Monday 10 October 2016


As the Psalmist puts it that one day in the presence of the Lord is better than a thousand in the King’s palace. True it is, those who came in the presence of the Lord could not have had it any other way as they sang songs of glorious praise and worship to the ancient of days.  Amidst the bliss of the presence of God, the Servant of God Abraham Richard took position and the pulpit and led the believers into the message of the day with reference from the book of Matthew 23:25-26 titled “SPIRITUAL AND PHYSICAL SINS.” 

Prophet Abraham Richard said that the Lord condemned the Pharisees for cleaning the outside while inside they were rotten. He said that these Pharisees were very good at being religious but they had no Christ in them; on the outside they looked very pure but their inner man was very rotten. The Servant of God Abraham Richard said that Christians of this generation are like the Pharisees; they focus on the physical sins than the spiritual sins that are committed all the time. 
Many Christians assess their righteousness basing on the physical sin that is I have not stolen, fornicated to mention afew but forget that the spiritual sin is big. Abraham Richard said that the greatest cause of spiritual sin is the desire to work towards pleasing those that are around you. He reminded the congregation that your inner man always listens to what God is saying other than what the world is shouting. The prophet advised the congregation to listen more to the inner man thereby working for what is invisible before men. The Servant of God said that it is better to look sick on the outside but when you are right with God.

Bringing more insight on this message, the Servant of God said that as long as you your heart doesn’t love God, it is rotten. He said that even if Christians work on appearance, God cannot and will never dwell in the body, He dwells in the heart therefore it is best to work on your soul and spirit. Going deeper in the message, the prophet noted that what is killing the Christian generation is pretence; working so hard on your outside appearance which the world sees. He reminded the believers that the Kingdom we represent is about the soul and the not flesh. Abraham Richard went farther and said that education, wealth, beauty, friends and family cannot take you to heaven but a heart that loves God will take you to heaven.

Summing up the spirit awakening message, the Servant of God Abraham Richard said that as a Christian your main focus must be working on your inner man citing King David as the best example; he sought after having his inner man purified regardless of what went on around him.


Brother Mbabazi Davis testified for the greatness of God. It is without doubt that the Christ Jesus Yes conference had come purposely for him. Brother Davis for eleven years had been constant pain in his chest. He narrated that in 2005 while he was carrying a sack of sorghum he fell down; the sack fell on top of him and that is the last he could remember. 
On waking up, he was told that his father had carried him home and that was the beginning of his problems. He went to several hospitals and even turned to herbalists for solutions but all was in vain until he had an encounter with Jesus Christ.
As it is written in Isaiah 53:5, " his wounds we are healed." Indeed Brother Davis was located by the grace of God. This scripture was brought to life once again proving yet again that it is through Jesus Christ that all deliverance and healing is found; while at the prayer line, the Servant of God asked him what had happened; as Brother Davis narrated his story of how he could not bend, do any heavy work or even exercise for eleven years the Servant of God told Brother Davis that you are healed. 
True and true the word of God was, Brother Davis in that moment was able to exercise something he last did eleven years ago. Glory and honour go back to the miracle worker- Jesus Christ.

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