Monday 26 September 2016


On Sunday 25th September 2016, the service at True Communion Ministries was Holy Ghost filled as the Servant of God led the house of believers into harmonious worship for the King of kings; songs of worship resonated in the temple as the servant of God took position at the pulpit and took a walk in the book of Psalm 115:1-4 and encouraged the believers that whatever situation they are facing; good or bad may the Lord God take the glory. From the word of faith; the Servant of God then led the believers into the message titled, “THE ATTITUDE OF A LITTLE CHILD!” with reference from Mark 10:13-15, “…I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”
The Servant of God breaking down this scripture said that unless believers attain pure love for Jesus Christ; the kingdom of God is very far away from them. The Servant of God continued and noted that when they brought the little children to Him, he did not consider their size or age because they had pure love for Him and that is why he told the disciples to let the children come to Him. Bringing more insight in the word of God, Abraham Richard the prophet said that the issue is not for a mature one to be young again but rather to have an attitude like that of a child.

The Servant of God said that when the little children were running to Him, they were seeing a Messiah, healer and deliverer and this is exactly what Christ expects of us. We are supposed to look at Him as our everything and have a pure love towards Him.  The Servant of God said that the cancer that is eating up Christians today is experience and maturity. Going deeper in the message the prophet said today Christians are defiled to the maximum through confusion, hatred, fights and revenge a true depiction of lack of pure love for Jesus Christ. Abraham Richard the prophet advised believers that even if you are a minister of God, your attitude should be like that of a child at all times.

Summing up the message; the final word of wisdom from the prophet to believers was that unless you receive Jesus Christ in love, you can never be in Him.


ANOTHER SPIRITUAL DEATH                                 
There is going to be another spiritual death. It will take a year plus. This is another spiritual death to another minister; we have another spiritual death coming! We need to pray as believers and ask God for mercy.


Sister Tumuhairwe Gladys testified for the greatness of Jesus Christ in the Christ Jesus Yes conference in Kabale. She narrated that she had a back pain since childhood; due to this condition bending became hard and lifting any heavy objects which had greatly disturbed her. As the Psalmist says in 107:19-20 that then they cried out to the Lord in the times of trouble and he saved them it certainly was with Sister Gladys; while on the prayer line she cried out to Jesus Christ to save her and He surely did not pass her. 

Using His servant Abraham Richard as a point of connection, the grace of Jesus Christ reached her and she was healed immediately. Sister Gladys was able to bend with ease and carry a twenty liter Jerry can that very moment; something she had not done since she could remember.
Surely those who wait on the Lord shall receive more than they can comprehend; Sister Gladys who earnestly yearned and waited for the Lord did not only receive healing but was among the privileged who received a message from the spirit of the Lord. The Prophet of the Lord Abraham Richard revealed, “Don’t worry, you grew up alone and in you there is a gap of loneliness and this has led to rejection. Christ loves you even if no one loves you. Today is your day. The past is gone and today is the beginning of your life.”
Upon receiving this message she confirmed that what the spirit of the Lord had revealed was very true, she grew up not knowing her mother and she is always rejected.
The revelation of the Servant of God that Jesus Christ loves her even if no one loves her was music to her ears. It is not debatable; what is written in John 15:26“…the spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify for me.” This revelation of the Spirit through the servant of God Abraham Richard confirmed it.
Glory and honour go back to the almighty God.

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