, the hospital had become her new home for Mrs. Jagwe; whenever she ate anything she would immediately vomit it and the doctors started to feed her through drips in order to keep the mother and child both alive. In addition to this the doctors informed her that she had less blood in her body and an emergency blood transfusion was necessary.
When Mrs. Jagwe heard of this, she asked the Lord to save her and indeed He came to her rescue as it is written in Psalm 115:10-11, “ House of Aron, trust in the Lord- he is their help and shield…” she was surely rescued as she had in her custody heavenly water with the statement-BLOOD OF JESUS.
Upon taking it, Mrs. Jagwe started to regain her strength and she was discharged from the hospital. By the grace of God, she was able to carry the rest of the pregnancy and on 7th March 2017 she delivered a healthy baby boy.
Accompanying her to testify was the husband Mr. Jagwe who thanked the Lord for the new addition in the family. He noted that the pregnancy was not an easy one in the first trimester but by the grace of God his wife was able to give birth normally. We glorify the name of the Lord for this wonderful miracle.

Mr. Nyaga Joseph a Kenyan who carries out his business in South Sudan testified for the faithfulness of the God of Abraham Richard that he witnessed a fortnight ago. Mr. Nyaga a truck driver by occupation is sometimes required to make journeys at night which he successfully does.
However on 19th July 2017, it was a different story. As he was driving his truck in the late night from Kapweta to Juba; a known isolated high way, he was attacked by thieves. They shot at his track from behind and one of the bullets hit right through his shoulder and got stuck in the neck.
The moment Mr. Nyaga realized that he had been shot, his heart run to Christ Jesus to rescue him; he quickly reached for his mercy chain and made a prayer in faith saying, “God of Abraham Richard, I have been shot but I believe you are everywhere; please inform your servant about my current situation so that he can pray for me. Let this bleeding stop too. Amen.”

As it written in John 14:14,  “You may ask for anything in my name, and I will do it.” The word of God was perfected in His life, the bleeding ceased immediately and he was able to drive his truck for seven hours by the grace of God to a place where he could get help. Those who saw him were extremely shocked at how he managed to drive for seven hours and out run the thieves yet he had a bullet lodged in his body; they quickly rushed him to hospital for immediate help. 
On reaching the hospital, Mr. Nyaga was quickly rushed for an operation and the doctors who attended to him affirmed to him that he was a blessed man to be alive because the bullet had hit a very sensitive area and most people do not survive from such incidents. In his words Mr. Nyaga asserted, “I have seen the Lords faithfulness in my life.”Glory and honor go back to Christ Jesus the miracle worker.

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