Tuesday 4 October 2016


Sunday 2nd October was indeed a day for a man of faith; Songs of worship and praise filled the temple of the Lord from the choir and those who came in faith were surly left transformed. From the amazing praise and worship, the Servant of God took position at the pulpit and took a walk in the book of Psalm 75:1-2 where he reminded the congregation they must have a reason to thank the Lord. From the encouraging word, the Servant of God led the believer’s into the message of the day from the book of Numbers 22:1-12 titled, KEEP YOURSELF IN THE ATMOSPHERE OF THAT CALLING.

The Servant of God Abraham Richard with reference from verse 4-6 said that when the King realized that the Israelites were camping next to his people, he tried to become too wise and went to prophet Balaam to curse them and even sent him offerings as the custom is. Prophet Abraham Richard broke down the scripture explaining that the offering that King Balak sent was a sign of faith and recognition that he was going before God. Going deeper in the message he said that when the Moabite Princes arrived at the home of Prophet Balaam and he instructed them to spend the night in order to attain an answer and they did not object.

Abraham Richard advised that we Christians of today should behave in the same way; especially when we come to inquire from the Lord before his Servants the prophets. Abraham Richard emphasized that it’s of great importance to always stay in position. He explained further that when you inquire from the prophets, it is better to hang around for the answer because you never know when and how it will come but alerted that is not the case in this generation. We Christians come with our issues leave them with the Servants of God, run away from their presence and go elsewhere.

Bringing more insight to the faith enriching message the prophet said Christians should stop being church prostitutes because God cannot answer your prayer request when you are not certain of the medium of communication you have with Him. He advised the believers that if they want to get an answer from the Lord they must to keep themselves in the atmosphere of the calling they went to in the first place and wait on the Lord to answer just like the Moabite Princes.

Summing up the empowering message with emphasis on verse 12 the Servant of God reminded the congregation that it is all about how strong you are spiritually but not physically citing the example of Israelites; they were weak physically but spiritually they were a strong nation and are still.



Miss Twebaze Beatrice testified for the wonder worker- Jesus Christ. For sixty years, Miss Beatrice experienced extreme back ache that had hindered her from doing her daily chores as mother and grandmother. She would not cook, fetch water or walk with ease. She went to several different hospitals but doctors would not find any disease in her thus making treatment impossible. 
She accepted this issue as part of her life but only hoped that one day Christ Jesus would remember her and heal her. Whoever puts trust in the Lord shall not be put to shame; Christ Jesus brought healing closer to Miss Beatrice in the Christ Jesus conference in the month September after sixty years.

Miss Beatrice narrated that when she had about the power of the Lord that was being manifested through healing and deliverance through the Servant of God, Abraham Richard she believed her salvation had come. When the Servant of God prayed for her immediately she was able to do what she had longed to do all her life; she danced, bent and run to acknowledge what Christ Jesus had done for her. As the Psalmist in says 30:5 that sorrow may last a night but joy comes in the morning it’s unquestionable that her joy had come!

Glory and honour go back to the miracle worker- Jesus Christ. 

On 24th January 2016 the Servant of God under the guidance of the Holy Spirit revealed that “The LORD with His mercy and grace has spoken to my spirit through the Holy Spirit, to warn, guide and inspire His children for the coming season of the gospel and the world at large.” The Servant of God holding a document continued and said, “The Lord has spoken in three parts; to the children in the house, general congregation of followers and the doubting world.” To the children who are His Servants; the Prophets, Evangelists and Pastors; Prophet Abraham Richard said that they all have individual messages from their Master but he did not disclose the names for the sake of the believers’ faith.
Again on 2nd October 2016, under the instruction of the Lord, Prophet Abraham Richard came back with the same document and affirmed to the believers that whatever is happening to a number of Prophets, Evangelists and Pastors in this season was revealed by the Lord.  He read some names before the believers that they may not be surprised when anything happens but pray or rejoice with them. Some of the names included Abraham Richard, Mr. Emmanuel Agabula, Rev. Tony, Prophet Samuel Kakande, Prophet Bushiri, Pastor Muwanguzi Johnson, Brother Makabai Ronnie to mention but afew. 

Reader if you have been inspired by the teaching, testimony and prophecy, leave your comment here for the edification of faith. May the Lord Bless His word upon us.

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